Supposed ‘pro-life’ Republican Senator wimps out on calling eugenics founded Planned Parenthood’s agenda ‘black genocide’

According to this report in the Florida Independent:
Thrasher ‘does not condone’ group that says Planned Parenthood efforts similar to ‘genocide’
By Virginia Chamlee | 12.17.10

John Thrasher, a Republican state senator from Jacksonville and the chair of the Republican Party of Florida, “does not condone” the controversial comments of an anti-abortion group he helped raise money for — comments that include the claim that Planned Parenthood’s efforts are similar to “genocide.”

In August, the Texas-based anti-abortion group Heroic Media hosted a Jacksonville event that prominently featured both Sarah Palin and Sen. Thrasher.

Titled “An Evening of Hope,” the event was a fundraiser for Heroic’s efforts in Florida — commercials and billboards that many have deemed offensive. The ads, which are specifically targeted toward African-Americans, are part of Heroic Media’s massive campaign against Planned Parenthood, an effort the group has labeled “Planned Parenthood aborts African Americans.”

On Wednesday, our sister site, The Texas Independent, profiled Heroic Media founder Brian Follett. In the piece, Follett defended his group’s latest campaign, saying it was “hard for [him] to fathom” why more prominent African-American leaders aren’t speaking up about “the African-American population declining.”

Follett also spoke out strongly against Planned Parenthood, using harsh words to describe its pro-choice work: “‘Genocide’ is a strong word, but it’s almost like that.”

Thrasher, who introduced Palin at Heroic’s August event and took part in a question-and-answer panel to close the event, is now distancing himself from the organization.
In a statement, the senator’s spokesperson Sarah Bascom said that “Thrasher’s only involvement with” Heroic Media came at the August fundraiser, and that “he was asked by the local organizers” to introduce Palin.

“He is pro-life and supports pro-life groups,” Bascom added, “but clearly they are going for shock-value with their ad techniques, which he does not condone.”

PERHAPS MR. THRASHER NEEDS TO DO A LITTLE HOMEWORK – Like Watching Maafa21 and getting educated on how Planned Parenthood was founded:

Mr. thrasher is alone is his wimpy cowardly position- black leaders across the nation are calling Planned Parenthood’s agenda: Black Genocide

Tom Metzger, the former Klan leader promotes the pushing of abortion clinics in Black Neighborhoods. From Metzger: “…abortion and birth control should be promoted as a powerful weapon, in the limitation of non-White birth. “

If a White Supremacists Klan leader knows that abortion is Black Genocide it needs to be opposed:

2010 – Dr. Alveda King: “Abortion is genocide, it’s killing populations. It’s killing generations and certainly the population that is most impacted by abortion in America is the black community. So I feel that as a civil rights leader I have responsibility to proclaim that black Americans are being exterminated by the genocidal acts of abortion.” ( SOURCE: Naples Daily News: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece speaks about injustice of abortions at Ave Maria 6/20/1010)

2010“Margaret Sanger is only one of a long list of people in the New World Order’s plans, which will eliminate countless millions of people of color,” The Rev. Ralph Bradley, pastor of Eternal Light Church in Cantonsaid. “If the New World Order members can continue in the financial banking fraud in the U.S. and around the world, abortion will be only one way to get rid of what Henry Kissinger calls ‘useless eaters.’ ” (SOurce: Minorities split over history, goal of abortion; 5/26/2010)

2010: “Racism and abortion are twins in many other ways. Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It’s a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated. So it is with abortion. ” (Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King)

2010 ” Perhaps there is nothing more sinister than a deception designed to cause those targeted to participate in a deep dark plot to facilitate in their own demise. This is exactly what’s happening to black people in America through the efforts of the eugenics movement, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry…The eugenicists and Planned Parenthood are winning the day. When will we push back against these elitists and stop our extermination?” (Pastor Stephen Broden, Dallas, TX)

2010: Pastor James Leak III, MA, Executive Pastor New Harvester International Ministries (N.H.I.M), “Studies of the shift in the abortion demographics from 1974 until 2004, and the purposeful location of abortion clinics in minority communities, corroborate “MAAFA 21’s” claims that black babies are a target of black genocide.”

2010: Dean Nelson, executive director for the Network of Politically Active Christians, dubbed the Planned Parenthood “Klan Parenthood,” saying it locates clinics in minority communities…” ( The Virginia Pilot )

2010: Pastor Isham Harris (Upper Room Home Church) speaks on the beauty of life despite the prevalence of abortion. Pastor Harris led the first ever March For Life at Planned Parenthood ( the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider) down Martin Luther King Jr. Way in NE Portland in 2009. (Watch it on YouTube)

2010: “Abortion providers are still being located for the most part in black neighborhoods and are still delivering the same old message–that black, poor children, living in urban areas–are not worthy of life. America would be a better place without black people. The KKK brutally killed about 3500 black people since it began in 1865–Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood is responsible for the more than 17 million black deaths since 1973. ” ( Day Gardner National Black Pro-Life Union)

2010: “Today, this African American pastor is declaring war against Planned Parenthood,” said Rev. Joe Ellison, vice president of the Council on Biblical Principles. “We’re asking pastors to shut them down in their communities. We’re asking pastors to pray them out and we’re asking Planned Parenthood to leave our children alone.”

