Archive for the Hitler Category

As Eugenics continues in US Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ surges in e-book sales

Posted in Ernst Rudin, Eugen Fischer, Harry Laughlin, Hitler, Lothrop Stoddard, Margaret Sanger and Nazis with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 10, 2014 by saynsumthn

You won’t see Adolf Hitler peering back at you from the featured display tables at Barnes & Noble any time soon. But browse the most popular e-book stores these days and Der Führer’s mug is seemingly unavoidable. For a year now, his magnum manifesto has loomed large over current best-sellers on iTunes, where at the time of this writing two different digital versions of Mein Kampf rank 12th and 15th on the Politics & Current Events chart alongside books by modern conservative powerhouses like Sarah Palin, Charles Krauthammer and Glenn Beck.

So says Vocativ


Hitler’s Nazis’ extermination program outlined in Mein Kampf was carried out in the name of eugenics – but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification.

According to author Edwin Black, Germany had developed its own body of eugenic knowledge and library of publications. Yet German readers still closely followed American eugenic accomplishments as the model: biological courts, forced sterilisation, detention for the socially inadequate, debates on euthanasia. As America’s elite were describing the socially worthless and the ancestrally unfit as “bacteria,” “vermin,” “mongrels” and “subhuman”, a superior race of Nordics was increasingly seen as the answer to the globe’s eugenic problems. US laws, eugenic investigations and ideology became blueprints for Germany’s rising tide of race biologists and race-based hatemongers.

One such agitator was a disgruntled corporal in the German army. In 1924, he was serving time in prison for mob action. While there, he spent his time poring over eugenic textbooks, which extensively quoted Davenport, Popenoe and other American ethnological stalwarts. And he closely followed the writings of Leon Whitney, president of the American Eugenics Society, and Madison Grant, who extolled the Nordic race and bemoaned its “corruption” by Jews, Negroes, Slavs and others who did not possess blond hair and blue eyes. The young German corporal even wrote one of them fan mail.

In The Passing of the Great Race, Grant wrote: “Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race.

One day in the early 1930s, Whitney visited Grant to show off a letter he had just received from Germany, written by the corporal, now out of prison and rising in the German political scene. Grant could only smile. He pulled out his own letter. It was from the same German, thanking Grant for writing The Passing of the Great Race. The fan letter called Grant’s book “his Bible”. The man who sent those letters was Adolf Hitler.

Hitler displayed his knowledge of American eugenics in much of his writing and conversation. In Mein Kampf, for example, he declared: “The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of clearest reason and, if systematically executed, represents the most humane act of mankind. It will spare millions of unfortunates undeserved sufferings, and consequently will lead to a rising improvement of health as a whole.”

Since World War II, it has been well-documented that Adolf Hitler was profoundly influenced by the American eugenics movement and that many of his government’s racial policies were actually developed from the writings of American eugenicists like Grant and Laughlin. In fact, Hitler referred to Grant’s book, The Passing of The Great Race, as his bible.

Madison Grant

Meanwhile, American eugenicists were praising Hitler and holding up the Nazi eugenics program as a model for the United States to copy.

The leader of the German Nation, Adolf Hitler, … has been able to construct a comprehensive racial policy of population development and improvement … The difference between the Jew and the Aryan is as unsurmountable as that between black and white … Germany has set a pattern which other nations must follow.” Dr. Clarence Gordon Campbell, 1935, President, Eugenics Research Association, New York.

Clarence Gordon Campbell

An often overlooked fact about the German holocaust and Adolf Hitler is that the Nazis did not simply target the Jewish population, they went after the black community as well. Under the threat of being sent to concentration camps if they did not cooperate, Afro-German citizens were not only forced to undergo sterilization themselves, they were also required to turn over their children for sterilization. In his book, Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler explained the motivation behind such programs.


The Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland … it suits the purpose of the cool calculating Jew who would use this means of introducing a process of bastardization in the very centre of the European Continent and, by infecting the white race with the blood of an inferior stock, would destroy the foundations of its independent existence.” Adolf Hitler – Mein Kampf.

