Eugenics, Population Control and Racism- Inside Numbers USA, Roy Beck, FAIR, John Tanton, Pioneer Fund, and Planned Parenthood

Written and researched by: Carole Novielli

It is often difficult to swallow facts, when your political positions are keeping you from seeing clearly. The truth is that many Conservatives who typically are pro-life, are locking arms with pro-abortion Anti-Immigration Organizations. Immigration may be a sound political policy to debate, but we MUST be careful we do not grow what we typically view as a population control and eugenics mentality.

What I would like to do, is offer a small bit of research on organizations like: Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR),The Pioneer Fund, Numbers USA, and Planned Parenthood – showing you connections they all have in common.

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

If you take a simple look at their history and their website you will note that many on FAIR’s board are former Planned Parenthood members and leaders, abortion clinic workers, and Zero Population Control Activists ! Just Google John Tanton– FAIR’S founder and see his links to Planned Parenthood in Michigan- In Fact, FAIR’s board member, Sarah G. Epstein, now serves on Planned Parenthood’s board in Washington. Epstein also serves on the Pathfinder International board founded by eugenics financeer, Clarence Gamble. In fact, Epstein is the daughter of Gamble, and as she serves on Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR’s) Board : According to the North Carolina Winston-Salem Journal, “Gamble helped found the Human Betterment League of North Carolina in 1947 to promote eugenic sterilization, and Journal research shows a long history of abuses in the N.C. sterilization program – abuses that Gamble consistently glossed over..” One major eugenics promoter which Gamble linked up with was Margaret Sanger.

In 1939, Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger , and member of the American Eugenics Society, began The Negro Project. The Negro Project was but a precursor to what eugenicists wanted to implement on a much larger scale, by convincing leaders in the African American Community to support Planned Parenthood under the guise of “helping the black man.”

“The main objectives of the [proposed] Population Congress is to…apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

– Margaret Sanger, “Plan for Peace”, 1932 Senate hearings

Read what Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, wrote in a letter to Pathfinder Founder, Clarence Gamble ,

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. The minister’s work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation [of Eugenicists] as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Clarence Gamble, mentioned above funded the North Carolina Eugenics Society. Click Here : Clarence Gamble. Gamble also supported Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Movement. Sanger and many of her board members and presidents were members of the American Eugenics Society.

Listen to what the State of North Carolina’s Eugenic Board (Funded by Sanger supporter- Clarence Gamble) did to this “African American woman” : Elaine Riddick
( Interview From the film: Maafa21)

Back to Pathfinder
Pathfinder International is currently run by board members who are supporters of Planned Parenthood, doctors for Planned Parenthood, or are Board members of Planned Parenthood, and other population control organizations. In May of 2010, Pathfinder International , which Epstein served with and also issued The Memorandum of Understanding with International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). According to a press release, the MOU establishes a jointly agreed framework for continued collaboration between the two organizations. The documents reads in part, “IPPF and Pathfinder share a common commitment to improve the lives and promote the reproductive health and rights of individuals and couples. Together, Pathfinder and IPPF have entered into this agreement to facilitate deeper collaboration to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights globally…” Reproductive Rights is code for abortion on demand !

IPPF stands for “International Planned Parenthood Federation” , so you can see that on top of the eugenics founding of both Pathfinder and Planned Parenthood- they have agreed to work together because their goals are the same.

Back to FAIR:

Also on FAIR’s board is Joyce Tarnow a former Abortion Clinic Owner from Florida – currently on FAIR’s National Board of Advisers . Tarnow, who recently retired from her abortion business to work in anti-immigration work full time, has made stunning comments about Haiti in the past and recently reinforced her outrageous point of view after the earthquake . Read her views of Haitians here: Florida abortionist on Haiti, “Stew in your own juices” More on Tarnow’s Darwinian beliefs in an interview from the film: Maafa21 clipped below:

Also Read: Former abortionist about helping Haiti, “Give them all the help they need, but don’t bring them to this country.”