2010: “There are conspiracy theories about AIDS and crack cocaine being intentionally inflicted on Blacks. What about abortion? Is there a secret KKK-Planned Parenthood alliance to extinguish the Black race in America? It’s unlikely the Grand Imperial Wizard has clandestine meetings with the president of the nation’s largest abortion provider, but Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger did once address the women’s auxiliary of the KKK…Surely no one now still thinks the same way as Sanger, right? Wrong. Just recently, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in an New York Times interview: “Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” ( R. Dozier Gray , member of the national advisory council for the Project 21 Black leadership network)

2010: Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry describes in a written statement/talk how the black community in general has been profoundly affected by abortion. Bishop Perry, who is African-American, writes: “Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC. During that same year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined. These were the seven leading causes of death charted for black Americans that year.” Bishop Perry also notes that the abortion industry specifically targets the black community. He writes: “Dr. Alveda King, niece of slain Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is a pro-life activist. In August 2007, she told a meeting of Priests for Life ‘those abortionists plant their killing centers in minority neighborhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope…. the great irony is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.”

2010: “Black Americans were brought to America in chains. After emancipation, we were subject to unfair laws restricting promised freedoms. Discrimination further robbed us of opportunity. Now, even with a level playing field, abortion is still pushing blacks into a corner. While the United States economy remains on the brink, blacks – who, as a community, are making their way up the socio-economic ladder – stand to lose the most. In promoting abortion, there is much more to lose than just our morality. Our very futures may lie in the balance. ( Mychal Massie , chairman of the black leadership network Project 21)

2010: “This radical group was founded by Margaret Sanger (an avowed racist) for the purpose of bringing systematic genocide to “undesirable races of people.” (African American Bill Randall candidate for Congress (North Carolina)

2010- “Yes, I think they target black neighborhoods and black women, Hispanics and poor people,” said Cecil Clark, pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, a black congregation , “We stand for not aborting babies, period. We’re concerned about all kids, regardless of what their color is.” ( SOURCE:, Some say Planned Parenthood relocation to East Knox racially motivated , March 13, 2010)

2010 – “I believe it’s because those clinics were deliberately located in black neighborhoods and that the community is being targeted. That’s what I believe, and that’s the message I’m bringing to Knoxville,” said Davis in a phone interview. “I tell you my heart is absolutely broken at the numbers of blacks that are dying.” ( SOURCE:, Some say Planned Parenthood relocation to East Knox racially motivated , March 13, 2010)

2010 “Seventy-eight percent of all Planned Parenthood’s clinics – abortuaries as I call them – are located in minority neighborhoods. The targeting of African-Americans has now been documented,” ( founder of website, Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress Jr., )

2010: “During the Civil Rights movement African-American’s were willing to be hosed down by Fire Departments, bitten by dogs, beaten by police officers, unjustly incarcerated, financially ruined and lynched by racist white folk to secure access to water fountains, restrooms and seats in the front of the bus…Today an African-American child has less than a 50% chance of being born.Every 72 seconds an African-American baby’s life is terminated by abortion.” ( African American Pastor, Walter Hoye)

2010: “Reciting facts such as “abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community,” and “black women are three times more likely to be sold an abortion than her white counterpart” didn’t seem adequate to break through the veneer that covered the eyes of black liberals and caused them to view abortion as more a basic right than an instrument of racist evil. To be honest, I began to give up hope that anything we could present would ever be enough to break through the deep-rooted skepticism that was manifesting itself in illogical political alliances between perpetrators and victims in defense of legalized abortion. Until I saw Maafa 21.” (Reverend Ceasar I. LeFlore III)

2010: “Abortion is the #1 killer of blacks in America and no one talks about it. Preachers/polititicians/Obama: no one talks about it. They just sweep it under the rug. As blacks we need to fight or else we’re going to be extinct. Check out Maafa21.”
( African American YouTube Post)

2010 – “I think (Planned Parenthood) target(s) black neighborhoods and black women, Hispanics and poor people.” Pastor Cecil Clark of True Vine Baptist Church, a black congregation in Knoxville, Tn. ( March 19, 2010)

2010: “Since 1993 legal abortion has killed more black Americans than Aids, Cancer, Heart Disease..the adversary wants us to embrace their eugenic ideology as the status quo. ” (Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers speak about Black Genocide and the disproportionate number of abortions taking place in the black communities of America. Portland Oregon, January 17, 2010 – Oregon Right to Life rally.)

