Jesse Jackson Calls ObamaCare Repeal Efforts ‘Creeping Genocide’ used to call abortion ‘Genocide’

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Dear Jesse- You Used to call Planned Parenthood, birth control and abortion – GENOCIDE !

In an interview with JET MAGAZINE you said – QUOTE, ABORTION IS GENOCIDE!” ( Jet Magazine: Mar 22, 1973 P 15)

Contraceptives will become a form of drug warfare against the helpless in this nation.” Jesse Jackson, 1971

Jesse Jackson once phrased the issue this way, “In the abortion debate one of the crucial questions is when does life begin. Anything growing is living. Therefore human life begins when the sperm and egg join and drop into the fallopian tube and the pulsation of life take place. From that point, life may be described differently (as an egg, embryo, fetus, baby, child, teenager, adult), but the essence is the same. The name has changed but the game remains the same…Another area that concerns me greatly, namely because I know how it has been used with regard to race, is the psycholinguistics involved in this whole issue of abortion. If something can be dehumanized through the rhetoric used to describe it, then the major battle has been won. So when American soldiers can drop bombs on Vietnam and melt the faces and hands of children into a hunk of rolling protoplasm and in their minds say they have not maimed or killed a fellow human being something terribly wrong and sick has gone on in that mind. That is why the Constitution called us three-fifths human and then whites further dehumanized us by calling us “niggers.” It was part of the dehumanizing process. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in. order to justify that which they wanted to do and not even feel like they had done anything wrong. Those advocates of taking. life prior to birth do not call it killing or murder; they call it abortion. They further never talk about aborting a baby because that would imply something human. Rather they talk about aborting the fetus. Fetus sounds less than human and therefore can be justified.

Jesse- you were NOT Alone: The clip below is from the powerful documentary: Maafa21

In 1983– A study conducted in Waller County , Texas, which had a 52% Black population rate, The study found that a substantial percentage of the respondents indicated agreement with each of the following genocidal statements:

1. As the need for cheep labor goes down, there will be efforts to reduce the size of the Black population; (69.5% agreed)
2. As Blacks become more militant, there will be efforts to reduce the size of the Black Population; (62.6% agreed),
3. Survival of Black people depends on increasing the number of Black births; (55.8% agreed)
4. Birth control programs are a plot to eliminate Blacks; (45.3% agreed)
5. Abortions are a plot to eliminate Blacks. (42.6% agreed)

( SOURCE: Genocidal Fears in a Rural Black Community : An Empirical Examination, by Walter C. Farrell, Jr. ; Marvin P. Dawkins; and John Oliver, Journal of Black Studies, (Vol. 14, No. 1. ( Sep., 1983) pp. 49-67)

The findings reveal that fears of genocide were present among Blacks as late as 1984 and today those fears are a reality !

Maafa21 : New film exposes Eugenics and Black Genocide from Abortion

On June 11,1970, The Black Caucus issued a statement of withdraw from the First National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment, It read: “ The Black Caucus has withdrawn from the First National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment because of unmistakably clear evidence that the purpose of this conference is to use these delegates invited to legitimize a preconceived vicious plan of extermination. This plan is one of systematic reduction of a specific population, namely Blacks, other non-whites, the American poor and certain non-white and ethnic immigrants.” The statement was presented to a Press Conference by Felton Alexander, National Urban League and chairman of the Black Caucus and Dr. Alyce Gullattee, Psychiatrist from Washington D.C. ( SOURCE: Black Caucus Statement in withdrawing from the First National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment : June 11,1970, located in the Planned Parenthood Federation Papers, Black Attitudes from 1962, copied from the Sophie Smith Collection, Sophie Smith College , Box 107/Folder 11:)