And Read: Florida abortionist on Haiti, “Stew in your own juices”

FAIR’s Founder: John Tanton-“Population Control” motive for “Immigration” work

Original FAIR BOARD ow scrubbed

In 1975: John Tanton the founder of FAIR wrote The Case for Passive Eugenics You can read that here

In These Times reporter CHRISTOPHER HAYES, writes that as early as the ’50s, Tanton ( FAIR’s founder) avidly read reports from the Population Reference Bureau and by the time long time population control advocate: Paul Ehrlich’s book “The Population Bomb” was published, Tanton and his wife, Mary Lou had already started work on the first Northern Michigan chapter of Planned Parenthood. “I believed in the multiplication tables,” says Tanton. “Since I was a physician and could do something about birth control, it struck me that this was where I could make my contribution to the conservation movement.”

Some history on Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion chain of clinics and they are well funded by many population control and eugenics organizations , including our own federal government. Planned Parenthood sets up their abortion centers primarily in immigrant and minority neighborhoods, making sure from the inside of the USA that the numbers of minorities are kept down. This is called “Negative Eugenics” and Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger wrote quote substantially about this in her publication, the Birth Control Review. She also allowed many racist and eugenic writers to be published there. One such writer and Board member of Sanger’s American Birth Control League (later renamed Planned Parenthood) was Lothrop Stoddard, often quoted by the KLAN.
Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger was a featured speaker for the KLAN. Sanger admitted in her autobiography that she was invited at LEAST a dozen times to speak to the KLAN and now Planned Parenthood’s highest award is named in Sanger’s honor. The KLAN, last I heard was a “RACIST” Organization, yet no one condemns Sanger including Planned Parenthood. Sanger and many of Planned Parenthood’s founding board members were also card carrying members of the racist American Eugenics Society ! Margaret Sanger believed in EUGENICS and founded Planned Parenthood based on that belief ! For details on Sanger’s racism and factual information on how Planned Parenthood has taken racist donations, watch the film mentioned above: Maafa21 (

Pioneer Fund:
Pioneer Fund’s eugenic roots also connect to Planned Parenthood. In Fact, most of the “Founders” of Pioneer Fund also worked closely with Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger. Harry Laughlin and Frederick Osborn , both founders of Pioneer Fund were members of the American Eugenics Society and members of Sanger’s American Birth Control League which changed it’s name to Planned Parenthood, they also wrote regularly in Sanger’s Birth Control Review. Laughlin and Osborn also signed Sanger’s “Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood” published in her review in April of 1938.

According to Truman State University , Laughlin was placed in charge of the Eugenics Record Office of the Department of Genetics of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D. C., from its origin in 1910 until 1921 and director from 1921 until 1940. Dr Laughlin served as the eugenics expert for the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, U. S. House of Representatives from 1921 to 1931; the Eugenics Associate to the Municipal Court at Chicago, 1921 to 1930; the U. S. immigration agent to Europe for the Department of Labor from 1923 to 1924; and was a member of the permanent Immigration Commission of the International Labor Office of the League of Nations in 1925.

He also was a member of the Galton Society, the Eugenics Research Association, the American Society of International Law, the American Statistical Associate, president of the American Eugenics Society 1927-28, associate editor of the Eugenical News from 1916 to 1939, secretary of the Third International Congress of Eugenics in 1932, and president of the Pioneer Fund, Incorporated, from its origin until 1941.

Laughlin published numerous articles and books on eugenics, eugenical sterilization, immigration, genetics, and various phases of inheritance including racing capacity in thoroughbred horses. It is his work on eugenical sterilization and immigration restriction for which he is best known. Laughlin’s Eugenical Sterilization in the United States established him as an “expert” on the topic. His model sterilization laws were used by many of the more than 30 states that passed eugenics sterilization laws. Germany’s 1933 sterilization laws were also modeled after Laughlin’s. Laughlin’s immigration studies, which seemed to support the idea that recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe had a higher percentage of “socially inadequate” persons than other immigrants, led to the highly restrictive immigration quota system of 1924 which favored immigrants from Northern Europe.

Some history about how Laughlin influenced the 1924 Immigration Act:
According to Paul Lombardo, University of Virginia
In 1911, Immigration Restriction League President Prescott Hall asked his former Harvard classmate Charles Davenport of the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) for assistance to influence Congressional debate on immigration. Davenport recommended a survey to determine the national origins of “hereditary defectives” in American prisons, mental hospitals and other charitable institutions. Davenport appointed ERO colleague Harry Laughlin to manage the research program.

