Archive for the Samuel Yette Category

Samuele Yette’s Ghost and the NAACP

Posted in Johnny Hunter, NAACP, Planned Parenthood and NAACP, Samuel Yette with tags , , , , , , , on February 1, 2013 by saynsumthn

By Mark Crutcher

It’s January, 2013. Dr. Johnny Hunter, a Black man, is quoted on Twitter criticizing the association between the NAACP and Planned Parenthood because of that organization’s racist and eugenics history. Within minutes, after saying that Planned Parenthood has the NAACP on a leash, this Black group’s Twitter account is suspended and taken down. To put it succinctly, Hunter had been “Yetted.”


If you’re not familiar with that concept, let me offer a short history lesson.

In January of 2011, an African-American man named Samuel Frederick Yette died in a Maryland nursing home. He was a man of enormous accomplishments having earned two college degrees, been an officer in the Air Force as well as an award-winning journalist, author, lecturer and university professor. In 1964, he had been appointed Executive Secretary of the Peace Corp after which he became Special Assistant for Civil Rights to the Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity. He later became the first Black reporter hired by Newsweek magazine where he rose to the position of Washington D.C. Bureau Correspondent.

But in 1968, Mr. Yette wrote a book exposing high-level plans within the United States to use birth control and abortion as instruments of Black genocide. Immediately after this book was published, Yette was summoned to his supervisor’s office and fired. He was told that Newsweek was under pressure from the Nixon White House to get him out of Washington. Later, despite the fact that his book was selling well, had won at least two national awards and was being used as a textbook in colleges across the country, Yette’s publisher dropped him and took the book off the market.

Mr. Yette was chopped off at the knees because, by the late 60s, population control – especially Black population control – had become a virtual religion for America’s power structure. And these people do not tolerate dissent well – especially when it comes from uppity Black opinion molders. Yette described the situation perfectly in January of 1972 when he told a reporter for Jet magazine: “I do not mean to be pejorative or vindictive, when I say this, but had I been a nigger instead of Black, a spy instead of a reporter, a tool instead of a man, I could have stayed at Newsweek indefinitely.”

Now if you’re tempted to think that this has changed over the years, let me remind you what happened to 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. As his campaign picked up steam, he began reminding the public that Planned Parenthood had been founded by ultra-wealthy white racists and eugenicists. He went on to point out that Planned Parenthood was carrying out the agenda these people had laid out by disproportionately placing their abortion and birth control facilities in minority communities. Then, within just a few hours after he started calling for Planned Parenthood to be stripped of its taxpayer funding, anonymous women started dropping out of the trees to claim that he had sexually harassed them.

Eventually, Herman Cain was forced out of the race and, to no one’s surprise, these women disappeared as quickly and mysteriously as they had appeared. Somehow, the allegations and the alligators evaporated simultaneously.

Today, America’s “Population-Control / Family-Planning Cartel” includes the politically ambitious quislings and shameless hucksters over at the NAACP. The fact is, given their unholy marriage to Planned Parenthood, it seems appropriate for the NAACP to just go ahead and change its name to the National Association for the Abortion of Colored People. When my friend, Johnny Hunter, began to point that out, it was inevitable that he would be Yetted.