Archive for Frederick OSborn

Abortion pill’s sinister history reveals eugenics connections

Posted in Abortion Funding, Abortion History, Abortion pill, Abortion Pill Collaborators and Investors, Abortion Pill History, Alan F. Guttmacher, American Birth Control League, Bernard Berelson, Bill Gates, Contraception Journal, DANCO, Eugenics, Frank Notestein, Frederick OSborn, Gynuity, John D Rockefeller, Population Council, Rockefeller, Zyklon B with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 1, 2020 by saynsumthn

A video surrounding the history of the abortion pill just released by Live Action walks the viewer through a series of shocking characters behind the agenda to bring the pills into the United States. The video is full of intrigue, revealing a sinister connection to eugenics leaders behind the group that brought the pill into the US. According to the video, the abortion pill is being expanded as a solution- or dare I say – final solution – to a growing lack of physicians unwilling to commit abortion coupled with increased legislation and the possibility of a Supreme Court challenge, which could overturn Roe v. Wade.


Live Action the True Story Behind the Abortion Pill


What is the abortion pill?

The abortion pill, is a drug known as Mifepristone or Mifeprex for short, but originally introduced to the U.S. as RU486. Under a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required safety system known as REMS, Mifeprex is used along with a second pill called Misoprostol. REMS is an acronym for Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy, which, according to the FDA is, “a drug safety program that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can require for certain medications with serious safety concerns to help ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh its risks.

According to the FDA , “Mifeprex (mifepristone) is a drug that blocks a hormone called progesterone that is needed for a pregnancy to continue. Mifeprex, when used together with another medicine called misoprostol, is used to end an early pregnancy (70 days or less since the first day of the last menstrual period).”

Misoprostol is administered later to cause the uterus to contract so the woman will expel the baby.

Abortion Pill History:

According to a report by Live Action News, RU486 was patented by French pharmaceutical company Roussel-Uclaf. According to the New York Times, research for RU-486 began under the supervision of French researcher Etienne-Emile Baulieu in conjunction with Groupe Roussel Uclaf, the French drug company for which he was a consultant. “The idea was to find a substance that would prevent the uterus from receiving progesterone and thus prevent it from holding onto the fertilized egg,” they wrote. This was accomplished when, in 1980, Roussel-Uclaf had developed RU486.

RU for ‘Roussel Uclaf’ and ‘486’ for the drug’s serial number.

Live Action the True Story Behind the Abortion Pill RU486

1988: RU486 approved for marketing in France. But, due to a public backlash, the French company refused to market the pill in the U.S. According to Live Action News,  RU-486 was tied to the manufacturer of the deadly gas Zyklon-B, used by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Zyklon-B was originally used as a pesticide against rodents and other vermin until the Nazis realized the gas, manufactured by the German chemical company I. G. Farben, could also be used as a way to exterminate large numbers of humans. (read more about that here).


Bill Clinton:

On January 22,1993, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order directing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to expedite marketing of RU486. And, in 1994, with the encouragement of the Clinton administration, the pill’s french pharmaceutical manufacturer Roussel-Uclaf assigned the US rights of marketing and distribution of abortion pill (then known as RU-486) to the the Population Council, a non-profit founded by John D. Rockefeller III in 1952, along with others already entrenched in the eugenics movement. 

Live Action abortion pill approved by Bill Clinton Administration

Population Council:

The Population Council, as Live Action News has documented, as deep roots in the American Eugenics Movement.

In 1952, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council and served as the organization’s first president.  According to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Population Council, Inc., was incorporated following Rockefeller’s Conference on Population Problems, “…to stimulate, encourage, promote, conduct and support significant activities in the broad field of population.”

Live Action abortion pill Population Council founded by John D Rockefeller 111

As Live Action News documents, the Population Council’s second president (1957) was a known eugenicist by the name of Frederick Osborn.

Osborn was a founding member of the American Eugenics Society who signed Margaret Sanger’s “Citizens Committee for Planned Parenthood,” published in April of 1938.


Live Action abortion pill Population Council 2nd prez Frederick Osborn a eugenics founder

Some speculate that Planned Parenthood’s infamous slogan, “Every Child a Wanted Child,” may have originated with Osborn. It is no wonder that Osborn also said that “Birth Control and abortion are turning out to be the great eugenic advances of our time.” (Source: Controlling Human Heredity 1865 to the Present by Diane B Paul (1995), p. 125).

