On abortion’s evil in the world: act as an “upstander” not “bystander”

By: Carole Novielli, editor Saynsumthn Blog!

“Feeling overwhelmed” those words were written on my Facebook status today.

Today was the 4th time the Center for Medical Progress released a horrifying under cover video exposing Planned Parenthood’s gruesome baby parts operation.

I watched the 11 minute video and on some level it was not a surprise.

On another level I was angered by the repeated way Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President and Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde described the babies before they are even dead as “specimens.”

Davita Ginde Planned Parenthood brain

I do not want to camp on the Mengele-like experiments that Planned Parenthood is doing in this post, plenty of others are doing that.

I want to focus on the baby – the human person- the infant whose body parts are more valuable to Planned Parenthood and their partner Stem Express than the whole intact, live child.

Aborted baby foot

As I have mentioned before, I have found and buried aborted babies. This video again struck my memory over that experience. I’ve been told that in some way, I was dealing with PTSD, similar to the way a first responder or a soldier might experience it when they see something so traumatic that the human mind wants to shut it out. I actually wrote a blog post on that very thing entitled: Pro-lifers: the forgotten first responders, which you can read here.

Holocaust SUrvivor

In 1945 Dallas Peyton, who was a member of the 70th Armored Infantry which helped liberate Jews inside the Nazi Dachau camp encountered survivors and evidence of atrocities had a similar experience and spoke about it in 2004:

    “Most of the things I saw were so horrible that they’ve been blocked mentally, I guess from self-preservation or something, that I don’t remember the details very much,” he said.

    “I remember a couple of scenes very vivid. One, when we were approaching, we saw a trainload of prisoners. Turned out they were not prisoners. It was a trainload of bodies that had been sent to Dachau from Buchenwald, I presume to be, to go through the furnaces, ovens, of Dachau. That’s a presumption. The other scene was in the camp grounds. I saw two of these living walking skeletons shuffling along toward each other. They got within a few yards of each other, stopped, stared at each other, and then they tried to run, and embraced. They were either related or very close friends, and until that moment neither knew the other was still alive. And yet they’d been in that same prison for who knows how long. Those two scenes I remember very vivid, but a lot of the others I don’t.”

As I reflect over the past few weeks I have begun to sense a frustration among my fellow pro-life friends, that in light of these Planned Parenthood videos, the reality of the defenseless unborn child in the womb is not being conveyed strongly enough. This is by no means the fault of the pro-life group releasing the videos, in fact, they are to be commended.

It is simple human nature that when you see your opponent on the defensive, exposed and vulnerable, that you would focus on that for a while. And, it is important to remember that these videos could lead to a criminal investigation and possible defunding of the abortion clinic chain.


But, regardless of the result, we are the only voice for the unborn child.

We MUST advocate for them.

In the words of Albert Einstein, The world is too dangerous to live in not because of the people who do evil- but because of the people who sit and let it happen.”

I recently visited the Holocaust Museum in Dallas, Texas.

On their website they state that: “Here we make UpStanders.”

The definition of an Upstander is shown below and reads, “A Person who stands up not a person who stands by.”


What the Nazis did in Germany was legal at that time.

“And it was a crime. A crime against humanity. Oh, you don’t forget this
,” the Holocaust Museum narrator continues.

A child heard in the promotional video says that before she went to the museum she had no idea that 1.5 million children had been murdered by the Nazis.

“We did not know. We were not there. You were there and you do know,” the child’s voice continues.

“I learned to stand up even when no one else is, because I learned that one person can make a difference,” a 9th grade museum visitor wrote.

You have opened my eyes,” wrote another student.

Ginde stomach heart kidney

Today, America is saying the same thing.

We did not know.

I’m shocked!

You did not know?

What did you think happened inside an abortion or Planned Parenthood facility?

The sanitized word abortion is as much a clinical term to the baby as the word “specimen” is. It does not paint the reality of the situation that it is the merciless execution of a human baby for profit.

To me, the CMP videos play an important role, in that, they are opening up to the American people the true and gruesome image of what abortion really is.

In the past, we have seen the still photos of the abortion victims. But, this week we peered into the death chamber’s back room where the “abortion hyenas” pick through the broken and bloodied remains of innocent children to see how they can enhance their pocket book even further. And we see it in video. We hear the callous references.

It is very disturbing!

Planned Parenthood path lab aborted baby

For those who looked, Kudos, for many who won’t I get it. The images are horrible. For the ones who have no idea, it is probably because the media is, after 42 years of legalized abortion, censoring their images again.

