Archive for DVD

Maafa21 racism and abortion movie: the film Planned Parenthood does NOT want you to see !

Posted in Abortion, Alveda King, Black Babies, Black Genocide, Black History Month, Black Pastor, Clarence Gamble, Clenard Childress, compulsory birth control, Connie Eller, Davenport, Elaine Riddick, Ernst Rudin, Eugen Fischer, Eugenics, Evolution, Fairchild, Forced Sterilization, Frederick OSborn, Garrett Hardin, Ginsburg, Guttmacher, Harry Laughlin, Hilda Cornish, Hitler, holocaust, Jesse Jackson, Johnny Hunter, Joyce Tarnow, Leon Whitney, Life Dynamics, Lothrop Stoddard, Lyndon B Johnson, Maafa21, Madison Grant, Margaret Sanger, Mark Crutcher, Movies, NAACP, Nazi, Nobel Prize, North Carolina Eugenics, NSSM200, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Pastor Stephen Broden, Planned Parenthood, Poor woman, Population Control, pro-choice, Pro-Life, Quotes, Racism, Ravenholt, Religious Coalition of Reproductive Choice, Richard Nixon, Rockefeller, Roosevelt, RU-486, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Samuel Yette, Slavery, Sterilization, Sterilizing agents in Drinking Water, Sterilizing agents in water, Supreme Court, United Nations, Video, Walte Ashby, Warren Buffet, William Bouie Haden, William Shockley with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2010 by saynsumthn

They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.

But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America’s wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done.

What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don’t think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it’s happening right now.

It is called Maafa21, a Swahili word which means “A terrible tragedy” and used to define the time of the middle passage during the slave trade and “21st century” because it reveals the “Maafa” has not ended but is still being carried out today through abortion.

Maafa 21 shows the connection from slavery and eugenics to birth control, abortion and black genocide today and is routinely called “stunning,” “breathtaking,” and “jaw-dropping.” Many viewers have said they were left “speechless” by what they saw and several have told us that it filled them with anger. One African-American pastor and 1960’s civil rights activist said, “I had always been suspicious about some of this stuff, but this film connects the dots in a way I never really understood before.” Another described it as “lightening in a bottle” and said that for the first time in his life he has a tool to educate the African-American community about the abortion lobby’s real agenda.

Maafa21 proves with irrefutable documentation that abortion is simply an extension of racism and eugenics targeting blacks for centuries. After watching Maafa21, viewers often comment that it “connects the dots.”

Maafa 21 features noted African American leaders such as Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Pastors Johnny Hunter and Clenard Childress leaders of the nation’s largest African American pro-life organization LEARN, Dallas Pastor Stephen Broden and others. Maafa21 was the featured film in the March 2010 Jubilee Film Festival in Selma, Al. to commemorate the right to vote and remember the historic “Bloody Sunday” anniversary of the Bridge Crossing Civil Rights march from Selma-to-Montgomery In addition, Maafa21 was featured in the 2010 Real Life Film Festival in Sudbury, Ontario. Audiences across the United States are gathering for showings of Maafa21 in homes, churches, theaters, Universities, and community centers.

The 2.5 hours of stunning documentation included in Maafa21 was gathered from original transcripts, video, books, libraries, and the papers of the American Eugenics Society, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and many others. We encourage you to view Maafa21’s “credits section” to see just how credible the information presented in Maafa21 is.

Gripping Interview:

Don’t miss Maafa21’s emotional interview with an African American Woman
who was eugenically sterilized by the State of North Carolina’s Eugenics Board

The film is called Maafa 21 and it exposes a plan to create “racial purity” that began 150 years ago and is still being carried out right now.
It’s about the ties between the Nazis, the American eugenics movement and today’s “family planning” cartel.
It’s about elitism, secret agendas, treachery and corruption at the highest levels of political and corporate America.
Maafa 21 will show you things the media has been hiding and politicians don’t want you to know.
So if you’re ready to see the real agenda behind “choice,” fasten your seatbelts …

Sample quotes from the film:

Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided,there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg July 2009

Under the cover of an alleged campaign to ‘alleviate poverty,’ white supremacist Americans and their dupes are pushing an all-out drive to put rigid birth control measures into every black home. No such drive exists within the white American world.” Black Unity Party, 1968

I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years, is going to depend upon a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles, and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately, there should be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the government not feeding them.” Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, 1950