Controlling Human Heredity Diane B Paul Osborn BC and Abortion greatest eugenics P 125

Osborn once wrote, “Eugenic goals are most likely attained under a name other than eugenics.” (Source: The Future of Human Heredity: An Introduction to Eugenics in Modern Society., Osborn, Frederick. 1968.)

Frederick Osborn Eugenics Goals attained under name Future of Human Heredity by FO 1968 (Controlling Human Heredity 1865 to the Present by Diane B Paul (1995), p. 125)

Population Council’s next president (1959) was Frank W. Notestein also a member of the American Eugenics Society and the American Philosophical Society, according to a biography published by Princeton University. Live Action News reports that Notestein was also one of the organization’s original four trustees, according to the Population Council’s 1957 Annual Report.

In 1939, Notestein and Osborn served together on the Medical Advisory Board for Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Federation. By 1967, under Notestein’s leadership, the Population Council released a controversial film, entitled “Family Planning,” which featured Disney’s iconic cartoon figure Donald Duck. It was one of many efforts in the 1960s and ’70s to indoctrinate the culture on the use of birth control, noted Live Action News.

By 1970, Notestein was serving on the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood-World Population.

Live Action the True Story Behind the Abortion Pill Frank Notestein a eugenics member

Fourth president to Population Council was Bernard Berelson who took the helm in 1968.

Live Action News reports that, a year later, in 1969, Berelson published an article which suggested that if voluntary methods of birth control were not successful, it may become necessary for the government to put a “fertility control agent” in the water supplies of “urban” neighborhoods.

Population Council eugenics leaders

Live Action the True Story Behind the Abortion Pill Bernard Berelson leader of Population Council

The article was published in the journal, “Studies in Family Planning,” published by the Population Council. Berelson was also featured in the Population Council’s first issue of “Population and Development Review.”

Alan F. Guttmacher, M.D. sat on the Population Council’s first Medical Advisory Board. Guttmacher’s namesake institution, the Guttmacher Institute, would later be referred to as a “research arm” and a “special affiliate” of Planned Parenthood.

Population Council 1957 leadership includes Planned Parenthood former prez Alan F Guttmacher

Guttmacher, a former Planned Parenthood president, was also vice president of the American Eugenics Society, according to Live Action News. His ideas of forced or compulsory population control measures were in lock-step with Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger, who made sure that Planned Parenthood was knee deep in eugenics.

Population Council started by eugenicists

Live Action the True Story Behind the Abortion Pill Alan Guttmacher sat on Population Council Medical Advisory Board

Of note is the fact that Bill Gates has granted millions to the Population Council over the years.


Read more about the deep roots of eugenics within the founding of the Population Council here.

Danco Laboratories:

The right to distribute RU486 was later handed over to Danco Laboratories, a sub-licensee of the Population Council. The investors, location, and executives of Danco are highly secretive. In 2000, it was revealed that Danco’s location for manufacturing abortion pills was China. Today, the location remains elusive as Danco’s investors and locations are secret.

Population Council sought out investors to help keep abortion pill manufacturer Danco afloat. 


Abortion pill manufacturer Danco Labs secretive

Live Action abortion pill Population Council brought in secretive Danco Laboratories

They included the David and Lucile Packard Foundation – which stepped up to seed Danco with a $14 million investment. Additional money came from the Buffett Foundation as well as George Soros and according to reports the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

Abortion pill investors linked to studies orgs of abortion

Live Action abortion pill abortion pill mfg investors Packatd Buffetts Soros Danco Laboratories

Packard would go on to fund Gynuity Health Projects, which is currently conducting abortion pill clinical trials as well as a number of studies, to expand the drug further. Even recruiting children and adult women outside the U.S. for an experimental abortion pill trial for late abortions. Packard’s 990s for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, and 2009 show ongoing support for Danco.

The Packard Foundation also funds studies (in Journal Contraception) that claim self-managed abortion and reversing FDA safety regs (REMS) on the abortion pill is safe. Anyone else see a glaring conflict of interest here?

Abortion pill investors fund abortion studies and Gynuity

Live Action abortion pill abortion pill Packard funds Gynuity and Danco

Packard also funds Ibis Reproductive Health, which as recent as January 2020 was also funded by abortion pill manufacturer Danco Laboratories.  Ironically, Gynuity is also funded by Ibis Reproductive Health (see 2017 990 report). And in 2017, Packard gave Kaiser a large grant of $500,000 — and in fact, Packard has been funding Kaiser for years: (2003: $25K, 2009: $730K, 1994 $500K).


The video and other information can be seen at Live Action’s Abortion Pill Kills website.

Note: Much information for this post has been republished from Live Action News.