Archive for DVD

Pro-life Group targets the Planned Parenthood Pedophile Protection Racket with outreach to personal injury attorneys.

Posted in child predator, Planned Parenthood and Child Predators with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 23, 2013 by saynsumthn

Worst child sex abuse scandal in American history occurring inside abortion and Planned Parenthood facilities.

Life Dynamics Logo
Life Dynamics, Inc., located in Denton, Texas, has unveiled their national outreach to end the protection of child sexual predators inside American family planning and abortion clinics.

After more than 12-years of research, Life Dynamics, has documented that mandatory reporting statutes which require healthcare workers to report reasonable suspicions of child sexual abuse to the authorities are being ignored inside American abortion, Planned Parenthood and family planning centers.
According to Mark Crutcher, founder of Life Dynamics , “The abortion lobby is engaged in a pedophile protection racket and protecting pedophiles who rape underage girls. These abortion clinics receive money from the federal government. We are literally paying for the rape of our young daughters.”

Life Dynamics studied this issue by analyzing several hundred instances in which older men were convicted of sexual crimes against minor girls. In an alarming number of these cases, there was a point at which the victims were taken for birth control, pregnancy tests, STD treatments and abortions – usually by the perpetrator – with no mandatory reporting made by those who provided the service. In almost every case, the sexual abuse resumed afterward and, many times, it would go on for years.

“You have to remember what’s happening right there,” Crutcher said. “You have an adult in a state talking to what they perceived to be a 13-year-old child who was a victim of sexual abuse by an older man and telling that child to lie about his age in order to conceal the crime. If you’re a parent, especially if a father and you’re not outraged then you don’t have a pulse.”

Child Predator PressReleaseQuote

To test this further, Life Dynamics conducted an undercover investigation in which we called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across the nation. The results of this survey were appalling. Even though many of these clinics openly acknowledged to our caller that this situation was illegal and they were required to report it to the state, the overwhelming majority readily agreed to conceal this illegal activity.

“When we began to investigate we found it was even worse than we thought it was. Initially we thought perhaps the abortion clinics were only reporting half of the incidents, but instead we found that they were reporting hardly any of them,” said Crutcher.

To address the problem, Life Dynamics, Inc. has contacted over 53,000 personal injury attorneys to educate them about the pedophile protection racket being covered up inside these clinics.

Child Predator  DVD COVER

The DVD released to the legal community, begins, “ You are going to learn about an area of personal injury litigation that is enormous and growing daily. Make no mistake, what you are about to see could literally revolutionize your practice. It could also put you on the cutting edge of solving one of our nation’s most troubling – but most hidden – social problems.”


Crutcher explains, “Three things we point out in the DVD are that abortion, dissemination of birth control or treatment for STDs are all indications of sexual activity and when they are indicated, on its face that is evidence of child abuse and must be reported.

“Of those three activities, the smallest number is going to be abortions while the largest number is birth control. If you just look at abortion, which is the smallest number of the three, there are nearly 3,500 abortions done in America every single day. The abortion industry and government figures show 25 percent to 40 percent of abortions are done on minor girls. This is potentially of thousands of victims every single day just from abortions.

The response to the DVD has been tremendous so far.

In fact, many of the attorneys Life Dynamics contacted see the value in pursuing litigation against those who violate mandatory reporting laws.
“This is an outrage and what is going on here is absolute and utter scandal. If you simply look at the numbers on these things this is the largest criminal conspiracy in American history, ” Crutcher stated, “The phones are ringing off the hook.”

A Recent news article on the project describes the effort this way: “In what has been called the worst child sex abuse scandal in American history, the abortion industry could soon find itself beleaguered by multiple lawsuits from trial lawyers representing hundreds of thousands of victims of statutory rape.”

Another media report reads, “Life Dynamics is alerting attorneys that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers might be ripe for civil lawsuits.”

About Life Dynamics:

Mark Crutcher’s Bio

2002 Child Predator Investigation

Lawyers eyeing liability of abortion providers who don’t call police

Civil suits could take down abortion industry overnight –

For an interview call the office at (940) 380-8800