Archive for reproductive rights

Auctioning women’s safety: pro-choice artwork includes handcuffs sent by pro-life group

Posted in Abortion clinic, Abortion clinic dirty, Abortion Clinic Escorts, Pro-choice mocking, Pro-choice People, Pro-choice Spin, Pro-Life, Pro-LIfe Action League with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 7, 2015 by saynsumthn

A strange art piece put out by abortion advocates attempts to mock the provable fact that the industry is full of seedy characters who often break the law.

Not to long ago, a pro-life group based in Chicago, Illinois sent handcuffs to abortion clinics across the nation.



The message the pro-life group was trying to convey was that illegal activities are going on inside abortion clinics and abortionists like Kermit Gosnell and the recent arrest of Oklahoma abortionist Nareshkumar Patel are not anomalies and could result in more clinic workers being arrested.

Eric Scheidler 8_351621778640770907_n

Pro-Life Action League’s executive director, Eric Scheidler, who sent the visual reminders, said that the package contained a pair of plastic handcuffs along with a handwritten note reading, “Could you be next?

“Abortionists have been charged with crimes ranging from tax fraud and dealing drugs to rape and even murder,” Scheidler noted on his website.


CaptureNow, a local pro-abortion artist has placed the handcuffs in a piece of “art” up for bid to support child killing.

According to Pamela JoAnn Willis’ facebook page she obtained the handcuffs Scheidler sent to a Huntsville abortion clinic owner :

PLAL Dont tread on me prolife prochoice abortion 648882190466017_n

She placed the “art” up for bid at $525.00 which she says will end July 4th (Independence Day). I guess the implication here is that the only way women are “independent” is if they can murder their babies.

pam-Willis wattersjpg-4c731fca2e8ca68f

Pamela JoAnn Willis is also known as Pamela Willis Watters is the co-director of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates.

According to The Guardian, for whom she wrote an abortion op-ed piece, her family roots have been in Alabama since it was a Cherokee Nation.

Waters sells her artwork here.

Pamela Waters Clinic Escort

Willis also escorts women outside abortion clinics and bragged that she helped get a 71 year-old grandmother arrested.

The pro-life sidewalk counselor, Joyce Fecteau was found not guilty of harassment when she sprayed “holy water” in the direction of two pro-abortion rights supporters.


The abortion artist wrote this about the piece on her Facebook page:

    100% of the funds will go to ARRA (Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates)
    I have donated the copyright to ARRA, as well, so there will be prints and other items available after July 4.
    So..the story behind this painting….
    In Feb 2015 a group of anti-abortion zealots
    (Pro-Life Action League) thought it was very clever to send every women’s clinic in the country a nasty note, photos and a pair of handcuffs, after a dispicable [sic] doctor was arrested in Oklahoma. I asked the Huntsville clinic owner if I could have the handcuffs for an art project that would benefit women. I will be sending a photo of the painting to the antis that sent them out.

Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates had this to say:

    Initially, we raised over $1,000 for the little “handcuff stunt”. So, PLAL is now indirectly funding abortion for women who need assistance through their dumb intimidation tactic(s). Not to be outdone, Ms. Willis finally completed her art piece using the pair of handcuffs that were sent to the clinic in Huntsville, Alabama. The title of this absolutely beautiful work of art is called “Don’t Tread on Me” and all proceeds from the sale of this painting will go directly to ARRA to help Alabama women.

While Willis and her cronies are having fun with Scheidler’s cuffs they are completely ignoring the danger women face from abortion, they are in essence auctioning women’s safety.

Case in point, when the Huntsville abortion clinic which Waters or Willis or whatever Pamela goes by was forced to close due to their inability to meet health and safety standards, all the abortion advocate said was that a new facility would be opening soon. Really? She just kept defending the low standard and dangerous center.

Pamela Willis Watters

And how about Willis’ or Watters’ silence when one of the abortion doctors who worked at the Huntsville abortion clinic was indicted.


Dr. Yashica Robinson-White was recently indicted by a federal grand jury for health care fraud totaling over $60,000 and for introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce.

According to media reports, the six-count indictment, which was filed in U.S. District Court, charged Robinson-White with committing health care fraud through the Alabama Women’s Wellness Center, her OB-GYN practice that provided birth control services to patients in east Alabama.

