Archive for the Children Category

Planned Parenthood’s long history of covering for sexual abuse of children

Posted in Abortion, Abortion Clinic Worders, Abortion Regulation, child abuse, child predator, Children, Glenn Beck, Life Dynamics, Lila Rose, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood and Child Predators, Planned Parenthood and Human Trafficking with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2011 by saynsumthn

A second videotape has been released showing a Planned Parenthood abortion business covering up an alleged sex trafficking ring. The first tape showed staffers in New Jersey engaged in the coverup and this one features a clinic in Virginia.

“Planned Parenthood’s problems go far beyond New Jersey. Our new video shows their Richmond clinic willing to aid and abet the sexual exploitation of minors and coaching a pimp about how girls as young as 14 – 15 could circumvent parental consent laws for secret abortions,” said Live Action President Lila Rose. “Watch the video – the clinic worker admits they do this ‘once or twice a month.’ Our investigations of 12 clinics in the past four years show a pattern of Planned Parenthood’s willingness to cover-up the sexual abuse of minors and young women.”

The undercover investigation sponsored by the pro-life group Live Action features the same setup in this second video: a sex ring operator and one of his prostitutes visit the Richmond Planned Parenthood abortion center looking for information about how to obtain abortions for the minor girls they allegedly illegally brought to the United State.

One again, the sting operation has Planned Parenthood officials willing to bend over backwards to get abortions for the victimized girls and, in this case, bragging about how they can undermine the judicial bypass provision in the Virginia parental notification law to get a judge to approve the secret abortions on the sex slaves.

“But there are also ways, like judicial bypass, that we can get around that if you guys ever need it,” she says of how to get abortions for the 14 and 15-year-old girls they say are here illegally. “There’s a way to avoid that.”

The staffer, Kimberly, tells the undercover investigators, “we’re pretty good at handling, if someone, you know, doesn’t want someone else to know” and adds, “for someone who’s a minor that’s really good option. We do them probably once or twice a month here.”

“Judicial bypass,” the Planned Parenthood staffer says. “It’s um, if someone is a minor and they don’t want their parents to know they’re on their parents insurance — so an abortion would show up..”

“We’ve kinda got it all,” she brags in the January 12 footage, about what Planned Parenthood can do to help the sex traffickers. The staffer also advises the sex traffickers that they can get abortions later in pregnancy in Maryland and DC if they want the girls they manage to get them.

When the Planned Parenthood staffer is told that the couple manage girls who are sex workers and that, “we gotta keep them safe, ” the staffer appears unconcerned, responding, “Yeah, yeah, of course” and “we see people from every walk of life.”

“For awhile we were treating all the girls at Paper Moon,” a local strip club. “No judgment, no sharing of information, like, uh, nothing here.”

The staffer says the girls, when informed they are not here legally, are welcome to get information and STD testing at Planned Parenthood. She ends the meeting by giving the sex traffickers her card and not appearing to show any concern about their law-breaking activity or that she will report them to law enforcement authorities following their meeting.

In the first video (below), the pair of undercover journalists visit Planned Parenthood Central New Jersey’s abortion center in Perth Amboy and clinic manager Amy Woodruff, an LPN, warns the pimp and his prostitute to have their trafficked underage girls lie about their age to avoid mandatory reporting laws.

“Even if they lie, just say, ‘Oh he’s the same age as me, 15,’…it’s just that mainly 14 and under we have to, doesn’t matter if their partner’s the same age, younger, whatever, 14 and under we have to report,” Woodruff says. “Like on the paperwork there’s going to be a point that asks, uh, like are you sexually active, stuff like that … if they’re under a certain age… – you know, me and my other counselor, like for the most part we want as little information as possible – cause we don’t want to be involved…”

Woodruff also recommends how the pimp can get his prostitutes cheaper contraception by claiming they are “students.”

“If they’re minors, put down that they’re students. Yeah, just kind of play along that they’re students–we want to make it look as legit as possible,” Woodruff is caught saying in the videotape.

Woodruff also coaches the alleged sex traffickers on where to get an abortion that won’t be met with as much scrutiny, referring them to the New Jersey-based abortion business named Metropolitan Medical Association, where she says “their protocols aren’t as strict as ours and they don’t get audited the same way that we do.”

The Planned Parenthood official also coaches the alleged sex traffickers on how soon they can put underage female sex slaves back to work. The prostitute in the video asks how long after the abortion until the girls can have sex again, and, when Woodruff says “minimum of 2 weeks,” she asks what sex acts the girls could still do to make money.

“Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by” to advertise sex to potential clients, Woodruff advises.

After claims from Planned Parenthood that the videos were a HOAX, they fired the nurse in the first video.

But…why does Planned Parenthood keep getting caught covering for perverts, sexual abusers and pimps? Several years ago, Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics spent months preparing an exhaustive report on the questionable activities Planned Parenthood pursues. He also created a special web site for the express purpose of exposing the deceit. At, you can listen to taped conversations involving Planned Parenthood counselors. There is a well-documented report of his findings online as well. The response to the tapes and the report, which became public in early 2002, was silence from most legislators and the vast majority of the media.

