Archive for the Abortion Clinic Worders Category

“We Don’t Report” Illinois abortion clinics continue sexual abuse cover-up

Posted in Abortion and Sexual Assault, Abortion Clinic Worders, Abortion Clinics, child abuse, child predator with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 28, 2014 by saynsumthn

I stumbled onto an older story from Jill Stanek’s blog.

The blog post was uploaded a few years ago and covered the incidents of not reporting sexual abuse by the abortion industry, specifically in Illinois.

Stanek Illinois Blog Screen

Stanek begins her Blog this way:

Many pro-lifers don’t know that before Lila Rose came Mark Crutcher.

In 2002 Crutcher’s organization, Life Dynamics, conducted a comprehensive sting of every Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinic in the U.S.

Placing phone calls from Texas, where it is legal for one party to tape conversations without another’s knowledge, an actress portraying a 13-yr-old who had been impregnated by her 22-yr-old “boyfriend” told clinics she needed an abortion to keep her parents from finding out they were sexually involved.

In all, the actress spoke with staff at 813 PP or NAF clinics in all 50 states. Adult sex with underage children is illegal in every state, and PP and NAF clinics are mandated reporters. Yet an appalling 91% of all clinics contacted expressed a willingness to help cover up the statutory rape.

In IL that figure was 100%. All 21 clinics contacted, 12 of which were PPs, offered to aid and abet the adult perpetrator by helping cover up his rape of a child.

Stanek’s blog alerted me to this YouTube video (below) of call excerpts from the 12 Planned Parenthood facilities which Life Dynamics’ caller contacted. The video was put together by Andy Moore from clips of the Life Dynamics tapes and reveals just how mainstream the failure to report child sexual abuse is within Planned Parenthood centers in Illinois.

Listen here:

What is of additional interest is that Life Dynamics has just updated their Child Predator project with a new report of documented criminal cases entitled: The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse. The report was written by Mark Crutcher and Renee Hobbs and researched by Carole Novielli.

Unfortunately since 2002, we have come to learn that this cover-up of sexual pedophiles by the abortion industry continues.

ChildPredator W Website Sarah 37244037_n

In fact, just looking at Illinois, Life Dynamics details the following cases:

Bishop, Robbie L. / IL

In 1997, Bishop, 35, began having sex with “Cara” – his 12-year-old stepdaughter. At 14, Cara became pregnant and Bishop took her to a Chicago abortion clinic where he ordered her to sign-in using a fictitious name. It is evident that no report was filed by the clinic since the assaults on Cara resumed two weeks after the abortion and continued until December when she went to the police. It was later discovered that, not only did the abortion clinic staff fail to report the situation, they also supplied the victim with birth control pills. In 2005, an Illinois court gave Bishop 30 years in prison for criminal sexual assault. [The Supreme Court of Illinois, docket #99403, 1-20-2006 ]

Bishop, Robbie L. / IL

In 1997, Bishop, 35, began having sex with “Cara” – his 12-year-old stepdaughter. At 14, Cara became pregnant and Bishop took her to a Chicago abortion clinic where he ordered her to sign-in using a fictitious name. It is evident that no report was filed by the clinic since the assaults on Cara resumed two weeks after the abortion and continued until December when she went to the police. It was later discovered that, not only did the abortion clinic staff fail to report the situation, they also supplied the victim with birth control pills. In 2005, an Illinois court gave Bishop 30 years in prison for criminal sexual assault. [The Supreme Court of Illinois, docket #99403, 1-20-2006 ]

Now un-named abortion clinics would be difficult to have tapes on- but as Jill points out- of the 21 tapes that Life Dynamics recorded in Illinois which included 4 in Chicago, 100% of them stated they would cover for the abuser and not tell anyone.

Then we come to one that Life Dynamics did expose in 2002 and who, unfortunately, went on to cover for a sexual pedophile in 2006.


Cheshier, Jeffery / AR

In November of 2006, Cheshier, 41, was arrested and charged with repeatedly raping “Allie” starting when she was 13 years old. Investigators also discovered that, in March of that year, Cheshier had taken her to the Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, Illinois, where he forced her to have an abortion. Given that Cheshier resumed raping Allie after the abortion, and continued to do so for another eight months, it is evident the clinic staff did not file a report. Following his arrest, he was released on $50,000 bail and was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. [KSDK News 5, 11-15-2006 • St. Louis Dispatch, 11-17-2006 • World Net Daily, 11-18-2006]

Hope abortion Illinois

In 2002, Life Dynamics caught this same abortion clinic telling their caller that they would NOT have to report her sexual relationship with an adult man – here is a portion of that call:

CALLER: Okay. The thing is that I’m really worried because I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of everything, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?
CLINIC: No. We’re not going to tell anybody. There’s no parental consent in the state of Illinois and there’s no age.

CLINIC: Well, when you schedule your appointment, hon, we’re going to ask you for your address and your phone number and your Social Security number and stuff like that, but it’s strictly confidential. It doesn’t ever leave this office.
CALLER: So there’s nothing that he has to fill out?
CLINIC: There’s nothing that he has to fill out at all. But you do need to have your payment for a money order, Master Card or Visa.
CALLER: Oh, okay.

Listen to the complete call here !

Perhaps if this abortion clinic had been held to account after Life Dynamics’ 2002 report, they would not have allowed the sexual abuse of another child to remain silent.

Life Dynamics has just documented the hiding of sexual abuse inside abortion and Planned Parenthood centers is a nationwide problem. Their Child Predator report, part 2, is available for review here.