The indictment alleges that between November 2010 and April 2012, Robinson-White intentionally defrauded Alabama Medicaid by fraudulently billing the organization $60,300 for misbranded birth control devices known as intrauterine devices that came through a provider in Great Neck, N.Y. The indictment listed at least five Medicaid patients that had allegedly been administered the misbranded IUDs, which had not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and were cheaper than legal IUDs.

But- forget the handcuffs, perhaps Willis or Watters could paint a picture of the unsterile conditions at the abortion clinic she has defended. She could then auction it to the highest bidder.

AL WOmens Center Statement of Deficiencies

LifeSite news reported that the abortion facility did not clean exam tables between abortions, dispensed expired medication, and failed to comply with state informed consent laws.

    During an unscheduled inspection of the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives on January 9, an official witnessed the staff not cleaning the “bottom portion” of the “procedure tables.”

    According to their “Statement of Deficiencies,” an employee at the business verified that “patient exam tables were not cleaned between patients.” Blood pressure cuffs received similar treatment.

This blog reported that, state officials raised several red flags during an unannounced inspection of Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives, in Huntsville. According to a “Statement of Deficiencies” available on the agency’s website, the clinic at 612 Madison St. did not properly sterilize blood pressure cuffs and exam tables between patients, had an incorrect time stamp on its ultrasound machine and may have dispensed outdated Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, as well as Clonidine, a drug used to treat high blood pressure. A review of 20 patient records also found one instance where the clinic did not document whether a patient chose to view an ultrasound prior to having an abortion. Nurses from the state health department’s Bureau of Health Provider Standards completed the inspection Jan. 9. ( News Story Here )

While Ms. Willis and her abortion loving fans are busy raising funds- pro-lifers are exposing the seedy abortion industry.

Here are just a few examples;


Gosnell Perp Walk

A Philadelphia abortion doctor is serving life in prison for murdering babies during late-term abortions. Kermit Gosnell operated what authorities called a “House of Horrors” abortion clinic in Philadelphia, Pa. The clinic was allowed to operate for years by the state with unsanitary conditions and unlicensed employees performing abortions. When authorities finally raided Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society Clinic, they found the bodies of babies who were born alive and killed by Gosnell and his staff. Gosnell was found guilty of first-degree murder for killing three babies born alive and viable during abortion procedures, and was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a woman who died at his clinic during a procedure He was also convicted of numerous other charges related to violations at his clinic. In May of 2013, Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison.

This delightful Georgia abortionist was just jailed for 4 Years Due to Medicaid Fraud

Tyrone Malloy was the owner of Old National Gynecology abortion clinic which performed first-trimester abortions, in Georgia. According to authorities, for several years, Malloy engaged in a scheme to defraud Georgia Medicaid by billing for office visits associated with abortions and for ultrasound procedures which were never performed. In total, he fraudulently billed Georgia Medicaid for over $386,000.

Tyrone Malloy Mug 2014



William Malcom Knarr, a disgraced abortionist was once disciplined for shoddy medical practices in the 1990s. Knarr had felony convictions in Oklahoma in 1970 for the sale of marijuana and LSD and the possession of hashish. He failed to report these convictions on a federal application and to the KSBHA when he applied for a medical license in Kansas in 1984. Read more here.


Sherry West, 53, pleaded guilty in November 2011 to third-degree murder related to the death of an abortion patient, and related counts while employed at Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic. The unlicensed worker routinely performed illegal abortions. She testified for the assistant for convicted murderer and abortionist Kermit Gosnell was sentenced to five to 10 years in prison for death of an abortion patient.


50 year-old Steven Massof was not a licensed physician when he went to work at a Philadelphia abortion clinic. Massof, who was only a med student, performed late-term abortions for years inside Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” abortion clinic until the clinic was raided by the state. Massof pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree murder for his role in killing babies born alive at the clinic. He was sentenced to serve 6-12 years in prison in February of 2014.

Eileen Oneil

Eileen O’Neill, 56, was convicted of conspiracy charges and two counts of theft by deception during her employment with abortionist Kermit Gosnell. The medical-school graduate worked at the clinic as a doctor despite lacking a license. In July of 2013, she was sentenced to 6 to 23 months of house arrest.