Nazi Jew Poster

Negro Sterilization Hitler Maafa21_n

James Watson of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, “The eugenicists in Germany was a sort of Faustian bargain, Hitler let them do their eugenics and in return they had to help the Nazis proscribe the Jews and the Gypsies, and the genetically deformed, so that eventually they could kill them. They say it was a step by step thing and in 1933 they didn’t know where Hitler was going, but if they had read Mein Kampf it was very clear where he wanted to go.”

Hitler read Eugen Fischer’s textbook Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene while in prison at Landsberg and used eugenical notions to support the ideal of a pure Aryan society in his manifesto, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). When he came to power in 1933, Hitler charged the medical profession with the task of implementing a national program of race hygiene – a key element of which was passage of an act permitting involuntary sterilization of feebleminded, mentally ill, epileptics, and alcoholics. Within a year, more than 50,000 sterilizations were ordered, and doctors competed to fill sterilization quotas. By the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, an estimated 400,000 people had been sterilized.

Eugen Fischer

To eliminate blacks from Germany, one of the people Hitler called on was a eugenicist who had once written that blacks are an inferior race of savages who should only be allowed to survive as long as they are of use to the Aryan race. His name was Eugen Fischer and, about 20 years earlier, he had been one of the leaders of a system of concentration camps in southwestern Africa where blacks were rounded up to be executed, experimented upon or held as free labor.

Under Hitler, Fischer would serve on committees that planned the sterilization of all blacks in countries that came under German control. He would also be one of the first Nazi scientists to become publicly affiliated with the Carnegie-funded eugenics laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Eventually, Fischer would also be put in charge of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. It was here that many of the Nazi programs for creating racial purity were developed.

Quoted from the documentary film: Maafa21

Fischer Sanger

In 1927, Eugenics member and Birth Control pioneer, Margaret Sanger, who also founded Planned Parenthood in 1942, organized the World Population Conference in Geneva Switzerland and gave it front page coverage in her Birth Control Review. The events program shows that several of its attendees were colleagues of Sanger’s from the American Eugenics Movement. It also documents that among those who were given a leadership role in the conference was Eugen Fischer, the man who eventually lead the Nazi effort to eradicate blacks from Europe.

In an August 28,1935 New York Times article, Fischer praises Hitler, and asks the World Population Congress at that time to “greet him with me: Hail Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler.”


Fischer was Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics from 1927 to 1942, Fischer authored a 1913 study of the Mischlinge (racially mixed) children of Dutch men and Hottentot women in German southwest Africa. Fischer opposed “racial mixing,” arguing that “Negro blood” was of “lesser value” and that mixing it with “white blood” would bring about the demise of European culture. After 1933, Fischer adapted his institute’s activities to serve Nazi antisemitic policies. He taught courses for SS doctors, served as a judge on Berlin’s Hereditary Health Court, and provided hundreds of opinions on the paternity and “racial purity” of individuals, including the Mischlinge offspring of Jewish and non-Jewish German couples.

[POSTWAR CAREER] Fischer retired in 1942 as Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics. After the war he worked to secure university teaching positions for many of his former students (including Otmar von Verschuer). As professor emeritus at the university of Freiburg, Fischer continued to lecture and publish articles in anthropological journals. He died in 1967.

Fischer Credit: Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem

Eugen Fischer, collaborated with American Eugenics Society founder, Charles Davenport in the management of the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations. On the occasion of the International Eugenics Congress in Rome, in 1929, they drafted a memo to Mussolini encouraging him to move ahead on eugenics with “maximum speed.”

In 1934, Adolf Hitler sent a letter to American eugenicist, Leon Whitney, complimenting him for a book he had written on sterilization.
Leon Whitney Acclaims Hitler

Whitney was the former Executive Secretary of the American Eugenics Society and a colleague of Margaret Sanger’s. Sanger also published his writings in the Birth Control Review.

Case for Sterilization

In the book that Hitler was praising, Whitney had written that America could eliminate what he called the “slum elements” of society by sterilizing the lowest 25 percent of its population. He claimed this was necessary because such people are too stupid to comprehend or carry out even simple methods of contraception.

Given the admiration Adolf Hitler had for the American eugenics movement, it is not unlikely that the Eugenics Courts in Nazi Germany were modeled after the state eugenics boards in the U.S. In both countries, feeblemindedness was routinely used as a catch-all justification for sterilization and the diagnosis of feeblemindedness was almost always made by the person advocating the sterilization.

