Archive for ISIS

GOP Debate roundup Planned Parenthood, abortion, immigration, terrorism , ISIS

Posted in 2016 Presidential Race, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 7, 2015 by saynsumthn

Last night as I watched the FOX GOP Debate with the “top ten” presidential candidates, I tweeted some of their remakes as they unfolded.

GOP Debate 1

GOP Debate 4

GOP Debate 5

GOP Debate 6

GOP Debate 7

GOP Debate 8

GOP Debate 9JPG

GOP Debate 10

GOP Debate 11

GOP Debate immigration

GOP Debate2

GOP Debate3

Marco RUbio abortion GOP DEbate resume Hillary

Red Cruz on Terrorism GOP DEbate Radical Islam

Scott Walker Planned Parenthood abortion GOP Debate

Ted Cruz on ISIS Death Warrant DOP Debate

Trump run Independent GOP Debate Rand Paul

Ted Cruz debate recap:

Ted Cruz on ISIS:

Marco Rubio debate abortion:

After the Debate:

Scott Walker abortion exceptions debate

Walker debate recap

Megyn Kelly asks Donald Trump, “When did you actually become a Republican?”
also abortion and women:

Carly Fiorina – Rick Perry on Donald Trump

Trump and Rand Paul spar and Kasich on gay marriage in Debate

Mike Huckabee on same sex marriage and abortion

Ben Carson on Terrorsim

Ben Carson’s closing statement: Brain and Washington DC

Megyn Kelly spars with Donald Trump on women:

Trump would run Independent on debate:

Chris Christie and Rand Paul on Patriot Act and privacy – terrorism


Ben Carson

    I am only one to take out half a brain although if you go to Wash looks like someone beat me to it #GOPDebate funny!
    Carson on Hillary counts on ppl being uninformed #Alinsky model useful Idiots – #GOPDebate says he believes ppls are smart !
    Base tax on tithing – proportional tax system get rid of deductions and loopholes
    on #terrorism I wouldn’t broadcast to everyone what we are going to do – no such thing as politically correct war
    Bully pulpit place 2 start 2 heal race divide strength of America comes in unity we are USA – race does not define us
    Most important for next #POTUS is to “have a brain”

Senator Ted Cruz

    first thing I will do is rescind illegal ex orders of #Obama and open investigation of Planned Parenthood
    we see lots of campaign conservatives but if we are going to win we need consistent conservation #GOPDebate reads scripture daily
    “if you join #ISIS and wage Jihad on America you are signing your death warrant”
    Ted Cruz on #ISIS ” we won’t defeat radical Islamic Terrorists so long as we have POTUS fearful to utter the words
    I will always tell the truth

Senator Marco Rubio

    God had blessed us with many candidates while dems can’t even find one!
    Historians will look back and back on us and call us barbarians for #abortion
    I have never advocated #rape exception on #abortion law to protect unborn exists called Constitution
    even tax code 4 small businesses have regulatory budget repeal and replace #ObamaCare repeal Dodd-Frank
    Feds will use common core to force down local throats !
    Campaign supposed to be about future not past if I am nominee I we will be party of future
    Is this is resume competition #Hillary will be next prez

Rubio Barbarians unborn abortion

Gov. Scott Walker

    God calls us to follow his will and I hope to do the same living life as testament to His faith!
    Voters elected me for 3rd time unemployment was 8% now below 6% ppl like #Hillary thinks U grow economy by growing Wash
    I met with Saudi leaders greatest challenge – disengagement of America we are leading from behind
    I defuned Planned Parenthood long B4 videos came out
    I believe that is an unborn child in need of protection

More on Walker, Planned Parenthood, Immigration and abortion here:

Gov. Chris Christie

    we don’t need to fund enemies and Israel is a priority to keep them strong and safe
    71% of federal spending entitlements and debt #GOPDebate
    I’m only person who has filed applications under Patriot Act

Gov. Mike Huckabee

    military not social experiment purpose is to protect America
    on Iran – we got nothing we didn’t even get 4 hostages out when someone points gun to head and loads take seriously
    #FairTax is paid by everyone #pimps #prostitutes #illegals #drug dealers a like
    gov should change their retirement program or not have one instead of taking from #socialsecurity
    on #FairTax 60 million on Social Security Gov took the money out of their checkbook!!
    Federal gov puts mandates on states – beyond jurisdiction of constitution #EPA #IRS #GOPDebate move power back
    Time 2 Do something more bold invoke 5th and 14th amendment on abortion

Senator Rand Paul

    I don’t want marriage or my guns registered in Washington and ppl who have religious opinions gov should not interfere
    on Iran you have to negotiate from position of strength Obama gave too much away how do you get them to comply
    Paul to Christie” I don’t trust Obama I know you gave him a big hug…”
    I want 2 collect more records f/ #Terrorists and less from honest #Americans proud to stand 4 #BillofRights
    Shouldn’t fund our enemies

Donald Trump

    when you have ppl cutting Christians heads off, ppl at border, no time for tone get job done #GOPDebate #ISIS
    I have evolved on abortion like Ronald Reagan but what does he mean? #GOP #GOPDebate #prolife
    on company bankruptcy lenders not babies they are total killers tells #ChrisWallace your living in world of make believe
    gets snarky with #Chriswallace
    I have never gone bankrupt BTW
    defensive on dem giving
    system broken When they call I give and they are there for me
    on single payer – it works…wants private system #GOPDebate / #ObamaCare #prolife
    I was only one on stage to oppose #Iraq war
    on ObamaCare “disaster” was for single payer system years ago
    “Border patrol leaders stupid +and Mexican gov smarter- send bad ones over b/c they don’t want to pay for them”
    “if it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be talking illegal #immigration” #GOPDebate #debate Build a wall Drugs go out/ money in
    #Trump on Mexico up !!
    I don’t have time for total political correctness

Gov. Jeb Bush

    says Trumps language is divisive – won’t win dividing country with optimistic message
    brags he defunded Planned Parenthood “my record as a pro-life Gov is not in dispute did 4 end of life issue as well” #GOPDebate
    on Planned Parenthood and #Bloomberg which gave millions to #PP basically admits he never looked at their budget #GOPDebate
    invokes “children will suffer” line on Common Core – what a joke #GOPDebate #Education #prolife
    on Common Core I’m for higher standards with abundant school choice blah…blah…blah…#GOPDebate didn’t say locals / parents have say Jeb on Iraq: “It was a mistake”
    “Majority of ppl coming here illegally have no option” #Immigration #GOP #Debate says eliminate sanctuary cities
    I’m my own man
    Bar is higher for me

Gov. John Kasich

    “America is a miracle county”
    I just attended a gay wedding #GOPDebate but says he supports traditional marriage
    “everybody has a right to their God-given purpose”

From early debate:

George Pataki and Bobby Jindal: Abortion/Planned Parenthood ( 20 weeks)

Jindal: I’ll Send Every Agency I Can After Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood better hope Hillary wins the election ~ Gov Bobby Jindal

Shockingly Mother Jones did a good analysis on what he candidates said about abortion and Planned Parenthood which you can read here.