Pearl Gosnell

The wife of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell admitted performing an illegal late-term abortion at her husband’s clinic. Pearl Gosnell, 50, pleaded guilty to performing an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy, two counts of conspiracy and participating in a corrupt organization, according to court documents. In May of 2013, she was sentenced seven to 23 months in prison.


Elizabeth Hampton, 55, a sister-in-law of Kermit Gosnell, pleaded guilty in October 2011 to perjury. Hampton had been charged with perjury for fabricating a story she told to the FBI and the Grand Jury to cover up the truth behind the death of abortion patient Karnamaya Mongar, who was drugged to death by Hampton’s unqualified, untrained co-workers. In May of 2013, Hampton was given one year probation after previously pleading guilty to one count of perjury.


Adrienne Moton, 35, pleaded guilty in October 2011 to third-degree murder and racketeering. An unlicensed Kermit Gosnell abortion clinic worker who cut the neck of a viable baby, she testified for the prosecution. In 2013, Moton received an 11 and a half to 23 month sentence. She was set free following the proceedings, for already serving 2 and a half years in prison. Moton described how the baby seemed to struggle in the bowl before she snipped its neck with scissors. She admitted to cutting 10 babies’ necks, calling the snipping “common practice” at the clinic. Moton also took a picture of one of the babies Gosnell is accused of murdering. Referred in court as Baby A, Moton says the boy was nearly 30 weeks old when he was aborted. She claims Gosnell even joked about the baby’s size saying he was so big the baby could have walked to the bus stop. See a picture of Baby A here.


Lynda Williams, 44, an unlicensed worker at Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic, pleaded guilty in November 2011 to counts of third-degree murder involving the 2009 death of a woman undergoing an abortion and the killing of a newborn. Williams helped with abortions and gave patients anesthesia. Williams pled guilty to 2 counts of third degree murder in the deaths of Baby C, whose neck she snipped after the baby was seen breathing for 20 minutes, and Karnamaya Mongar, who she helped overdose to death. She also pleaded guilty to drug delivery resulting in death, corrupt organizations, and conspiracy. During her testimony in the Gosnell trial, she indicated that in killing Baby C, she was simply doing as she was told.

Maddeline Jow

53-year-old Gosnell abortion clinic employee Maddline Joe was charged with conspiracy and participating in corrupt organizations. She was the office manager at Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors abortion clinic. Maddline pleaded guilty in January of 2013 to conspiracy.

Tina Baldwin

Also employed by Gosnell was Tina Baldwin, an unlicensed worker who illegally administered anesthesia and performed other medical duties that it was illegal for her to do. She allowed her 15 year old daughter, Ashley, to work as a staff member at Gosnell’s mill. Baldwin pleaded guilty in November 2011 to racketeering, conspiracy and corruption of a minor.



This Georgia abortionist spent 10 years on the lam until he was extradited from Germany to the United States after fleeing from authorities. Charles Rossmann was placed under arrest in February of 2014 on outstanding charges from 2003, where he allegedly induced labor on a woman 31-weeks pregnant abandoning her in his locked office. Rossmann is awaiting trial.

Not Pregnant – no worries – we can still perform an abortion:




In 2007, this Lexington abortion doctor bonded out of jail after he was accused of fraud. Investigators say Dr. Hamid Hussain Sheikh performed abortions and then illegally billed the state. The state says Dr. Sheikh was falsely collecting payments from Medicaid and billing for a lot more, charging the state for abortions. In addition to falsely billing Medicaid, the indictment also charged that Sheikh double-billed for the procedures, accepting payments directly from his patients as well. In 2008, Sheikh’s medical license was suspended for unsanitary conditions at his abortion clinic.



In July of 2013 an employee of Planned Parenthood pleaded guilty to second-degree grand larceny after pilfering more than $100,000 from the abortion giant. 44-year-old Melissa Kwoka admitted in court that she stole $102,733 between August 2012 and March 2013 by forging checks to herself and her husband. Kwoka was a staff accountant at the Planned Parenthood. According to reports, Kwoka has three prior convictions for theft offenses. Ironically, while awaiting sentencing in the Planned Parenthood theft, she was accused of electronically transferring $520 from a friend’s bank account so she could make a car payment. She has been ordered to serve a six month jail sentence. After her release from jail, she will serve five years probation. She was also ordered to make full restitution.



