Archive for attack pro-life

Abolish Human Abortion sided with abortion advocates against pro-life measure

Posted in AHA with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 11, 2014 by saynsumthn

Against THe World COnf AHA

During Abolish Human Abortion’s (AHA) Against the World For the World Conference in Memphis, TN., pro-choice students at the University of Memphis, protested against Tennessee’s Amendment 1, a pro-life measure that passed only days later.

T Russell Hunter Univ Memphis AHA 2014

Abolitionist and leader of AHA, T. Russell Hunter says he tried to tell the Vote-NO pro-choice group that they were also meeting to oppose Amendment 1 a pro-life measure he calls a compromising amendment.

Abortion advocates ardently opposed Amendment 1 even calling pro-lifers the Tennessee Taliban:

TN Taliban 300bd9af7

The Amendment which passed days after Hunter’s protest read:

“Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion. The people retain the right through their elected state representatives and state senators to enact, amend, or repeal statutes regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or when necessary to save the life of the mother.”

16 abortion facilities in Tennessee and across the country contributed a total of $3.5 million in efforts to defeat the pro-life amendment.

T Russell Hunter said he thought it was interesting that the abolitionists were on campus “trying to fight abortion” and made the false claim that because pro-lifers were not there at the exact same time it was because they were not against abortion. So….so….wrong.

Hunter knows pro-lifers oppose abortion and this is just another example of the accusatory attitude so many have experienced from AHA.

The abolitionists are not here to support Amendment 1,” Hunter says, “The pro-lifers want you to support Amendment 1. And, the pro-lifers are not here fighting abortion.”

To clarify, pro-lifers in Tennessee fight abortion regularly and Hunter and the majority of his band of abolitionists have since returned home and are no longer in Tennessee “fighting abortion” either.

Hunter continues, “Why?” Hunter asks as he answers the question himself, “Because they [pro-lifers] don’t think abortion’s murder. Because if they thought it was murder, they wouldn’t be just trying to regulate it,” he states in the video below.