Nephew of American Eugenics Society former Vice President leads National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Alan E. Guttmacher, nephew to Alan F. Guttmacher a former vice president of the American Eugenics Society, assumed the duties of NICHD Acting Director on December 1, 2009. Now a detailed interview with Alan Guttmacher’s nephew, named after his Uncle, Alan Guttmacher reveals that he has been placed in charge of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Dr. Alan Guttmacher (Jr.), a Harvard-trained geneticist and pediatrician, is the new acting director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the federal agency that finances research into child and maternal health. Dr. Guttmacher, 60, previously worked with Francis Collins on the Human Genome Project and then as the deputy director of the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

Asked this by the New York Times:

Guttmacher (Jr.) replies, ” I have not been aware of any. The name does stand for something. Planned Parenthood was more of a social movement until my uncle said, “If we’re making all these decisions, we need to make sure that it is backed up by good scientific information.” So he started the think tank that became known as the Guttmacher Institute. One finds that people know the name primarily because of that. But people on both sides of the abortion debate tend to use their data as the reliable data. So, to some degree, my appointment has been less controversial than some might think.”

Guttmacher also bragged that in 2009, N.I.C.H.D.’s funding for research on reproductive health totaled more than $254 million.

Guttmacher also uses a term used many times in Eugenics Science, the term “Family Pedigree” – Guttmacher, “When I was fixing up my office, I found these three grocery bags from a previous occupant filled with documents and pedigrees for a Vermont family with HHT. I’d saved them. So my visitor looked over these pedigrees and asked, “Would you be willing to find these people, get their medical histories, examine them, get some blood for DNA and tell us which ones have the disease.” So that’s what we did.”

Guttmacher’s profile on the NIH website states that Guttmacher, also oversees the NIH’s involvement in the U.S. Surgeon General’s Family History Initiative, an effort to encourage all Americans to learn about and use their families’ health histories to promote personal health and prevent disease. ( Hmmm)

Alan E. Guttmacher is a former board member of the Guttmacher Institute the research arm of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and according to Guttmacher Institute’s own stats, abortion kills almost 5x’s as many black babies as white ones. Planned Parenthood clinics are set up strategically in black neighborhoods, causing some to claim that it is a deliberate attempt to limit black populations.

A stated goal of The Guttmacher Institute is legal abortion:

The Guttmacher Institute envisions a world in which all women and men have the ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities regarding sexual behavior, reproduction and family formation freely and with dignity. In this world, women and men in every country are able to avoid unwanted pregnancies, prevent and procure treatment for sexually transmitted infections, obtain safe abortions, achieve healthy pregnancies and births, and have satisfying sexual relationships.

Alan E. Guttmacher’s uncle, Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher was the Vice President of the American Eugenics Society. Guttmacher was also a former president and board member of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood’s founder , Margaret Sanger was also a member of the American Eugenics Society and she admittedly gave speeches to the Klan regarding her so-called “important eugenic work”.

From it’s beginning, Guttmacher and Planned Parenthood has been muddied up in eugenics and now abortion has been the tool used to drastically limit the Black and Latino populations.

For more on this troublesome trend watch the film: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America (Preview below)

Alan Guttmacher founded the Gutmacher Institute, which is the research arm of Planned Parenthood. In 1966- Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher, President of the Planned Parenthood Federation told a symposium at the University of California Medical Center that a sensitive area in the field of birth control was, “the belief that the white middle class was coercing their own poor and people with black and yellow skins to reduce family size because the middle-class whites are frightened of being outnumbered.” … “ The only way the mounting feeling that birth control is a tool of racism can be handled, is to involve knowledgeable leaders from the minority groups who understand and are favorable to the philosophy of birth control. They, in turn, must translate their appreciation of the contribution which birth control can make toward family stability to their own people.” (SOURCE: New York Times: Doctor blames his profession for delays on Family Planning: 1/16/1966)

Blacks rejected Guttmacher and Planned Parenthood’s eugenic birth control push and saw it as Genocide in their community. In another effort to bring Black on board the Eugenic Plan, a A January 28,1966 internal memo from Alan Guttmacher and Fred Jaffe, outlines the plan for winning over the Black Community. The memo begins by calling the new plan, a “Community Relations Program.” The “program” is to, “form a liaison between Planned Parenthood and minority organizations.” The plan, according to Planned Parenthood, will emphasize that “all people have the opportunity to make their own choices,” rather than, as the memo states, “exhortation telling them how many children they should have.” One way to get the message is out is to “ get assistance from black organizations like The Urban League and the AME church,” and according to the memo they need to employ, “ more Negro staff members on PP-WP [Planned Parenthood-World Population] and Affiliate’s staff, as well as recruit more Negro members for the National Board- at least 5.” Along with this Guttmacher suggests that they initiate cooperation with the National Medical Association [NMA] , a Black medical association, and encourage them to establish a committee on reproduction and family planning. Guttmacher also hoped to “secure at least three Negro physicians for membership on the PP-WP Medical Committee, and he planned to invite NMA leaders to address their convention. Also on the radar was a comprehensive plan to address the Black media by, “specially developed news and feature articles for Negro newspapers.” Guttmacher ends by stating that the above suggestions are “long overdue” but stresses, “we do not need to panic. In fact, if we panic and continue to publicize the “problem”, we may well exacerbate it ( SOURCE: Memo dated: January 28,1966 from Alan Guttmacher and Fred Jaffe located in the Planned Parenthood Federation Papers, Black Attitudes from 1962, copied from the Sophie Smith Collection, Sophie Smith College , Box 107/Folder 11:)