The Public Health Service (PHS), whose duties included performing medical inspections of disembarking passengers at Ellis Island, also adopted eugenic arguments to help stem the flood of “inferior stock” represented by the new immigrants. Beginning in 1914, the Surgeon General and a number of senior officers in the PHS became publicly aligned with the eugenics movement. They took prominent roles in eugenic organizations and published articles to support the eugenicists’ position in the immigration restriction debate. The key role of PHS physicians as medical guardians of U.S. ports – particularly at Ellis Island – gave the PHS additional credibility.

Without specific support from eugenicists, by 1917, Congress had expanded the legal definition of those “likely to become a public charge” to include: “all idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons…,” “persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority…, and” “mentally or physically defective..,” Later involvement of eugenicists further broadened that definition by specifying the immigrant groups most likely to represent what Laughlin called the “socially inadequate.”

In 1920, Laughlin appeared before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Using data for the U.S. Census Bureau and a survey of the number of foreign-born persons in jails, prisons and reformatories, he argued that the “American” gene pool was being polluted by a rising tide of intellectually and morally defective immigrants – primarily from eastern and southern Europe. Sympathetic to Laughlin’s message, Committee Chairman Albert Johnson of Washington State appointed Laughlin as “expert eugenics agent.”

In this capacity, Laughlin conducted research from 1921 to 1931. He took a fact-finding trip to Europe, used free postage to conduct large-scale surveys of charitable institutions and mental hospitals, and had his results published by the Government Printing Office. His research culminated in his 1924 testimony to Congress in support of a eugenically-crafted immigration restriction bill. The Eugenics Research Association displayed a chart beneath the Rotunda of the Capitol building in Washington showing the cost to taxpayers of supporting Laughlin’s “social inadequates.”

The resulting law, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, was designed consciously to halt the immigration of supposedly “dysgenic” Italians and eastern European Jews, whose numbers had mushroomed during the period from 1900 to 1920. The method was simply to scale the number of immigrants from each country in proportion to their percentage of the U.S. population in the 1890 census – when northern and western Europeans were the dominant immigrants. Under the new law, the quota of southern and eastern Europeans was reduced from 45% to 15%. The 1924 Act ended the greatest era of immigration in U.S. history.

Upon signing the Act, President Calvin Coolidge commented, “America must remain American.” This phrase would become the rallying cry of anti-immigration sentiment until after World War II. The eugenic intent of the 1924 law and the quota system it established remained in place until they were repealed by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Numbers USA , founder Roy Beck, and their ties to John Tanton/Planned Parenthood

Groups like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and its research arm, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), are the inheritors of the Progressive Movement’s anti-immigration mantle. John Tanton, who founded FAIR, CIS, Numbers USA and a plethora of other anti-immigration groups, is a self-described progressive who first became involved in public policy issues in the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood, later becoming president of Zero Population Growth. John Tanton mentored Roy Beck , who then founded Numbers USA with Tanton’s help.


From the website of Numbers USA: Roy Beck Founder of Numbers USA

Roy H. Beck is the Executive Director and President of NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation. One of the nation’s first environment-beat newspaper reporters in the 1960s and a journalist for more than 25 years, Mr. Beck became a full-time policy analyst of immigration and U.S. population issues in 1991. He has written four books on immigration, environment and the U.S. labor market, and on ethics, religion and public policy. He is co-author of numerous studies of sprawl and has been published in scores of magazines, academic journals and newspapers. He founded NumbersUSA in 1996. Mr. Beck has annually led teenagers on Habitat for Humanity work trips since 1990, is an enthusiastic guitarist, and has served in nearly all capacities of leadership at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, Arlington, Virginia.

Numbers USA – Founding Board Member with Ties to Planned Parenthood
Don Weeden is the Executive Director of the Weeden Foundation which supports a wide range of programs that aim to preserve biodiversity, nationally and internationally. Prior to taking that, Don had a nearly 25-year career in the international population and economic development field, serving in various field and management positions for Columbia University, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and other non-governmental organizations devoted to increasing access to family planning services. He is a specialist on South and Southeast Asian population issues, where he lived and worked for nearly 20 years. He has also worked in Mexico, Eastern Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Don has a Masters in Population Planning (Public Health) from the University of Michigan.