2009: African American woman blasts Planned Parenthood-

2007: Black minister praying against Planned Parenthood baby killing facility being built near his church in Denver-

2005– In a recent survey of 500 black Americans, only half believed that the government tells the truth about the safety and side effects of new birth control methods.
Birth control conspiracy theories still affect the use of birth control by black men and women, according to a study reported in the latest issue of the journal Health Education and Behavior.
One-third of participants of the telephone survey said that medical institutions use poor and minority people as “guinea pigs”to try out new birth control methods, according to study authors Sheryl Thorburn of Oregon State University and Laura Bogart of the Rand Corporation. Substantial numbers of those surveyed also believed that the government uses birth control as a way to control the black population in America. Almost a quarter of those surveyed agreed that “poor and minority women are sometimes forced to be sterilized by the government”, while 22 percent agreed that “the government’s family planning policies are intended to control the number of Black people.”
( SOURCE: Health Behavior News Service , Conspiracy Theories Affect Birth Control Use by Black Men and Women , By Becky Ham, Science Writer: 8/9/2005)

1999– A controversial program to decrease the number of children born addicted to crack is sparking both cheers and cries of genocide. Called CRACK (Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity), the California- based group pays crack-addicted women and men $200 to be sterilized or go on a long-term birth-control method. Barbara Harris, the organization’s founder, acknowledges that her program is controversial, including the recent firestorm in Oakland, Calif., when a CRACK billboard was pulled down by an angry crowd. The crowd accused Harris’ group of racism and attempting to neuter the poor. ( SOURCE: Topeka Capitol Journal, Birth control? Or controlling poor population? 11/1/1999)

1990– According to The Advocate in Baton Rouge, LA, (Farrakhan chides blacks for self-destructive attitude Author: EDWARD PRATT :4/19/1990) In a speech at Southern University’s Activity Center Farrakhan suggested that abortion is a tool used by the government to stem the growth of the black population. “Why is it that they come into your neighborhood with planned parenthood?” he asked. He warned the black women that “the one you abort could be the one” to lead black people. Farrakhan said his mother used a hanger three times in an attempt to abort him.

1983– A study conducted in Waller County , Texas, which had a 52% Black population rate, The study found that a substantial percentage of the respondents indicated agreement with each of the following genocidal statements: 5> Birth control programs are a plot to eliminate Blacks; (45.3% agreed)

Ted Hayes, civil rights and homeless activist, tells people about the millions of black babies lost to abortion


An incredible documentary that everyone must see.

They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and brought across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.

But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America’s wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not going to be particular about how it might be done.

What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don’t think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, right now.

If you think that slavery and racism is over, you will be shocked when you watch this well documented DVD exposing the racism that is still taking place within America. Maafa21 is a high quality documentary with incredible documentation – A MUST SEE for every African American !

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Contraceptives will become a form of drug warfare against the helpless in this nation.” Jesse Jackson, 1971

Under the cover of an alleged campaign to ‘alleviate poverty,’ white supremacist Americans and their dupes are pushing an all-out drive to put rigid birth control measures into every black home. No such drive exists within the white American world.” Black Unity Party, 1968

Proponents…have argued this bill is for blacks and the poor who want abortions and can’t afford one. This is the phoniest and most preposterous argument of all. Because I represent the inner-city where the majority of blacks and poor live and I challenge anyone here to show me a waiting line of either blacks or poor whites who are wanting an abortion.” Iowa State Rep. June Franklin, Democrat 1971.

The abortion law, hides behind the guise of helping women, when in reality it will attempt to destroy our people.” Brenda Hyson, New York chapter, Black Panther Party, 1971

A true revolutionary cares about the people–he cares to the point that he is willing to put his life on the line to help the masses of poor and oppressed people. He would never think of killing his unborn child.Detroit chapter, Black Panther Party, 1970

How the hell is getting the pill? The Mexican and the Negro. Do you want to wipe us out?Caesar Chavez, 1967

It is strange that they choose to start talking about population control at the same time that Black people in America and people of color around the world are demanding their rightful place as human citizens and their rightful share of the material wealth in the world.” Jesse Jackson, 1977

All these quotes are from a new film on Eugenics and Population Control called: Maafa21. It is a MUST SEE film- the best ever made on this issue. The early civil rights leaders, Black Panthers and others saw through the Planned Parenthood mirage. They saw it for what it really was: BLACK GENOCIDE.

Today 5 BLACK babies to every 1 White baby will die inside American Abortion Clinics. Is there a targeting going on? Find out: Maafa21:

One Response to “Supposed ‘pro-life’ Republican Senator wimps out on calling eugenics founded Planned Parenthood’s agenda ‘black genocide’”

  1. seems like more energy is spent on blaming and condemning one another.What is wrong with people now a days ? Certainty what is a stake is far more important than causing more division!LET’S do something together,like taking a step beyond the Dream..”2011 Building Community Together” enough with 50/50 divorce rates and elections 50/50 seems more like division and not a Vision! We have got to come together on common ground and stop throwing bricks ,and gather bricks to build upon like Goodwill towards healthy Communities for our Children… holler some-one

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