In December of 2013, a California Planned Parenthood employee was arrested on a count of sexual battery, according to the Sacramento Police. Jorge Martin-Santana, 28, allegedly inappropriately touched a patient while working as a medical assistant in October.


In 1999, a Texas abortionist was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison for tax evasion and filing false Medicaid claims for abortions, reported the Odessa American. John Alderman also faced two years of supervised release time and a $200 fine. In Texas Medicaid only paid for abortions in cases of rape, incest and saving the life of the mother. According to local news reports, the abortionist sent false claims to Medicaid. Alderman had filed $25,169 in false claims from 1994-1997. He also failed to pay more than $100,000 in taxes reported Mark Roomberg, an Assistant US Attorney involved in the case.


Alicia Ruiz Hanna, 33, operated a legal abortion clinic in Santa Ana, California, when she found herself in financial trouble. Hanna had limited medical training but decided to pose as a physician. She was convicted of second-degree murder after a patient suffered a seizure on the examination table and died in January, 1993. The patient, Angela Nieto Sanchez, 27, had gone to Hanna’s clinic for an abortion. As two of Sanchez’s four children sat in the waiting room, she died after reacting violently to an unknown drug injected by Hanna in preparation for the procedure. Hanna told the children that their mother had left without them, according to testimony. The children waited around most of the day, hoping for their mother’s return, until a relative picked them up and began a citywide search for their mother. When they returned to the clinic in hope of finding Sanchez, they testified that they found Hanna trying to stuff Sanchez’s body into a car trunk. Deputy Dist. Atty. Rick King said Hanna had made plans to dump the corpse in Tijuana. Abortion clinic receptionist Irasema Mendoza testified, “I told her to call the paramedics. I took the phone to call the paramedics but Alicia grabbed it away from me and hung up. She told me not to call them because “I was going to get her into problems. ”




In 1999, Abortionist Neville W. Duncan was placed on 18 months’ probation, sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $250 after pleading no contest to charges that he beat his wife. He was also arrested when police found crack cocaine in his pocket. Duncan was arrested after allegedly punching his wife in his car, then pinning her to the ground and slapping her after she climbed out the window of the vehicle, according to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article,: Doctor sentenced to 30 days in jail (01-15-1999). News reports indicated that Duncan served time for contempt of court, when he failed to provide the required child support he owed. On January 14, 1999, this abortion doctor was convicted in Milwaukee County Circuit Court upon his plea of no contest to misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance.



In the fall of 2013, the State of Florida Board of Medicine issued a “slap on the wrist” to an abortion doctor who was arrested after he slapped one of his abortion patients. Yes, you read that correctly. This defender of “women’s rights” slapped a female abortion patient.

The incident occurred in 2010, when a woman identified only as “Amanda” went to the Orlando Woman’s Center abortion clinic to have her unborn child killed. Once she was on the table, abortionist Randall Whitney tried several times to find a vein in her arm to give her a shot of Valium. And even though he was not able to put the needle into a vein, he injected the drug anyway. The result was a severe burning sensation in the woman’s arm and she started to scream. At the same time, her arm began to turn blue; she got up off the table and told Whitney she wanted to leave. He told her to shut up because she was frightening his other customers. Then, as she tried to leave, he slapped her in the face.

A transcript of the police report reads:

I, officer Hughley was sitting inside the office when I heard a OWC [Orlando Woman’s Center] patient run out of one of the rooms screaming advising the doctor has slapped her. I followed the patient outside and she advised in a sworn written statement: she went into the exam room to get an abortion procedure and the doctor was trying to find a vein to give some Valium. She Amanda ______ advised the doctor had poked her three times trying to get the needle in the vein. She told him the needle was not in the vein and it started to burn. Amanda advised she started screaming. The doctor took the needle out and told her to shut up because she was scaring other patients. Amanda advised she got up and told the doctor she wanted to leave, so she stood up and the doctor slapped her on the left side of the face. Amanda advised that’s when she left. She also advised she did not give the doctor permission to slap her and wishes to press charges. Due to the needle or medicine Amanda’s fingers began to turn blue, so OFD (Orlando Fire Department) was notified. When I (officer Hughley) went back inside the building, the doctor (Dr. Whitney) was sitting in the front office and he advised he did slap Amanda because she was being very uncooperative and he was trying to calm her down. Assistant Sonia Merced was inside the room with Dr. Whitney, but refuse to say what happened, nor did she want to write a statement. Dr Whitney refused to write a statement also. Amanda’s face was red on the left side of the face. Whitney was arrested and transported to central booking for aggravated battery.