Roy Beck’s ties to Tanton and Tanton-founded anti-immigration groups go back at least to 1991. Tanton hired Beck as a consultant “because of his unique background in environmental reporting, and his understanding of the immigration issue,” Tanton wrote in a 1997 memo. At least through the summer 2000 issue, Beck served as editor of John Tanton’s The Social Contract. (SOURCE: )

In 1985 – this Tanton letter makes it clear that Tanton wanted to couch his population control agenda under different terms such as the Center for Immigration Studies working together:
Tanton write, “After careful and prolonged study, the FAIR Board has concluded that a “Think Tank” on the scale of Worldwatch Institute is n eeded. For credibility. “This will need to be independent of FAIR, though the Center for Immigration , as we’re calling it as we’ re calling it , is starting off as a project of FAIR. A grant from the Wood Prince Foundation of Chicago under wrote our study. and provided for hiring an initial director, now accomplished.

John Tanton – Is Chairman of the US “Umbrella Foundation” – You will see that NUMBERS USA comes under that Umbrella: Here

In this 2001, John Tanton Letter, Tanton clearly shows how he and Roy Beck are connected-
Tanton writes, “Roy Beck and I think we have come up with an idea that can actually move the battle lines on the immigration question in our favor. While we are working on other ideas to move Democrats, this one involves using the recently released census data to show Republican members of Congress, the Administration, and the party’s leadership how
massive immigration imperils their political future. The goal is to change Republicans’ perception of immigration so that when they encounter the word “immigrant,” their reaction is “Democrat.” …Our plan is to hire a lobbyist who will carry the following message to Republicans on
Capitol Hill and to business leaders: Continued massive immigration will soon cost you political control of the White House and Congress.”

Another organization investigating the racist connections of John Tanton and FAIR is: The Southern Poverty Law Center, who nail it when they write about John Tanton’s racism – but consistently refuse to mention the clear connections of John Tanton, Pioneer Fund, Numbers USA to Planned Parenthood. Why would this be? Because SPLA is well connected to the ACLU and the abortion lobby. So – you can see they also have an agenda which keeps them muzzled on showing the entire truth here – despite the fact that the documentary Maafa21 shows clearly that Planned Parenthood is promoting Black Genocide.

SPLC Writes, “FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the “puppeteer” of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots. As the first article in this report shows, Tanton has for decades been at the heart of the white nationalist scene. He has met with leading white supremacists, promoted anti-Semitic ideas, and associated closely with the leaders of a eugenicist foundation once described by a leading newspaper as a “neo-Nazi organization.” He has made a series of racist statements about Latinos and worried that they were outbreeding whites. At one point, he wrote candidly that to maintain American culture, “a European-American majority” is required.
FAIR, which Tanton founded and where he remains on the board, has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Among the reasons are its acceptance of $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund, a group founded to promote the genes of white colonials that funds studies of race, intelligence and genetics. FAIR has also hired as key officials men who also joined white supremacist groups. It has board members who regularly write for hate publications. It promotes racist conspiracy theories about Latinos. And it has produced television programming featuring white nationalists.”

The fact that Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger also met with White Nationalists like Stoddard and the KKK failed to make SPLC’s report.

Roy Beck ( And John Tanton ) have both stated that they were frustrated that groups Like Planned Parenthood because they did not believe that Planned Parenthood went far enough. Tanton said this was the reason he started another pro-abortion pro-population control group: Zero Population Growth (ZPG). Hayes again states that, in 1969, Tanton started and chaired the population committee of his local Sierra Club chapter, and when Ehrlich and like-minded environmentalists founded the advocacy group Zero Population Growth (ZPG), he became one of its most active members, rising to its presidency in 1975. By then, the birthrate for Americans had declined below the replacement rate, but the American population was projected to keep growing. Tanton settled on the culprit: immigration.