The birth control pill was introduced at a time when scientists such as Arthur Jensen and William Shockley were promoting genetic explanations of racial differences in intelligence-test scores. During the 1960s and 1970s, thousands of poor black women were coercively sterilized under federally funded programs. Women were threatened with termination of welfare benefits or denial of medical care if they didn’t “consent” to the procedure. Southern blacks claimed that black women were routinely sterilized without their consent and for no valid medical reason—a practice so widespread it was called a “Mississippi appendectomy.” Teaching hospitals in the North also performed unnecessary hysterectomies on poor black women as practice for their medical residents. During this period, state legislators considered a rash of punitive sterilization bills aimed at the growing number of blacks receiving public assistance. .. Black concerns about family planning had arisen decades earlier during Margaret Sanger’s crusade for birth control. As Sanger allied herself with the burgeoning eugenics movement, the call for birth control veered away from its radical, feminist origins to include programs to regulate the poor, immigrants and blacks, based on theories of genetic inferiority and social degeneracy. Some blacks of the period, including the nationalist leader Marcus Garvey, opposed birth control as a form of “race suicide.” ( SOURCE: Alan Guttmacher, Family Planning Perspectives, Volume 32, Number 2, March/April 2000 :Forum: Black Women and the Pill, By Dorothy Roberts )

Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger admitted in her autobiography of giving a speech to enthusiastic to the KLAN that she received an addition dozen invitations to speak to the, Sanger was a member of the RACIST American Eugenics Society, she hung around racists, allowed them to be published in her Birth Control Review – and today Planned Parenthood names their TOP AWARD after Margaret Sanger-the racist….Jesse Jackson, has NEVER called for Planned Parenthood to remove Sanger from that organization. Today Planned Parenthood abortion clinics kill more black children than all other top causes of death combined !

Dr. Alan Frank Guttmacher, president of the ‘Planned Parenthood World Population Federation’, and former VP of the American Eugenics Society attended the session on the family and specified the real differential between white and non-white fertility rates. He made what appears to be a flippant comment that nevertheless, reflected his worries about the ‘wrong’ people having too many children: “You can’t make a person take contraception. Unfortunately.” (SOURCE: The Historical Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1 ( Mar., 1998) pp. 259-282, The 1966 White House Conference on Civil Rights, by Kevin L. Yuill, quoting transcript records of the WHCCR)

1965– At the White House Conference on Civil Rights sponsored by Lyndon Johnson, Cecil Moore made this attack on population control, “ And I have noticed that every time that we talk about population and planned parenthood, the only country I find that wants to limit poverty by limiting the poor- they always want to do it in Africa and South America and Asia , but I never heard them talk about doing it in Paris or England. Then I hope I am not belaboring the point, but don’t take that away from Negroes because we don’t have much else.” ( SOURCE: The Historical Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1 ( Mar., 1998) pp. 259-282, The 1966 White House Conference on Civil Rights, by Kevin L. Yuill, quoting transcript records of the WHCCR)

1968– William “Bouie” Haden and other Negro militants have accused the [ Planned Parenthood] clinic of propagating “black genocide.” It is operated by Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit international family planning agency…”The idea,” says Dr. Charles E. Greenlee, a Negro physician and a member of Haden’s group, “is to make less niggers so they won’t have to build houses for them.” Greenlee is chairman of the Health Committee is the Pittsburgh branch of the NAACP On December 4th of Last Year, He and Pittsburgh NAACP President, Byrd Brown , a Negro attorney, charged at a news conference that Planned Parenthood was keeping the Negro birth rate down. Greenlee and Brown also charged that the clinics were a not sanitary and lacked privacy. They said the agency was soliciting Negro women to take the Pill. Planned Parenthood denied the charges. ( SOURCE: The Problem of Black Birth Control THE TITUSVILLE HERALD, TITUSVILLE, PENNA, PAGE SEVEN: OCTOBER 7,1968)