During the four months that American Birth Control League director, Lothrop Stoddard, was in Nazi Germany, he not only met with Hitler and SS chief Himmler, he also attended one of the Nazi Eugenics Courts.


“The first case I saw looked like an excellent candidate for sterilization. A man in his mid-thirties, he was rather ape-like in appearance–receding forehead, flat nose with flaring nostrils, thick lips, and heavy prognathous jaw. Not vicious-looking, but gross and rather dull.” Lothrop Stoddard, Director, American Birth Control League, later known as Planned Parenthood.

When Hitler came to power in 1933, he charged the medical profession with the task of implementing a national program in race hygiene. The first key element was the enactment, in 1934, of a law permitting involuntary sterilization of feebleminded, mentally ill, epileptics, and alcoholics. ERO Superintendent Harry Laughlin’s model sterilization law was closely modeled, and his contributions to race hygiene were recognized with an honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg. The “marriage laws” of 1935 prohibited unions between “Aryans” and Jews, as well the eugenically unfit.

Laughlin was an official with both the American Eugenics Society and the American Birth Control League and, in 1928, his plan for using forced sterilization to eliminate those who might produce what he called “degenerate offspring” was published in the Birth Control Review.

Harry Laughlin BCR

In 1936, Laughlin led an effort to distribute the English-language version of a Nazi eugenics film to audiences in the northeastern part of the United States. He had acquired the rights to the film from the Race Policy Office of the Nazi Party and, with the help of two other American eugenics organizations, had mailed literature to biology teachers at 3,000 U.S. high schools urging them to show it in their classrooms. Later that year, Laughlin was praised in a Nazi newspaper and awarded an honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg for his contributions to the Nazi eugenics effort.

Laughlin Praised by Nazi Paper

Laughlin would later go on to be a principle founder of the Pioneer Fund, and received an honorary degree by the University of Heidelberg in 1936 for his work behalf of the “science of racial cleansing.” The Nazi German state would sterilize many hundreds of thousands of people under their own sterilization laws.


The Nazis and the American eugenics movement were also connected by a German psychiatrist named Ernst Rudin. He was the president of the International Federation of Eugenics in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, which was funded by the Carnegie Corporation and, in 1933, his call for racial purity was published in the Birth Control Review.

Later, Rudin would be chosen by Hitler to write Germany’s eugenics laws and, at one point, he personally helped the Gestapo round-up and sterilize between 500 and 600 blacks who they referred to as “Rhineland bastards.” After the war, Rudin would be identified as one of the architects of the barbaric medical experiments that the Nazis carried out in their concentration camps.

It is possible that Hitler got the idea for concentration camps while studying the American eugenics movement. In 1919, the state of Indiana had allocated $300,000 to create a work colony in the city of Butlerville where those who were labeled feebleminded would be incarcerated.


Then in 1932, Margaret Sanger called for the U.S. government to set aside farms and what she called “open spaces” where certain groups of people would be segregated from the rest of society. She proposed that, among others, the illiterate, the unemployed and the poor should be forcibly kept in these areas until they developed “better moral conduct.”

By the outbreak of WWII, in 1939, an estimated 400,000 people had been sterilized. However, in 1940 the need for hospital beds for wounded soldiers prompted a “final solution” for “lives not worth living.” Psychiatrists and medical doctors identified more than 70,000 mental patients who were poisoned with carbon monoxide in extermination centers at psychiatric hospitals.

After gassing of mental patients ceased in 1941, medical and other personnel with euthanasia experience were reassigned to concentration camps in Poland, where hydrogen cyanide gas was used to kill Jews, gypsies, Slavs, and Social Democrats.

With the horrific slaughter of the Jewish Holocaust, the sterilization of blacks in Germany and the forced sterilization of many in America some would be startled to discover that Mein Kampf is once again becoming popular. However, when you consider, that, in America alone, over 55 million children have been slaughtered by abortion under the same eugenics reasoning of Hitler and the American Eugenics Boards, one is not shocked.

In fact, when you look at the silence of the German people during their shameful holocaust it mirrors what is occurring in America now.

For a perspective on this please read my article: Abortion just like the Nazi Holocaust is the “Sin of the Innocent Bystander”

Note: Some text take from the documentary film Maafa21.