A Planned Parenthood memo dated: January 10,1966, reads, “Baker told us that Dr. Guttmacher is correct in feeling that civil rights leaders are beginning to take a hostile position toward population planning on the ground that it is an attempt to halt the growth of the Negro population.” … Baker chastised a speech that Guttmacher made where he admitted some on the Planned Parenthood Board may be there solely for a racist agenda, Dupont’s Public Relations Representative, Mr. Glen Perry writes, [ Baker] was especially critical of Dr. Guttmacher’s admission that there might be some members of Planned Parenthood who had the political objective attributed to the organization by civil rights leaders. Such an admission could easily be taken out of context, and used to the detriment of the organization.”
( SOURCE: January 11,1966, letter from L. Du. P. Copeland to Alan Guttmacher and January 10,1966 letter from Mr. Glen Perry to Lammont Du. P. Copeland Planned Parenthood Federation Papers, Black Attitudes from 1962, copied from the Sophie Smith Collection, Sophie Smith College , Box 107/Folder 11)

But, in 1970, Alan Guttmacher made this stunning statement, “ My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations…If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the dammed Yankees, but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the Black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproduction rate, we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage. ( SOURCE- The Baltimore Magazine: Dr. Guttmacher still optimistic about the population problem, Vol. 63, no. 2: Feb 1970, published, Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore )

2 Responses to “Nephew of American Eugenics Society former Vice President leads National Institute of Child Health and Human Development”

  1. A U.S. Coalition for Life Commentary
    by Randy Engel

    Eugenics Meets the Pizza King – Ave Maria in the Shadow of Auschwitz

    In late March, 2010, the Naples Daily News released information on a proposal of the Jackson Laboratory of Bar Harbor, Maine, to build a new facility, an Institute for Personalized Medicine and Research in Collier County, Florida, on 50 acres of land (with more to come) donated by Barron Collier Companies. If the deal goes through, this will be Jackson Labs’ third major genetic/biotechnology venture in the United States. The project carries a price tag of $710 million with costs being absorbed by state, local and private funds as well as the Jackson Labs itself which is expected to kick in $330 million.
    Barron Collier Companies of Southwest Florida in partnership with the Domino pizza magnate and Catholic philanthropist, Thomas S. Monahan, is the creator of Ave Maria Town, home of Ave Maria University. The new Institute will be situated off Oil Well Road about three miles from the Ave Maria campus on the southwestern edge of property originally controlled by Ave Maria Development.
    Last year, Blake Gable, Ave Maria Town project manager and President of Barron Collier’s Real Estate Division approached Monahan to discern if his firm’s business partner had any objection to the Jackson Labs project, and if not, would he (Monahan), be willing to sell his interest in the land to Barron Collier thereby making the project independent of Ave Maria Development joint interests. …
    Over the last three months, with the exception of AveWatch, Jackson Labs has been enjoying unprecedented and uncritical good press. On March 26, 2010, The Ave Herald featured a public relations piece titled “Research at Jackson Labs Has Helped Millions.” On April 10, 2010, Ave Maria University President, Nicholas J. Healy, Jr. was quoted on, “If they [Jackson Labs] were to locate here I think there would be very considerable benefits to the entire area. …They will bring well-paying jobs and so on. It will help real estate in the town.”

    It appears that the publicists for Jackson Labs have been as equally successful in keeping any media reference to its eugenic history from the Ave Maria community and secular press as they have been in airbrushing out these same references from their own historical records.

    The Eugenic History of Jackson Labs Founder

    From founder C.C. Little’s early genetics experiments through recent facility expansions, the Laboratory has a long and proud institutional history.
    Jackson Lab Milestones
    Clarence C. “Prexy” Little (1888 – 1971) caught the pernicious bug of eugenics from one of his Harvard professors, the mammalian geneticist William E. Castle, under whom Little studied and worked on inbred mice colonies as an undergraduate and graduate student. Castle was an organizing member of the Second International Congress of Eugenics (New York, 1921) which in 1922 dissolved into the American Eugenics Society (AES) which was funded by America’s powerful industrial elite. The AES promoted “racial betterment” through positive and negative eugenic programs designed to increase the fit and eliminate the unfit. … Full story at

  2. I have been conducting an independent study of the history of Eugenics in this country as well as in pre-war Europe — my concern is that this continued practice in indeed a form of genocide that is being overlooked.

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