Eventually, the police were called and Whitney was arrested and charged with aggravated battery. But in 2012, authorities reduced the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor and a few weeks ago, he was reprimanded and given what amounts to a slap on the wrist.

Whitney is still performing abortions in Florida on unsuspecting women.



In 2008, abortionist Laurence Reich was arrested and jailed for practicing medicine without a license after a special LAPD Task Force discovered he had been doing abortions illegally. Reich, was forced to surrender his medical license on April 14, 2006, after a conviction on two counts of sexually molesting his abortion patients. Reich had previously served 10 years probation on a similar conviction in 1984.


In 1988, National Abortion Federation member Theodore Lehrer was arrested after he performed an abortion on his wife in their home allegedly against her will. She later dropped the charges. Lehrer is currently running a National Abortion Federation abortion clinic in South Florida.




When police arrested Tony Ray Thornton, he was working as Planned Parenthood’s President and CEO of their Lubbock, Texas branch. In 2012, the 56 year-old Planned Parenthood CEO was arrested and accused of exposing his genitals in Mackenzie Park. Sgt. Jonathan Stewart, Lubbock Police Department spokesman, said he didn’t know whether children were in the area when Thornton was in the park or how many people were present. You can read the police report here.


Miriam Inocencio

A few years ago, Warwick Police arrested 59-year Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island President and CEO Miriam Inocencio after they say she stole an $89 Liz Claiborne blouse. The case was pleaded out in court and the Planned Parenthood CEO reimbursed the store as part of the agreement. Inocencio says she gave her voluntary resignation a couple of weeks ago, and that she is proud of what she accomplished during her 13 years as the director of the non-profit organization.

Watch News Story


On December 11, 2001, The Oklahoman detailed the murder trial of abortionist John Baxter Hamilton. Hamilton performed abortions at the Oklahoma Clinic for Women in Oklahoma City, OK.


Hamilton was found guilty in the Valentine’s Day killing of his wife, Susan Hamilton, 55. Her nude body was found lying in blood in the master bathroom of the Hamilton’s Quail Creek home, her skull fractured and face disfigured. She had been choked with a necktie and beaten to death.

More info go here.


Former Planned Parenthood abortionist Jesse James Joplin lost his medical license in California following a series of arrests in the state. They began with a California Highway Patrol officer finding marijuana and alcohol in his vehicle during a 2007 traffic stop for speeding. Joplin pleaded no contest, according to a media report, on charges of “reckless driving involving alcohol, drugs, or both.”

Joplin was again arrested after his erratic driving prompted motorists to call authorities in September 2009 and a March 2010 incident resulted in a misdemeanor conviction of drunken driving and he reportedly chose to go to jail rather than perform community service. Joplin’s license was permanently revoked on September 13, 2011. (Read the order.)



In 2011, three employees from the Allegheny Women’s Center abortion clinic, and a former registered nurse were arrested and charged with illegally prescribing and receiving prescription drugs.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly identified the defendants as John Barrett M.D., Alton Lawson M.D., Mark Wagner and Karen Kane.

Kelly said that Dr. Barrett is the medical director at Allegheny Women’s Center (AWC), 121 North Highland Ave., Suite 333, Pittsburgh. Dr. Lawson is the clinic’s former medical director and currently works at AWC as a part-time physician. Wagner works as a lab technician at the clinic.


Gary Boyle

An abortion doctor at the Charleston Women’s Medical Center abortion, Gary Boyle, was arrested and accused of pointing a firearm at abortion protesters. Police say Boyle drove into the parking lot of his South Carolina abortion clinic when three protesters approached. Boyle pointed a handgun at them, according to police. Boyle was arrested and charged pointing a firearm. “[The victims] stated they were standing at the back entrance of the building, waiting to hand out their religious literature,” police said. “The victims advise that the offender pointed a firearm at them from inside his vehicle,” police said. In June of 2012 the gun toting abortion doctor was ordered to pay a $100 fine after pleading “guilty” to a significantly reduced charge.