1970– Julian Bond, in a commencement speech at Syracuse University. Bond had become the director of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, which he helped found. At the time of the speech, he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Southern Conference Education Fund, of the Advisory Board of the proposed Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, and of the Executive Committee of the Atlanta NAACP. Bond suggested that the intense interest in the ‘population bomb” could lead to genocide of black Americans and other poor people. Bond begins, ”If Mother Nature don’t get you, then Father Time will.” Now Dr. Ehrlich hastens to assure us that in spite of the fact that some of the white people who are talking up population control do mean population control of blacks, or the poor, or the Indians, like most racist plots this one is incompetent. …Do we, as black people, have legitimate cause for alarm? Has genocide ever been tried before? Yes it has. Has the United States government demonstrated its commitment to the defense of the interests of Black people? It has not. Do we have legitimate cause for alarm? I believe we do.” ( SOURCE: Transcript, Commencement address delivered at Syracuse University by Julian Bond on June 6,1970)


Under the cover of an alleged campaign to ‘alleviate poverty,’ white supremacist Americans and their dupes are pushing an all-out drive to put rigid birth control measures into every black home. No such drive exists within the white American world.” Black Unity Party, 1968

Proponents…have argued this bill is for blacks and the poor who want abortions and can’t afford one. This is the phoniest and most preposterous argument of all. Because I represent the inner-city where the majority of blacks and poor live and I challenge anyone here to show me a waiting line of either blacks or poor whites who are wanting an abortion.” Iowa State Rep. June Franklin, Democrat 1971.

The abortion law, hides behind the guise of helping women, when in reality it will attempt to destroy our people.” Brenda Hyson, New York chapter, Black Panther Party, 1971

A true revolutionary cares about the people–he cares to the point that he is willing to put his life on the line to help the masses of poor and oppressed people. He would never think of killing his unborn child.Detroit chapter, Black Panther Party, 1970

How the hell is getting the pill? The Mexican and the Negro. Do you want to wipe us out?Caesar Chavez, 1967

It is strange that they choose to start talking about population control at the same time that Black people in America and people of color around the world are demanding their rightful place as human citizens and their rightful share of the material wealth in the world.” Jesse Jackson, 1977

NAACP Crisis on “Genocide” from Planned Parenthood

The Crisis NAACP March 1970

“There is division within the Negro community how best to face this challenge. There are those of us who condemn the idea of birth control as a sinister “Genocide” conspiracy which white folk , fearful of steadily increasing Negro population, seek to foist upon the black community…Let those Negro men and women who despair of the future and turn their back on parenthood remember what their forbearers endured with faith and courage and dedication. Let them dig deep into the history of the black race in this country and realize what their ancestors were able to overcome. Let them not shrink from their duty to the future of their race in America. Let them be assured that there is hope for both the race and the country.”

The NAACP Crisis July 1995:

Rev. Dee Davis, pastoral care minister of the Harvest Church International, an African American Church in Landover, Maryland, strongly supports abstinence.
Ardent foes of Planned Parenthood , she and her congregation believe the birth control agency “has plans to bring genocide” to African Americans, citing Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood in 1929, as conceiving the plan.

Jet Magazine, November 1971

“An opponent of birth control [Dick] Gregory contends that “planned parenthood’ campaigns actually represent a conspiracy by whites to perpetrate genocide on blacks.”

Black Panthers Speak: Black Panther Party, 1969,

Shrewdly, cunningly, he starts to do you in. Genocide.
Planned Parenthood
Birth Control
Vietnamese War
Venereal Disease
Pigs, Punks, and Tricky Dicky Nixon.
Genocide. Dig it black man.”

Jet Magazine, Father George Clements , Feb 15, 1973
“People don’t go around saying there are to many white children being born, but there are many who talk about the overpopulation in the Black Communities. There is a grave contradiction being practiced in the US in the black or ghetto areas Planned Parenthood or birth control clinics are set up , whereas in the white communities or suburbs fertility centers are being established.”

More interesting reading:

Ebony Magazine, My Answer to Genocide, by Dick Gregory – here

In a recent New York Times interview , Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Emily Bazelon that, “...I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.

The “Populations” Ginsburg referred to in that interview is clearly defined in, Maafa21.

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