Archive for November, 2015

Inspectors find aborted babies inside Planned Parenthood POC freezer

Posted in Aborted Babies, Aborted Baby Body Parts, Abortion Clinic Inspections, Abortion clinic medical waste, Abortion Regulation, Planned Parenthood inspected, Planned Parenthood Suspended with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 29, 2015 by saynsumthn

An unannounced inspection by state health investigators which resulted in the suspension of a South Carolina Planned Parenthood facility this past summer also revealed how aborted babies were stored in a biohazard freezer. The horrific details, captured in a SC state health inspection report are eerily similar to those captured by the Center for Medical Progress while undercover at a Houston Planned Parenthood abortion facility.


In that video, Center for Medical Progress (CMP) “buyers” were taken into Planned Parenthood’s back pathology room where they ask to view any “fresh specimens” i.e. aborted babies. With a BIG smile on her face, the Planned Parenthood assistant told CMP, “We had a really long day and they are all mixed up in a bag,” she states as she giggles. And then they tell CMP that they keep the “specimens” frozen.

SC Inspection Planned Parenthood fetal tissue

The inspection report from the State of South Carolina lays out a similar system where aborted children are kept in a freezer at a Planned Parenthood in Columbia. The gruesome details are documented in the August 31,2015 on site inspection the Bureau of Health Facilities Licensing performed at Planned Parenthood of South Atlantic on Middleburg Drive.

Planned Parenthood south carolina

The unannounced inspection at the Columbia Planned Parenthood was requested by Governor Nikki Haley and conducted by the South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Bureau of Health Facilities Licensing and Bureau of Land and Waste Management to determine compliance with state laws.

During the walk through of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic investigators identified two locations where biohazard waste was stored. The first one, although it contained bio-hazardous waste, did not contain any fetal tissue. But, when inspectors asked if there were any other places where “POC’s” or products of conception were kept, Planned Parenthood staff replied, “Yes, in the POC room in the freezer.”

South Carolina Planned Parenthood abortion freezer inspection fetal tissue

According to the document obtained by Saynsumthn, inspectors followed the Planned Parenthood staff in the “POC room” and opened the “upright freezer which had a biohazard sticker in the top right hand corner.” Inside the freezer were several metal shelves lined with blue disposable pads. One shelf had a large red plastic biohazard bag that was tied with numerous (in excess of 20) smaller red plastic bags, the report stated.

Planned Parenthood staffers told inspectors that “individual products of conception” or as pro-lifers rightly describe them, aborted preborn children, are placed in a smaller red biohazard bag after examination by the physician i.e. abortionist. They are then placed in the large bag in the freezer, the inspection report notes.

Inspectors then asked Planned Parenthood staffers what the next step would be for the “fetal tissue” or preborn aborted children in the freezer. Abortion clinic staffers told inspectors that on the day of “medical waste” “pick up” that the large bag would be placed in a cardboard box in the “biohazard room” and sealed and labeled where a manifest would be generated. It would then be passed off to the “transporter” or the medical waste pick up company.

The storing of aborted children in freezers until they can be “transported” was also described in detail by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast when, in an unprecedented move CMP undercover investigators were able to film what takes place in these “POC labs.” A transcript of an April 9, 2015 conversation CMP had with Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast read in part:

    “After the physician has confirmed the tissue correlates with gestational age, tissue is placed in a biohazard container and gets discarded into a single container and then is placed in the freezer. Anything after 16 weeks is immediately placed in the freezer after the procedure. And it is all sent away once a week for incineration. So that’s kind of the scope.”

In another portion of the conversation the Planned Parenthood staffer told CMP:

    “Under a sample acquisition protocol where everyone that’s coming in gets approached, not just African-American or whatever, everyone gets approached about donating fetal tissue, maybe we can even think, and I recognize that a lot of this has to be fresh, but maybe even banking, a tissue banking part, that we have it built into the consent form-protocol-in the event that you don’t have a use-first trimester, you don’t have a use for it currently, you saw the refrigerator freezer space we have, we have plenty of space. We can store it, and then if you have a need, because some researchers start with frozen specimens or preserved specimens first, we could look at doing that as well.”

Planned Parenthood inspection Jenny Black

The storing of aborted babies inside freezers, as creepy as it sounds, does not appear to be a violation of health laws.

However, in addition to the way the Columbia, South Carolina Planned Parenthood stored the aborted fetuses, the document did list a host of health violations found by the South Carolina State Health Inspectors and detailed them in a September 11, 2015 letter addressed to Planned Parenthood CEO Jenny Black.

Those violations include the following:

    Documentation on personal background information on 2 staff members was not available for review.
    The facility did not have documentation on training in infection control for 2 staff members.
    The facility did not comply with a provision of the Women’s Right to Know Act…In 5 of 25 medical records reviewed, the record documented that an abortion was performed sooner than the required 60 minutes after an ultrasound.
    Planned Parenthood did not adhere to and follow provisions for tissue examination and disposal and did not have a written policy and procedure regarding registration of fetal death or death certificates.
    Planned Parenthood’s emergency drug cart did not have a listing of contents on the cart.
    Expired medications were stored in the patient care areas and pharmacy.
    Products of conception resulting from abortion procedures were not managed and properly disposed of by incineration according to regulations.
    Several abortion records involving minors did not include the names of their mother or father.
    In 25 out of 25 of the medical records reviewed by inspectors, the names of clinical assistants in attendance during abortion procedures was not documented in the record.
    In 4 of the 25 medical records reviewed, abortions were not reported to the Office of Vital Records within the required 7 days but were reported between 13 and 33 days. And in one of the records reviewed, the record did not document that the abortion was reported at all.
    Sterile gloves were stored and mixed with non-sterile supplies including non-sterile examination gloves .
    Waste meeting the definition of “infectious waste” was not managed and properly disposed of by incineration.

Planned Parenthood COuth Atlantic abortion clinic suspended

State officials then suspended the license of the South Carolina Planned Parenthood facility. Despite previous claims from CEO Jenny Black that monetary penalties were not issued, the documents shows that Planned Parenthood was fined $7500.00 and ordered to submit a plan of correction.

Planned Parenthood south atlantic monetary fine suspended abortion inspection

According to the Island Packet:

    Planned Parenthood paid a $7,500 penalty for 21 cited violations and submitted correction plans by the Sept. 28 deadline but asked DHEC to reconsider some of the violations, putting the suspension on hold…DHEC cleared Planned Parenthood’s Columbia clinic on Nov. 6, and the organization withdrew its request, Department of Health and Environmental Control Director Catherine Heigel said.