Below is the news footage from the Life Dynamics investigation:

In Cincinnati, Planned Parenthood has been accused of covering up the sexual abuse of a teenage girl by her father. Ohio law requires professionals such as doctors, nurses, and teachers to report alleged sexual abuse. According to the 2007 lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, the teenager claims she was sexually abused by her father for another 18 months because Planned Parenthood failed to report the incest. After telling someone else about the incest, the girl’s father was prosecuted and sentenced to five years in prison.

In a second case involving Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio in Cincinnati, a 14-year old girl was impregnated by her 22-year old soccer coach. He then took her to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. The soccer coach signed-off on the abortion saying he was her step-brother. The girl’s parents were neither notified nor gave their consent for the abortion. The parents filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for failure to report the incident as required by Ohio’s parental notification law and for failure to report an incident of possible child abuse to authorities. The parents’ case is weakened somewhat because the daughter gave Planned Parenthood a false phone number for notification purposes. However, Planned Parenthood did nothing to confirm they were talking to the parents when they made the required notification call.

In this news footage below, we learn about how Planned Parenthood was sued in the case after Planned Parenthood failed to protect by reporting her abuse to authorities:

The victim, identified in court documents only as Jane Roe, was sexually abused and impregnated by a 22-year-old soccer coach in 2004.
A Hamilton County judge ruled against Planned Parenthood in the case of a the woman in that video who said she received an abortion when she was 14 years old.

The lawsuit, filed by the victim’s parents on her behalf, alleges that Planned Parenthood did not follow consent laws before performing an abortion on Roe.

“We know for certain, had they done their job, she would not have had the abortion,” said Roe’s attorney Brian Hurley. “It’s resulted in what we believe is severe trauma to a young woman.”

Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Jody Luebbers ruled that Planned Parenthood breached its duty to have a physician see Roe at least 24 hours before her abortion and performed the abortion without parental notification.

But, these are not the only damming videos against Planned Parenthood. A few years ago Reporter Lila Rose from Live Action did a series of undercover video investigations revealing that yet again- Planned Parenthood was more than willing to cover for sexual child predators: In fact, after Lila Rose uncovered the abuse at a Planned Parenthood in Birmingham, Alabama, they were put on year-long probation for violating state parental consent laws.

Birmingham abortion clinic put on probation


The Associated Press has reported that Planned Parenthood of Birmingham has been placed on probation. The AP story reads:
MONTGOMERY, Ala.—A Birmingham abortion clinic that was targeted in an undercover sting by anti-abortion activists has been put on probation by state health officials.
State inspectors, who went to the Planned Parenthood clinic after the sting by the anti-abortion group “Live Action,” cited problems with the reporting of suspected sexual abuse and how parental consent was obtained for minors. ( Sting Video Below)

Rose told the staffer that she was 14 and had been impregnated by a 31-year-old boyfriend. She told the Planned Parenthood official she needed a secret abortion so her parents would not find out about her sexual relationship with the older man.

Rose asks, “Is it a problem about my boyfriend?

The counselor, identified as “Tanisha” in the video, responds, “As long as you consented to having sex with him, there’s nothing we can truly do about that.”

Rose then says that her boyfriend “said he could get in big trouble,” and Tanisha acknowledges that “he could, especially if your parents find out that he’s 31.

The Planned Parenthood official then tells Rose that the center manager, Desiree Bates, “sometimes does bend the rules a little bit” and adds “whatever you tell us stays within these walls” and “we can’t disclose any information to anybody.”

Tanisha also seems to tell Rose that a signature from an “older sister that’s over the age of 18″ or someone “with the same last name” could function as a substitute for parental consent so Planned Parenthood could perform an abortion on a minor.

Yet, Alabama Code 26-21-3 specifies that the written permission of either a parent or legal guardian is necessary before a minor may obtain an abortion.

This is the seventh Planned Parenthood center implicated in a multi-state child abuse scandal involving the deliberate and unlawful suppression of evidence of statutory rape. Alabama is the fourth state to be implicated in the controversy, along with Arizona, Indiana, and Tennessee.

Recently, the investigation of a clinic in Memphis, TN assisted state legislators in their effort to successfully divert nearly $1 million in taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood to law-abiding local health clinics.

When to ‘bend the rules a little’ means hiding a case of statutory rape from Child Protective Services and looking for ways around the parental consent requirement, Planned Parenthood becomes directly responsible for ensuring that statutory rapists can continue their abuse of young girls,” Rose says.

In the video below, Lila Rose speaks with Glenn Beck and exposes how a Memphis Tennessee Planned Parenthood counselor tells an undercover investigator posing as a 14 year-old girl who said she was impregnated by a 31 year-old man, to lie to a Judge about her age so she can get an abortion ! This is a clear violation of the law !!!!

Just look at Planned Parenthood’s evil history through the eyes of this powerful documentary : Maafa21– and you will see that Planned Parenthood is never to be trusted again !