Writing with Leon Kolankiewicz, in a piece entitled: The Environmental Movement’s Retreat from Advocating, Roy Beck Founder of Numbers USA writes:

Roy Beck
By the 1990s, for example, Planned Parenthood no longer played any role in advocating for U.S. population stabilization to protect the environment. Its focus had narrowed to making sure that women had full access to the whole range of options concerning fertility and births. That had always been a primary mission of Planned Parenthood, but one of the major purposes of empowering women had once been to reduce U.S. population growth.

And speaking of the pro-abortion group Zero Population Growth, founded in 1968 by Professor Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, here is ZPG ( Zero Population Growth) Linking to Numbers USA :

Note: They also link to Alan Guttmacher, Teen Wire a Planned Parenthood Website, California’s for Population Stabilization (CAPS) another Planned Parenthood filled Immigration Org, and the United Nation;s Population Fund


Among some conservatives- these are Listed as “Supporters” of Numbers USA:

Gaylord Nelson, former Senator (D-WI), co-founder of Earth Day (deceased)

David Brower, former executive director, Sierra Club (Deceased)
Sierra Club
Dave Brower, 1966 executive director
Numbers USA, Role of U.S. population stabilization at the beginning of the modern environmental movement Population Issues and the 1970-Era Environmental Movement
Quote: “We feel you don’t have a conservation policy unless you have a population policy, ” said Dave Brower, 1966 executive director.

From Numbers USA:
Third World Growth — California Style
Fast Facts on U.S./CA Population
Almost 60% of all pregnancies in the US are unintended. Better access to family planning, including contraception, is necessary so that women can choose the size of their families and delay pregnancy.
The teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. is twice that of any other industrialized nation and most of these are unintended. 85% of health insurance plans cover abortions and sterilizations, but only 15% of these cover all 5 FDA-approved reversible methods of contraception. The cost of providing coverage for contraceptive drugs is $1.25 per month per employee, although the out-of-pocket expense to an uncovered employee is $25- $50 a month.
92% of California’s population growth during the past decade was due to mass immigration (immigrants plus births to immigrants here). This state receives 40% of all immigrants to the U.S.
The U.S. now accepts over 1 million legal immigrants per year which is almost 5 times its traditional level. Illegal immigration is soaring to almost 800,000 per year.
In just fifty years the U.S. population will be almost a half billion (almost double) with 90 percent due to mass immigration since 1970.

NumbersUSA attacks Senator Cornyn!

According to Texas GOP Vote:
It doesn’t take much for anti-immigration group NumbersUSA to get their knickers in a twist. When they got word that Texas Senator John Cornyn (who has a lifetime American Conservative Union rating of 92.00) was attending Thursday’s White House meeting on immigration reform, Roy Beck with Numbers USA fired off an angry blast email calling on recipients to jam the Senator’s office phone lines….
Check out Roy Beck’s famed “gumball” presentation! In it he also makes it clear that he is OK with U.S. support for “family planning” (i.e., abortion) to reduce population growth in third world countries. I am sure Planned Parenthood agrees. It is a real shame that the views pushed by Beck and his group have been accepted by so many in the GOP. Are his principles really consistent with conservative Texas GOP principles?
Beck’s email also warns Cornyn against committing “political suicide.” Folks, take a look at this report and tell me who is committing political suicide. 2008 provided a great test case for the “enforcement only” proponents, here are some highlights:

Racism is an issue with these Immigration Organizations- and most of the ones I quoted are also connected to Planned Parenthood. Watch
Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America (Clip Below) to learn much more about Planned Parenthood’s connections to Eugenics and racism:

Another organization with leadership in Planned Parenthood is PFIR, Progressives for Immigration Reform. PFIR’s President and Chair, William N. Ryerson, is the Founder and President of Population Media Center. Before founding Population Media Center, he served as Director of the Population Institute’s Youth and Student Division, Development Director of Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania, Associate Director of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, and Executive Vice President of Population Communications International.

Ryerson also has connections to another anti-immigration organization called: Californians for Population Stabilization or (CAPS). In addition to his connections to Planned Parenthood, CAPS’ 2009 annual report mentions a Board Member, Executive-at-Large:

Henry Mayer,M.D. a was a practicing physician and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Stanford University’s Medical School. He also
served on the board of directors of San Mateo County Planned Parenthood
and produced the documentary film which focused on eugenic sterilization, called “Tomorrow’s Children.”



