Archive for reproductive rights

Members of the radical abortion rights group Stop Patriarchy arrested in Seattle

Posted in Pro-choice law breakers, Pro-choice protest church, Stop Patriarchy with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 5, 2015 by saynsumthn

Members of the radical pro-abortion group, Stop Patriarchy, which claims to be a revolutionary / communist organization were arrested this week in Seattle.

Stop Patriarchy arrested Seattle 651405542_n

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According to Stop Patriarchy, seven of their pro-choice demonstrators were arrested after they blocked traffic in WestLake Park, Seattle.

Stop Patriarchy arrested seattle

The radical pro-choice protesters blocked traffic on a main street in the city yelling, “Abortion is not murder” and “Fetuses are not babies.

Stop Patricrchy seattle

Stop Patriarchy blocks traffick seattle

Wearing their typical bloodied garb and waving the pro-choice symbol of a bloody coat hanger, the communists chanted, “Without this basic right women can’t be free- abortion on demand and without apology.”

Stop Patriarchy coat hanger seattle

Their illegal actions angered several people who got out of their vehicles to scream at the radical group.

Stop Patriarchy Seattle cars blocked

Stop Patricrchy blocks trafic seattle

Stop Patriarchy seattle police

Stop Patriarchy wrote how the crowd opposed their activity:

    There was anger from some, some people even getting out of their cars to confront us in a direct way and tell us to move, some saying that they were pro-choice, but thought we were wrong to take the street the way we did. One man droned on saying “Abortion is murder. You’re all a bunch of whores.” Another wove through the crowd, yelling at us: “Abortion is legal, abortion is legal,” attempting to downplay the emergency and to therefore argue that we were acting in too extreme of a fashion. Some raised the idea that Seattle is just fine about abortion rights and access, that because this city is more progressive or enlightened, we have nothing to worry about.

    These notions are wrong and harmful, and further underscore the necessity to forge ahead with this kind of resistance! First of all, Seattle and all other areas that people consider to be more progressive actually are under assault. At abortion clinics in Seattle, the anti’s come to harass women going into abortion clinics—calling them murderers and making them feel ashamed and isolated—and terrorize clinic staff. Then there are fake clinics posing sham “alternatives” to abortion, which is to say they will try to convince women that they shouldn’t get an abortion. The anti-abortion movement has also made big strides in switching the terms of this battle to be about “babies” and the “murder of babies” to the point where even those that call themselves pro-choice think of abortion as tragic or as if it is “justifiable homicide.” This logic is deadly wrong! The battle around abortion has never been about “babies” it has always been about patriarchal control over women, and abortion is NOT murder! Fetuses are NOT babies, abortion is NOT murder, and women are NOT incubators!

Stop Patriarchy seattle-arrest

More pictures of the arrests can be viewed here.

Stop Patriarchy out of jail tweet


Stop Patriarchy also demonstrated in Union Square in New York where, according to their own leader, a Black man opposed them because of their abortion stance.

From Sunsara Taylor, the leader behind Stop Patriarchy:

    The controversy began even before we set up. As we pulled on bloodstained pants to represent the countless women who have died for lack of legal abortions and unpacked our bright orange “Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!” signs, an older Black man began screaming that we were “murderers.” In moments we were thick into debate in front of a growing crowd, with people joining in on both sides. As the man condemned women for having sex if they don’t want babies, I broke down the science behind the fact that fetuses are not babies, abortion is not murder and women are not incubators. I flipped the script on him by making clear that the real crime is forcing women to have children against their will, that is a form of enslavement.

The revolutionary abortion group also took their anger to a church in San Francisco calling them Christian fascists. (here)

Stop Patricrachy church cPVZ1r42ihho2_500

Stop Patriarchy church Christian fascists hho4_500

These reproductive rights communists raised havoc earlier this year in calls to “Ferguson” places where Black pro-lifers gathered.

They were arrested in a failed attempt to stop the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. (here)

One of their members was even caught using a racial slur against the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) during a protest a few months ago. (here).

The group plans to converge in Jackson, Mississippi next.