Archive for Liar

“LIARS” Report Says ObamaCare DOES Allow Federally-Funded Abortions

Posted in Abortion, Health Care, Obama, Planned Parenthood with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 28, 2010 by saynsumthn

H/T – American Spectator

New CRS Report Says ObamaCare Allows Federally-Funded Abortions
By Philip Klein on 7.28.10 @ 1:16PM

A new report by the CRS Report for HELP 07232010.pdf “>Congressional Research Service reveals that the national health care law allows for federally-funded abortions, despite Democrats’ claims to the contrary.

Under one of the provisions of ObamaCare, before the new health insurance exchanges are set up in 2014, the federal government is funding state-based high risk pools to help cover those with pre-existing conditions.

But according to the CRS, the abortion restrictions contained in the new law “would not appear to apply specifically to the funds made available for high risk pools by section 1101.”

The report says that President Obama’s executive order on abortion “does not specifically address high risk pools and the funds provided under section 1101 of (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).”

The Department of Health and Human Services sets the guidelines for the operation of the high-risk pools, but according to CRS, those guidelines “neither explicitly provide the authority to cover elective abortions with federal funds, nor do they specifically prohibit the use of federal funds.”

In response, 13 Republican Senators have sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, urging her to issue regulations that would prohibit federal tax dollars from covering abortion through the high risk pools. You can view the PDFs of the CRS report and the letter below.
CRS Report for HELP 07232010.pdf (1.1 MB)


ARE WE SURPRISED – No – The Only Ones Obama didn’t Lie to was Planned Parenthood !!!!!!


Stupak Deal Brokered by Former Planned Parenthood Lobbyist
The Weekly Standard reports:

Stupak Deal Brokered by Former Planned Parenthood Lobbyist & EMILY’s List Counsel
BY John McCormack
March 24, 2010 2:35 PM

From the American Principles Project:

When Bart Stupak announced his support for the Senate Health Care Reform Bill, one reporter asked him if the deal between Barack Obama and the pro-life Democrats was made face-to-face with the President himself. Mr. Stupak said that he had made the deal working with White House Counsel Robert Bauer.

Who is this Robert Bauer – the man capable of selling Bart Stupak a bill of goods on the Executive Order?

Prior to his involvement with Mr. Obama, from 2005-2007 Mr. Bauer was a registered lobbyist for America Votes. In this capacity, he sought to enact laws that would help the fund-raising prospects of left-leaning 527s. After he finished the campaign of Mr. Obama, he served as the Counsel for the pro-choice election powerhouse EMILY’s List.

America Votes (AV) is a coalition of liberal groups that has, according to their website “more than 20,000,000 Americans in every state in the country.” AV is controlled by an Executive Board that consists of 9 members: 5 unions (AFL-CIO, AFSCME, NEA, SEIU, and UFCW), 2 global warming advocacy groups (The Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters), 1 general liberal advocacy network (Progressive Future), and, most importantly, the most influential pro-choice lobby – The Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Of course, this doesn’t prove that Stupak’s deal is meaningless–we have to rely on logic and the law to prove that. But it is fitting that Stupak sold out for a deal with a lawyer who has worked for the abortion lobby. As Planned Parenthood’s president said, the executive order is nothing more than a “symbolic gesture.”


Do not forget the Twitter Planned Parenthood sent when the deal was signed:
Planned Parenthood Prez Cecile Richards at Health Care bill signing ceremony

Cecile Richards , President of the eugenic founded organization: Planned Parenthood twittered this:

“At the Dept. of the Interior w/progressive leaders for the #hcr bill signing ceremony – such a thrilling moment for America!”
10:33 AM Mar 23rd

During his campaign, Obama told Planned Parenthood (who lobbied heavily for his election) that “Abortion was at the heart of the health care plan.”

in 2009, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood was invited by the White House to head up a Breakout Session on Health Care Reform (Click Here )

Now we are supposed to believe that a president who lobbied heavily for abortion and to Planned Parenthood will sign an executive order which will prohibit funding of abortion with tax payer money, come on?

Planned Parenthood has called abortion “Basic Health Care” – Abortion is plain and simply eugenics. In fact, Planned Parenthood itself was founded on eugenics. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and receives over $1 MILLION Dollars PER DAY from tax payers .

If you really want to see what the motive of groups like Planned Parenthood and the “Elitists” in the Federal Government are , just get a copy of a well documented film called: : Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America ( .

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