For more reading: An Interesting Article:
Guilt by association: the most influential anti-immigration network in America tries to convert liberals to its cause.
By Weisberg, Jessica Publication: The American Prospect
Date: Tuesday, June 1 2010

Who is John Tanton and Why Should You Care? Just Ask Joyce Tarnow.
By Gail Shepherd, Thursday, May. 20 2010 @ 4:01PM

Joyce Tarnow (hearts) John Tanton
John Tanton’s name is getting a lot of play. Depending on who you talk to, Tanton is either a raging pro-eugenics racist with a deep-seated animosity toward brown people — or — a beaming, professorial Renaissance man with an insatiable curiosity and an infallible moral compass.

Why should you care? Because Tanton founded the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and now sits on its board. We’ve referenced him in a couple of blog posts recently. A lot of people have FAIR, and Tanton, on the brain because of developments on the fronts of immigration, population control, and Amendment 4, the “slow growth” amendment to the Florida Constitution that we’ll all be voting on in November.

Just about anybody involved in either immigration control or reform has ties to, or opinions about, FAIR. The organization is said to be behind the recent Arizona Senate Bill 1070, for example. Lake Worth City Commissioner Scott Maxwell, who is staunchly in favor of strict immigration control, is a FAIR supporter. As is Lesley Blackner, the Palm Beach Attorney who started the Hometown Democracy movement that resulted in getting Amendment 4 on this year’s ballot. Whether you’re an environmentalist, a slow-growth advocate, a white nationalist, an immigration reformer, or a women’s reproductive rights activist, the road you’re marching will eventually lead you back to John Tanton. The Southern Poverty Law Center published an inflammatory report late last year labeling FAIR a “hate group” based in large part on its evaluation of Tanton.

And then there’s Joyce Tarnow. New Times has been covering Tarnow for nearly a decade: She’s a former Deerfield Beach activist and gadfly, a population control expert who once ran an abortion clinic in Fort Lauderdale. Tarnow, who lives in North Florida now, is a vocal advocate for Amendment 4. She has strong opinions on immigration. She’s all for zero population growth. And she thinks Florida’s environment is going to go down the tubes if we don’t brush the beach sand out of our eyes and really look at what’s happening to our water and our wildernesses.

Tarnow, now in her 70s, is as fierce a bulldog as ever. She bared her canines at us this week, when she fired off an email to defend John Tanton, whom she called “a personal friend of mine.” Here’s what she had to say:
John Tanton has been a population control advocate for more than forty years. I first met John in 1972 when he and I served on the national board of Zero Population Growth. His contributions to the social issues of our day are courageous and well thought out, issues that too many are afraid to tackle.

A small example was his suggestion to the board and staff of ZPG that we should look into radio advertising of condom use. That did not fly then, but now we have Viagra all over the air waves.

John and his wife Mary Lou organized the Planned Parenthood chapter in Petoskey, Michigan. He started FAIR because he saw that U.S. population was being propelled by the immigration policy changes by Congress starting in 1965. He started the Social Contract magazine that features the best writers on population, immigration and the impacts on our resources and our citizens.

John is a stellar individual and is slandered by an organization [ed: Tarnow is referencing the Southern Poverty Law Center here] that collects a lot of money but spends very little on its stated mission.