But, this is not a car wreck. It is not a drive by where you slow down – look out your window to see as much as you can while a police officer waives you by, thinking “how tragic” as you drive off. This is a murder and you are an eye witness. Everyday that abortion happens in our nation, in your city, your neighborhood near your church, you are affected.

That baby is the victim – that child is innocent!

But- what are we?

Are we to walk by like nothing is happening? To turn on the TV – go to our churches, clubs, movies and shopping malls with no outrage? Sadly, that has been the reaction all too often.

Last month, I posted a video of an experiment called The Bystander Effect.

It was conducted as a result of the 1964 murder of a young woman by the name of “Kitty Genovese” who was stabbed to death outside her home in Queens, New York.

Kitty Genovese Bystander

Kitty’s neighbors heard her desperate screams for help, yet no one called the police until it was too late and Kitty was dead. The event shocked the city and the nation, and became the impetus for research on the psychological phenomenon that became known as the “Bystander Effect” by psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané.

It’s not enough to feel outraged you have to also be outraged. You must be motivated to work legally to end the slaughter for so many are apathetic at best and out-right pro-abortion at worst.


Kelli over at Live Action News today showed the contrast between the reaction to unborn babies being sold for body parts and the recent tragic shooting of a 13-year-old Lion named Cecil.

    “…while Jimmy Kimmel and the rest of the world grieve over the death of a single lion, they also turn a blind eye to the story of children senselessly slaughtered – and sold for parts – by Planned Parenthood. Some – like Kimmel’s ex-girlfriend, for instance – go beyond turning a blind eye, instead expressing support for making good use of those fetal organs. For science, you know,” Kelli wrote.

She continued, “But the truth is, what we don’t want to see, we won’t see. We will cover our eyes and yell “fake!” because dead children just hit too close to home, and we’re far too culpable.”

Dallas Holocaust Museum

During my trip to the Dallas Holocaust Museum, I was moved to tears by what I saw.

They displayed artifacts from Jews who were taken to various Nazi concentration camps where their Bodies were stripped of all humanity. The Nazi’s took their teeth, their clothes, possessions and anything they saw as “valuable” leaving only their naked bodies to be worked, beaten, starved and in most cases murdered.

In the museum there was a wall displaying news articles of that era and I was struck by the words I read.

Holocaust Action not pity

A petition published in the New York Times from May 1943 asked:

    “when will the UN establish an agency to deal with the problem of Hitlers extermination of a whole people?”

Holocaust NYT articles (Image Credit)

A voice of Christendom petition published February 26, 1943 also caught my attention and read in part:

    It is not enough to indict and name the murderers. It is time for America and the United Nations to act!

    Every hour sees the murder of more thousands…

    How well are you sleeping ? Is there something you could have done to save millions of innocent people-Men, women and children from torture and death?

Another image captures the true spirit in a powerful quote:

    It reads:

    “Though it be to die we will fight. We will fight not for ourselves but for future generations. Although we will not survive to see it, our murderers will pay for their crimes after we are gone. Our deeds will live forever.”

This photo of Dallas Holocaust Museum is courtesy of TripAdvisor

In 2012, Holocaust Survivor Max Glauben received German records from his time in the concentration camp labeled “konzentrationslager.”

His arm still bears the tattoo KL.

As he glanced at the documents, he made a stunning observation, “For the whole duration, I thought I was a nobody. But evidently, some of us were somebody — because look at the records they kept,” he said.

One day history will say the same about these babies labeled as “products of conception” as their organs are deemed valuable enough to document and haggle over.

The Holocaust survivor once told a group of school children, “If you listen to a witness, you become a witness,” he said.

In recounting his life’s story, Glauben spoke about his life’s overall lesson.

KL Holocaust Survivor UpSTander(Image Credit)

As I near the end of this post, I ask that you ponder his words:

    Always deliver your best work; never give up; and act as an “upstander,” not a “bystander,” if you witness evil in the world.

My thoughts after first vids:
When it comes to Planned Parenthood’s ghoulish crimes, are we all guilty?

My thoughts after video #5:
History repeats itself in “Backing Planned Parenthood”

4 Responses to “On abortion’s evil in the world: act as an “upstander” not “bystander””

  1. ExposeSexEdNow Says:

    Reblogged this on Expose Sex Ed Now!.

  2. […] as I asked in a previous Op-Ed, exactly what did America think abortion […]

  3. […] My thoughts after video #4: On abortion’s evil in the world: act as an “upstander” not “bystander” […]

  4. […] have written my views of previous CMP vids here, here, and here where I address the hypocrisy of outrage over taking the baby parts rather than the […]

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