Was it “No Easy Decision” for MTV to air black girl’s abortion or was it a return to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project”?

On the MTV show “No Easy Decision” , Markai Durham, who was first seen last month on “16 and Pregnant,” discovers she is expecting again and must decide whether to have the baby.

Her decision to terminate the pregnancy is the centerpiece of “No Easy Decision” and the fact that MTV chose to air this is no surprise, given their pro-abortion bent. What is of interest to me is the close relationship they have with Planned Parenthood who has been accused by many of targeting abortion to the black population for reasons of limiting black births. Is it possible, that MTV is using a Black Girl to get this message of a positive slant on black abortion across in the same way Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” deliberately solicited the “help” of Black Ministers, early in Planned Parenthood’s foundation?

In 1939, Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger , and member of the American Eugenics Society, began The Negro Project. The Negro Project was but a precursor to what eugenicists wanted to implement on a much larger scale, by convincing leaders in the African American Community to support Planned Parenthood under the guise of “helping the black man.”

The main objectives of the [proposed] Population Congress is to…apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

– Margaret Sanger, “Plan for Peace”, 1932 Senate hearings

Read what Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, wrote in a letter to Pathfinder Founder, Clarence Gamble ,
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. The minister’s work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation [of Eugenicists] as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Now, look at how cozy MTV and Planned Parenthood have become:

MTV and Planned Parenthood have worked on many projects together – Recently MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation, working with Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and its nationwide network of health centers, unveiled GYT: “Get Yourself Tested,” a campaign .

According to this report by Bryan Kemper: (Full Report) MTV IN BED WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD

There seems to be a money circle in MTV’s programming. First air a sexually explicit program with ads for condoms thrown in between. Then air ads featuring a toll-free number to connect the kids to Planned Parenthood. It is a never-ending cycle that continues on MTV’s website.

MTV also partners with Planned Parenthood. The commercials that run during these shows are often for condoms and a project called 1-800-BESAFE1 in which kids call for birth control and abortion information. Not only will they give this information to kids of any age,they send it out in a plain white wrapper so the kid’s parents will not know about it. This number will also connect you to the nearest Planned Parenthood abortion clinic automatically.

Another MTV project is called, “Fight For Your Rights: Take A Stand Against Discrimination.” This is in conjunction with Planned Parenthood and the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation. Here are just some of the main links the website gives out in the “Fight For Your Rights” section:

Find a Planned Parenthood Center

General Sexual Health

http://www.teenwire.com: Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s website provides sexual health information, links to local clinics, opportunities for activism and other resources specifically for teens.

http://www.sxetc.org: A website by teens for teens; this site helps youth become sexually healthy people and avoid pregnancy and disease during their teenage years.

http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/teens: Advocates for Youth Teen Scene provides information on sexual health, opportunities for activism, online communities for people of color and young people who are homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and those who are questioning their sexuality, along with links to local clinics.

http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu: Produced by Columbia University’s Health Education Program, Go Ask Alice has loads of questions and answers on all kinds of relationship, sexuality, and sexual health.

http://www.teensource.org: A website designed for teens and young-adults providing sexual health information and resources. Site includes celebrity video clips, condom art contest, information about sexually transmitted diseases, a clinic search, and much more.

Other Resources

http://www.prochoice.org: The National Abortion Federation’s website offers information about abortion, including referrals to abortion facilities.

http://www.lifebeat.org: This website features people in the music industry who are supposedly fighting AIDS.

MTV’s partners in this project (as listed on the MTV website) are: Kaiser Family Foundation, Advocates for Youth, kaisernetwork.org, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, teenwire.com, LIFEbeat, Rock the Vote, SEX, ETC., UNICEF, and SIECUS.

MTV is obviously not just a music network anymore. They have decided to join the likes of Planned Parenthood and are trying to take over the role of parent to today’s youth. They have decided to sexually educate teens. They have become partners in the culture of death that is prevalent in modern pop culture.

It is no surprise that Planned Parenthood lauded MTV’s decision to show this….

“MTV’s No Easy Decision…serves as a teachable moment for parents and teens about the importance of open and honest communication,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement to E! News, heralding the episode for its “thoughtful portrayal” of a young couple confronting the consequences of an unintended pregnancy. “We at Planned Parenthood hope that more parents will have conversations about birth control and safer sex with their teens now that teen pregnancy and parenthood is in the pop culture spotlight.”

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b218191_16_pregnants_abortion_special_teachable.html#ixzz19caNbNCz
You can’t help but ask if the decision to show a black girl getting an abortion on MTV who partners with and promotes Planned Parenthood is not a return to the “Negro Project?

To get the full picture of the evil founding of Planned Parenthood please watch the powerful documentary Maafa21 (clip below)

One Response to “Was it “No Easy Decision” for MTV to air black girl’s abortion or was it a return to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project”?”

  1. […] Also READ: Was it “No Easy Decision” for MTV to air black girl’s abortion or was it a return to Planned P… […]

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