Donald Trump says he is “pro-life” but what does he mean?

Bloomberg Business asked Donald Trump if he was pro-life and he said “yes.”

Donald Trump on abortion

But asked to expound and he said, “It’s an issue. I mean it’s an issue and it’s a strong issue.

Asked if abortion early in the pregnancy was murder to the Don, he replied,”What I am saying is this. With caveats. Uh Life of the mother, incest, rape – that’s where I stand. So, I’m pro-life but with the caveats. You have to have it with the caveats…”

Asked if a pregnancy happens outside those caveats, Trump stated, “It depends why,” he said.

I’m, pro-life…very simple pro-life,” he said.

His not-so-passionate “pro-life” answer seems to be a change from what he wrote in 2000.

The America We Deserve Trump abortion

In his book, The America We Deserve, Trump devoted three sentences to abortion, claiming to be “pro-choice” but against partial birth abortion.

In 2011, before a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. Trump was asked about his pro-choice position and responded, “Who said I’m pro-choice?’

Well, Mr. Trump, in 1999 you told Meet the Press this:

    “Well, I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debate the subject. But, you still, I just believe in choice.”

Donald Trump prochoice abortion 1999

He went on to say, “I am strongly for choice but I hate the concept of abortion.”

Then in 2011, Trump told Laura Ingram on her radio show, “I’m pro-life.

Trump admitted in a 2011 interview on NBC that he thought there was a “right to privacy” in the Constitution.

This was the basis for the Roe v. Wade court case that led to legalized abortion on demand, which apparently Donald did not know because he asked Savannah Guthrie:

    “Well, that’s a pretty strange way of getting to pro-life. I mean, it’s a very unique way of asking about pro-life. What does that have to do with privacy? How are you equating pro-life with privacy?”

At that time, Savannah Guthrie reminded him of the Roe V Wade decision.

Trump responded, “Look, I’m pro-life. I’ve said it. I’m very strong there. And, I’m strong on pro-life.”

CNN July 2015:

It is apparent that Trump wanted to be identified as against abortion in some cases.

If he is really pro-life though- he will not approve of the slaughter of children for the crimes of their fathers.

I guess, we will have to see what….evolves next.

4 Responses to “Donald Trump says he is “pro-life” but what does he mean?”

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  2. […] previously attempting to detail the confusing abortion position of Donald Trump I have put together some more recent statements he […]

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  4. […] to Governors Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Jim Gilmore, John Kasich, along with Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson, the Susan B. Anthony list urge what they called, “a swift and decisive […]

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