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Negro Project: abortions more among women of color and low-income women: Black Genocide?

Posted in Abortion, American Birth Control League, American Eugenics Society, Anti-abortion, birth control in water, Black Genocide, Black Panthers, Black Victims, Civil Rights, compulsory birth control, Elaine Riddick, Eugenics, Frederick OSborn, Guttmacher, Life Dynamics, Maafa21, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Population Control, pro-choice, Pro-Life, Racism, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 16, 2009 by saynsumthn

According to a 2008 report by Planned Parenthood’s research arm The Guttmacher Institute:

The rate of abortion in the United States is at its lowest level since 1974, having declined 33% from a peak of 29 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 in 1980 to 20 per 1,000 in 2004. However, this overall trend masks large disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy and abortion across demographic subgroups, according to Trends in the Characteristics of Women Obtaining Abortions, 1974 to 2004.

The analysis found positive trends, but highlights several issues of concern,” said Sharon Camp, Guttmacher Institute president and CEO. “Many Americans will welcome the news that there are fewer abortions, particularly among teens, and that a larger proportion of abortions are now happening very early in pregnancy. But at the same time, abortions are becoming more concentrated among women of color and low-income women. …”

Although abortion rates have declined among all racial and ethnic groups, large disparities persist, with Hispanic and black women obtaining abortions at rates three and five times higher, respectively, than non-Hispanic white women.

Abortions by Race and Ethnicity

In the early years of abortion data collection, women’s racial and ethnic classification was limited to “white” and “nonwhite,” with many Hispanic women categorized as “white.”* In the early 1970s, more than two-thirds of all women obtaining abortions were white (70%, not shown).

But beginning around 1980, the proportion of all abortions accounted for by nonwhite women began to increase steadily.

By 2004, 37% of abortions were obtained by black women,
34% by non-Hispanic white women,
22% by Hispanic women and
8% by women of races other than white and black

Of the racial and ethnic groups, non-Hispanic white women had the lowest abortion rate in 2004, 11 per 1,000.
Black women had the highest abortion rate.


Well – there you have it. The Guttmacher Institute was founded by former Planned Parenthood President Alan Guttmacher. Alan Guttmacher was also the former Vice -President of the American Eugenics Society.

Some accuse Planned Parenthood of deliberately trying to exterminate the Black Population by targeting African Americans.

Case in Point, I found this statement online:

Would you give money to the KKK? Why should any tax dollars go to an organization like Planned Parenthood whose founders were elitist eugenicists who wanted to eliminate entire groups of people? Planned Parenthood’s renowned founder, Margaret Sanger spoke to the KLAN and in Sanger’s own autobiography she openly admitted that she received an additional dozen invites from the Klan to speak with them.

Planned Parenthood icon, Margaret Sanger, had on her board Lothrop Stoddard an avowed racist whose books were used as text books by the Klan. Sanger not only founded Planned Parenthood, but was a card carrying member of the American Eugenics Society.

Alan Guttmacher, former Planned Parenthood Prez and (research arm of Planned Parenthood) was a Vice President of the American Eugenics Society.

In fact, many of Sanger’s board members were eugenic society members.

In fact, one of Planned Parenthood’s members was the former Arkansas Eugenics Society office under the direction of Mrs. Edward Cornish, also on the board.

It was the American Eugenics Society which influenced the Nazis under Hitler.

Margaret Sanger loved eugenics and the American Eugenics Society so much, that in her publications the Birth Control Review, she described a meeting with them to merge her publication with theirs.

That meeting was set-up by non other than Leon Whitney, a founder of the American Eugenics Society and a friend of the Planned Parenthood Founder who openly praised Hitler.

A recent Planned Parenthood President , Faye Wattleton, admitted on CNN that Planned Parenthood knowingly accepts money from racist people who want to see the black race eliminated all together. So why shouldn’t we protest them getting our tax dollars? We hate racism !

A new documentary on this subject attempts to sort all this out. It is called: Maafa21.