Archive for Robert Lewis Dear

Active shooting incidents at houses of worship more frequent than “health facilities” like Planned Parenthood

Posted in Planned Parenthood Shooting with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 12, 2015 by saynsumthn

According to a 2014 report from the FBI, more active shooter incidents occurred at houses of worship than health care facilities and none at abortion clinics. This is in complete contrast to the way the media is reporting on a 2015 shooting which occurred at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood.

FBI Active shooter 2013

The FBI report released in September of 2014, looked at 160 active shooter incidents that occurred between 2000 and 2013 throughout the U.S. It comes on the heels of several weeks of skewed media reporting claiming pro-life “rhetoric” prompted a lone and deranged shooter at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood November 27, 2015, which left three people dead and nine injured. As tragic as any act of violence is, the media and the abortion industry is attempting to portray violence at abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood as a regular occurrence, something the FBI study disputes. To date, authorities investigating the 2015 shooting incident have not publicly commented on the motives of the shooter, Robert Lewis Dear who now faces first degree murder charges. Pro-life groups nationwide have condemned the act.

According to the FBI, between 2000 – 2013, shooters at health care facilities were outnumbered by shootings in all other categories. The largest percentage of incidents—45.6 percent—took place in a commercial environment (73 incidents), followed by 24.3 percent that took place in an educational environment (39 incidents). The remaining incidents occurred at the other location types with the lowest percentage being health care facilities, and of those, none were Planned Parenthood or abortion centers.

The FBI identified 11 separate incident location categories which included commercial areas (divided into malls, businesses open to pedestrian traffic, and businesses closed to pedestrian traffic), educational environments (divided into schools [pre-kindergarten through 12th grade] and Institutes of Higher Education), open spaces, government properties (divided into military and other government properties), residences, houses of worship, and health care facilities. Shooting incidents broke down as follows:

    Businesses, Open to pedestrian traffic, 27.5% (44)
    Schools (Pre-K to 12), 16.9% (27)
    Businesses, Closed to pedestrian traffic, 14.4% (23)
    Open Space, 9.4% (15)
    Institutions of Higher Education 7.5%, (12)
    Other Government Properties, 6.9% (11)
    Residences, 4.4% (7)
    Malls, 3.8% (6)
    Houses of Worship, 3.8% (6)
    Military,3.1% (5)
    Health Care Facilities, 2.5% (4)

Although houses of worship outnumbered shootings at health care facilities, as did all other location categories, the media wants the public to believe that women seeking “health care” at abortion clinics are at great risk of “anti-abortion violence.” Yet, according to the document none of the shootings at what the FBI classified as a “health care facility” took place at an abortion or Planned Parenthood center as summarized below:

Pinelake Health and Rehabilitation Center
On March 29, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., Robert Kenneth Stewart, 45, armed with a handgun, a shotgun, and a rifle, began shooting in the Pinelake Health and Rehabilitation Center in Carthage, North Carolina, where his estranged wife worked. He did not find her. Eight people were killed; three were wounded, including one police officer. The shooter was apprehended after being wounded during an exchange of gunfire with police.

Parkwest Medical Center
On April 19, 2010, at 4:30 p.m., Abdo Ibssa, 38, armed with a handgun, began shooting in the Parkwest Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. He had been distressed over the out-come of his recent surgery and was trying to find his doctor, who he believed had implanted a microchip in him. When he was unable to find the doctor, he moved to the emergency room and began shooting. One person was killed; two were wounded. The shooter committed suicide before police arrived.

St. Vincent’s Hospital
On December 15, 2012, at 4:00 a.m., Jason Heath Letts, 38, armed with a handgun, began shooting in St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. No one was killed; three were wounded, including one police officer. The shooter was killed by police.

Renown Regional Medical Center
On December 17, 2013, at 2:00 p.m., Alan Oliver Frazier, 51, armed with a shotgun and two handguns, began shooting in the Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, Nevada. One person was killed; two were wounded. The shooter committed suicide at the scene after police arrived.

While it is true that the Colorado Springs shooting tragically had a large number of victims, it is also true that the media fails to report shootings at other medical facilities with the same emphasis as they did the Planned Parenthood incident. An interesting look at this comparison is detailed at the blog Saynsumthn here.

The 4 shooting incidents at health care facilities outlined above resulted in 10 killed and 10 wounded (including 2 law enforcement officers). The 6 incidents in houses of worship resulted in 21 people killed and 27 wounded (including 1 law enforcement officer), according to the FBI study. One of those incidents involved late term abortionist George Tiller.