In 2010 the doctor who performed an abortion on patient Laura Hope Smith admitted that his actions led to her death while she was under his care. In addition to receiving a 6 month jail sentence for pleading guilty to the criminal charge of involuntary manslaughter, Dr. Rapin Osathanondh, 67, settled a civil suit and will pay $2 million to Smith’s parents, Tom and Eileen Smith. Smith was 13 weeks pregnant when she went to see Osathanondh for an abortion in his Cape Cod office. She was pronounced dead later that day. Prosecutors charged Osathanondh with manslaughter, alleging that he failed to monitor her while she was under anesthesia, delayed calling emergency services when her heart stopped, and later lied to try to cover up his actions. (read more here).


In 2012, Decatur, Ga. abortion doctor Andre Damian Williams was arrested on a charge that he illegally billed the government’s Medicaid program to perform elective abortion services.

Andre D Williams

The indictment against Dr. Williams, owner of DeKalb Gynecology Associates and Legacy Obstetrics, claims he charged the government for abortion-related services including ultrasounds, evaluations, pregnancy tests and urinalysis from January 2009 through September 2011. Authorities allege that Williams accepted a total of $205,003.00 in Medicaid funds for services not rendered and for services associated with the performance of elective abortions. The indictment alleges some of the ultrasounds were never performed, and the payments he collected for other services were for greater amounts than he was entitled to because they were associated with abortions.



In 2010, The Mississippi Supreme Court upheld the 20-year sentence of a Laurel abortionist for the 1997 murder of his wife. The court ruled 5-4 four against overturning Malachy Dehenre’s 20-year sentence behind bars. Dehenre was found guilty of manslaughter during his second trial in January of 2008 for the shooting death of his wife Nayasha Dehenre 13 years ago.

“This man is a despicable nasty person,” said Jones County Assistant District Attorney, J. Ronald Parrish. “He not only killed his wife, that what he was convicted for, but I think people need to know about him. He also killed, two other women during abortions. One in Alabama and one in Jackson, Mississippi, and according to him he preformed 30,000 abortions on unborn children.”



Florida abortion doctor Ronald Tauber went to prison for abducting and sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl. He got her in his car by asking for directions. He made her touch him. He touched her. There was penetration.

I’m literally just wasting away here. It’s terrible. It’s really terrible,” said the 38-year-old osteopath who opened Orlando’s first birthing center and abortion clinic in 1978.

According to news reports, Tauber was arrested for another incident involving a 12 year old girl. It happened five weeks after the first case when Tauber was out on bail. Tauber was in his car again and stopped a girl who was riding a bicycle. He asked directions. Then he asked if she wanted to make ”a buck or two,” the girl told police. Tauber grabbed her. She broke free and ran. She described him and his car.

Tauber was charged with indecent exposure, attempted kidnapping and first-degree criminal sexual conduct. The charges later were reduced to indecent exposure and dismissed.

Tauber was also involved in the abortion manslaughter death of 34 year old Gloria Small, who bled to death after her uterus was perforated. An autopsy showed that Small died of blood loss. Tauber had perforated her uterus during the abortion at his clinic. He stopped the bleeding by packing the cavity with gauze. He monitored Small’s condition and kept her overnight. The next day he pulled out the gauze. Blood poured out. An ambulance was called and Small was taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center. She died three hours later after an emergency hysterectomy. After Small died in March 1978, the state Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners suspended Tauber’s license for two years.

Tauber opened Florida’s first abortion clinic in 1978. In testimony for the sexual assault, the abortion doctor admitted to fantasizing about hundreds of girls.


Milan D Chepko

The Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure revoked the license of abortionist, Milan D. Chepko in 1991. Chepko, who performed abortions at the New Women Medical Center in Jackson, MS. was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury involving interstate transportation of a VHS cassette showing minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct. The tape contained scenes with children as young as four years old in sexual conduct with adult males and females. One incident allegedly involved children and adults engaged in sodomy.