Steve Ellman says:
According to Joyce Tarnow, John Tanton’s Social Contract magazine “features the best writers on population, immigration and the impacts on our resources and our citizens.” Really?
Here’s what a random walk through some recent issues revealed to me:
-Spring 2009. An article titled “Mexico Mainlines Malevolence …and Immigration Policy Brings It Here,” in which author Brenda Walker begins with the observation that “Mexicans’ cultural fondness for the dark side is well known” and concludes with the “bottom line” that “One of the world’s worst possible immigrant groups (other than Muslims of course) is coming to America in record numbers and burdening us with their toxic culture of crime, sexism, bribery, pedophilia, slavery, child kidnapping, educational apathy, animal cruelty, superstition and general corruption.”
-Spring 2009. A book review titled “Madison Grant and the Preservation of Buffaloes, Redwoods, and America’s European Heritage,” in which critic F. Roger Devlin writes approvingly of the book’s subject, Madison Grant, a leading early 20th century racist and eugenicist, who believed that “the American human ‘type’ was degenerating under the onslaught of ‘invasive species’ from Southern Europe and the ghettos of Poland.”
-Superficially less, um, malevolent, the Winter 2009-2010 issue includes an article titled “Adios, WQXR!” in which author Gerda Bikales, writes, “In the annals of America’s gradual retreat from the bedrock of Western culture, July 15, 2009 is a milestone to remember. On that day, the New York Times announced the sale of its iconic classical music station to Univision, the giant Spanish-language media company.” Gerda concludes by observing that “in an era of rapid change driven by mass immigration and failing assimilation, a nagging question presents itself: when does cultural enrichment become cultural displacement?”
Bikales’ lament seems comical, initially: Good lord! Them immigrants are the death of classical music.
But really, what sort of paranoid mind attributes the decline in the popularity of Beethoven and Brahms to demographic change first and foremost? It appears Bikales has never heard of MTV. But such is the power of xenophobia.
-Also in the Winter 2009-2010 issue, another choice book review, “Spiraling Toward Chaos,” in which critic Fred Elbel blithely passes on these nuggets of wisdom: “A derivative of a historically subjugated people is the engrained Mexican characteristic of the inability to trust anyone. ‘The concept of cheating is accepted. It is universal in Mexico. It is a holdover from the Aztec system of accommodation’”and “Similarly, the rule of law is not held in high esteem in Mexico as it is in the U.S. ‘When Mexicans do abide by the rule of law it is not for conceptual or moral reasons. They abide by the rule of law in order to not get apprehended by the police…The inability to accept responsibility for any mistake is a dominant Mexican characteristic…’”
I could go on, but I’m sure one gets the idea. John Tanton may be Joyce Tarnow’s “personal friend” and “a stellar individual.” But whatever else Tanton may be or do, as a publisher he is an active, willing host to racist thought and a panderer to anti-immigrant paranoia.
Posted On: Thursday, May. 20 2010 @ 8:19PM

Gail Shepherd says:
Some clarifications from Joyce Tarnow, via email:
Two points: I was a Pompano Beach resident
for thirty-three years….owned and ran the Women’s Clinic for
twenty-eight years—hardly a gadfly with that kind of commitment.
And, forty years working to remedy the overpopulation of the U.S.
I posted the Puppeteer article to you today…..let me know your
reaction. Hopefully, you will think it worth another article. Maybe
from the standpoint of who and why are so many foundations funding open
borders groups. In the case of the SPLC, the attacks make their cash
register ring. Morris Dees is the true hate monger.
Posted On: Friday, May. 21 2010 @ 10:01AM

anonymous says:
Great you expose these two: Abortionist FAIR board member, Joyce Tarnow and FAIR Founder John Tanton. Both in favor of Pop Control and both have ties to abortion and Planned Parenthood (You failed to mention this). Have you watched the documentary: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America? This film proves how the eugenics groups use abortion to target minorities. Tarnow and Tanton are connected to abortion, and many on the board of FAIR either used to be on the board of or are currently on the board of Planned Parenthood the nation’s largest abortion clinic chain who set up in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, just like Tarnow did when she ran her abortion clinics. The film: Maafa21 exposes why they do this and I find it revealing that these same people with connections to population control and PLANNED PARENTHOOD in FAIR, are now behind the anti-immigration movement. This is NOT About immigration, it is about EUGENICS. Watch Maafa21 ( and see why.
Posted On: Tuesday, May. 25 2010 @ 12:48AM

18 Responses to “Eugenics, Population Control and Racism- Inside Numbers USA, Roy Beck, FAIR, John Tanton, Pioneer Fund, and Planned Parenthood”

  1. adam sleath Says:

    To all;

    I practice ZPG. Having 2 children in my 30’s is my contribution to ZPG.
    It is my view that it is imperative for the survival of all species on this planet to manage human populations.

    I want to maintain the currrent biodiversity, and stop the extinctions of species that are and have occurred particularly since industrialised imperial expasnsion over the past 2 centuries.