Former Planned Parenthood doc convicted POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

In April of 2008, GEORGE ELLIOTT KABACY, M.D., 69, of Lacey, Washington, was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Tacoma to 78 months (6.5 years) in prison, ten years of supervised release, and a $10,000 fine for Possession of Child Pornography. KABACY, a gynecologist in Olympia, who had practiced at Planned Parenthood in the 1990’s, was placed under arrest in December 2006. KABACY will be required to register as a sex offender when he is released from prison, according to a Department of Justice press release.

KABACY pleaded guilty in November 2007, admitting in his plea agreement that he knowingly possessed more than 8,000 images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. KABACY also admits to possessing videos of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct, both on his computer and on 36 compact disks. Some of the images depict children under the age of 12. KABACY admitted that he communicated with other people over the Internet, expressing his interest in having sex with minors and exchanging more than 40 images of child pornography with these other people over the Internet. KABACY first came to the attention of the FBI after the arrest of an Atlanta, Georgia man who indicated he had communicated with KABACY. In fact the man alleged that KABACY had sent him a computer in exchange for the man’s promise that he would send KABACY pornographic pictures of his grandchildren. The Atlanta man claimed he had never sent those pictures.

Read DOJ Report here.


Brian Finkel a $600,000-a-year Phoenix abortion doctor, was sentenced in 2004 to nearly 35 years in prison and convicted of 22 counts sexual assault of his female abortion patients. Under Arizona law he must serve at least 29 years behind bars. His sentence could have ranged from probation to 74 years.

Recently, an Arizona court rejected his appeal. (More here)

Brian Finkel sexually assaulted several abortion patients

Brian Finkel sexually assaulted several abortion patients


And finally, More on PATEL – described by Willis as a “Despicable doctor”

Patel Arrested 2014 w300-c804bc4d13bc66b614312060e1ae07c1

A copy of the probable cause affidavit against Patel has revealed what the sting uncovered.

According to the document, in June of last year, a medical licensure investigator called Patel’s Oklahoma City abortion clinic, Outpatient Services for Women to schedule an abortion and was told it would cost $620.00. She then went to the clinic and gave them the cash for the abortion. Prior to her visit to the abortion clinic, she confirmed she was not pregnant. The investigator says that abortionist Patel gave her an ultrasound and told her she was “very, very pregnant,” giving her five RU486 abortion pills with instructions on how to take them. After her visit with Patel, she immediately left his clinic and went to another physician to confirm she was not pregnant. The entire interaction was caught on video and audio recordings.

Outpatient Services for women Patel

On October 13th, a female Oklahoma City Police Detective confirmed by a licensed physician that she was not pregnant. Then, three days later, the detective along with agents from the state’s Attorney General’s Office, went to Patel’s clinic for an abortion she had previously scheduled, wearing a recording device. She also paid Patel $620.00 for RU486 abortion pills and was given a receipt for her purchase. She was then taken to an exam room where Patel told her she was pregnant. The police detective, who used her own name for the appointment, was allegedly given an ultrasound and a urine test which Patel said came up positive for a pregnancy. Patel then gave her RU486 abortion pills with instructions. Immediately following her visit to the abortion clinic, the detective went to a medical facility which confirmed she was not pregnant.

On October 21st, a female Oklahoma Attorney General Agent scheduled an appointment for an abortion at Patel’s clinic which she recorded. That same day, the agent confirmed with a medical professional that she was not pregnant. The abortion appointment was scheduled for the following day. On October 22nd, the AG representative and other agents went to Patel’s Outpatient Services for Women abortion clinic and under the alias Elizabeth Fitzpatrick paid the receptionist $620.00 for the abortion procedure. The agent was not given a pregnancy test but was taken to an exam room where abortionist Patel asked her for the date of her last menstrual period. According to the agent, Patel performed an ultrasound and told her she was “early in her pregnancy.” He then gave the female agent five RU486 abortion pills with instructions on how to use them. As with the other investigators, the AG agent immediately went to a medical center for a second pregnancy test which turned up negative.

As a result of the undercover stings, in early December, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt charged Dr. Naresh G. Patel with three counts of obtaining money under false pretense after improperly prescribing abortion-inducing drugs to patients he said were pregnant, but were not.


Patel was later placed under arrest and is currently not practicing medicine , pending an investigation by the state’s medical board.

A court date is pending but has not been set in the abortion doctor’s fraud case.