    Im not here to blame anyone, but simply to take responsibility for our actions now. Please say no to population growth.
    Real figure for human populations can be found here:
    Replace yourself on the earth – have two children. 🙂

  2. […] fact Members of the RACIST American Eugenics Society and also the current anti-immigration group: FAIR. Planned Parenthood even admitted they receive RACIST donations. Get the facts in a powerful […]

    • Are you asleep??? All negro organizations are racist. I have hardly met any blacks that did not hate you because of skin color during my miserable high school and military service experience’s with blacks. Blacks jump higher than whites, have 20% more Testoserone than Whites or other race’s and have lower IQ scores than all other races as it has been the case in Africa and the USA. Instead of establishing Handicapped Educational programs for Africans, they continue to live poor, unsanitary and short life spans as they always have lives compared to Asians or Latins and Europeans. It’s not racism that created this mess, it is Low IQ that in 30,000 years will improve enough that blacks will one day score an average of 100 instead of 65-75 (Africa) and live happier and longer lives

  3. Population Management is a “Responsible Approach” to help adults that often fosteer No Sexual Responsibility and whom Cannot Afford to Pay for their Children. IT IS NOT THE GOVERMENT OR SOCIETIY’S JOB TO PAY FOR THEM. Any do gooder that is opposed to Planned Parenthood should spend a week living in prison with individuals that should have not been born

  4. I came to this site trying to find out Leslie Blackner’s affiliation with Population Control group. Does anyone know if she has a role in this organization and if so what is it?

  5. It would be a mistake to throw pro-rights, eugenics and immigration etc all into the same pot. They are wide issues of national importance and as a result overlap because they are contentious issues to many people. You shouldn’t use ad-hominems to discredit planned parenthood because of the founder.

    Legalized abortion is one of the reasons that the crime rate finally fell in the 90’s. The age cohort had finally come of age. Kids who otherwise would have been abandoned or abused by parents who weren’t ready to have them were instead spared that grim reality.

  6. Thanks to Planned Parenthood, the early 20th century projection for blacks estimated that by the end of the 20th century, 1/3 the U.S. population would be Black. We cannot afford to subsidize 1 in 3 Americans. Without Planned Parenthood, we would not be having this conversational debate that targets humans that cannot afford to feed babies they breed without concern. It is pathetic to see Republican whackos attacking PP when they are the lunar advocates of “Take care of yourselves, why should we support you”!!! Rush is a real laugh..

  7. saynsumthn Says:

    Just wanted to say to this blogger- Thanks for stealing my entire post – how about at least linking back to the original author – ME :

  8. […] to the abortion rights movement run far deeper than Tanton; FAIR’s Board of Directors is a veritable laundry list of abortion advocates and pro-choice stalwarts. Susan Epstein, FAIR’s Secretary, is on the Board for Planned Parenthood in Washington State. Don […]

  9. […] John Tanton’s Planned Parenthood Connections here Share this:TwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]

  10. […] to the abortion rights movement run far deeper than Tanton; FAIR’s Board of Directors is a veritable laundry list of abortion advocates and pro-choice stalwarts. Sarah G. Epstein, FAIR’s Secretary, is on the Board for Planned Parenthood in Washington State. […]

  11. […] Read more about how Planned Parenthood and the anti-immigration organizations cross here: Eugenics, Population Control and Racism- Inside Numbers USA, Roy Beck, FAIR, John Tanton, Pioneer Fu… […]

  12. […] Read more about how Planned Parenthood and the anti-immigration organizations cross here: Eugenics, Population Control and Racism- Inside Numbers USA, Roy Beck, FAIR, John Tanton, Pioneer Fu… […]

  13. […] the anti-immigration group FAIR as one of their “local contacts” . FAIR stands for the Federation for American Immigration Reform and they are run by former “Zero Population Growth” and “Planned […]

  14. […] I have blogged about these ties before. My research is no secret and can be viewed here , here and here. […]

  15. […] zealot who was a key backer of John Tanton, a former Michigan Planned Parenthood Director who founded anti-immigration groups, such as FAIR.  May was also instrumental in a failed bid to pressure the […]

  16. Mel Clondike Says:

    You’re only partly right! it was the deplorable idiots whose forefathers came through Ellis Island

    who are so stupid they made America stop being great and they need to be deported.

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