Bloomberg funds Planned Parenthood’s targeting of African Countries – receives award from abortion giant

On March 27, 2014, the former Mayor of New York City from 2002-2013, Mike Bloomberg, attended the Planned Parenthood Annual Gala and accepted the Global Citizen Award.

Bloomberg PP Global Citizen Award

Bloomberg “honored” other Planned Parenthood award recipients such as the Rev. William Barber ( see his details here) and Nancy Pelosi – more here.

Michael Bloomberg PP Awards

The former New York Mayor brags that they want to bring the Planned Parenthood, “family planning” – or as we like to say “Eugenics” agenda to Tanzania and other African nations. Bloomberg said he is joining with other eugenics and pro-abortion groups like the Bill Gates foundation to make this agenda come to life.

“And I am happy to say,” brags Mike Bloomberg,” our major partner in this project will be Planned Parenthood Global.”

PP Mike Bloomberg

They will also join with the United Nations to promote this agenda…surprised?

According to Bloomberg’s press release, Bloomberg Philanthropies has announced the launch of a multi-faceted $50 million reproductive health program to prevent maternal deaths and help more women freely and safely make decisions about when to have children. At the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, Michael R. Bloomberg committed $50 million to Family Planning 2020 (FP2020), a global collaboration of governments, non-profit organizations, donors and researchers, to ensure that women in the world’s poorest countries have access to family planning information, contraceptives, and services by 2020. Funding from this $50 million commitment will be allocated to the three core components of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ reproductive health program which includes new advocacy efforts, as well as an expansion of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ existing program in Tanzania. Elements of the program will be comprised of:

Advocacy grants to strengthen reproductive health rights for women in Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Uganda
A rapid-response grant program to help governments and providers in 69 of the world’s poorest countries effectively deliver services
Comprehensive reproductive health services such as family planning and post-abortion care in existing and newly renovated health clinics in Tanzania, which has the eighth highest number of maternal deaths worldwide and where a woman dies from complications of pregnancy or childbirth almost every hour.”

It goes on to say, “Bloomberg Philanthropies will work with Planned Parenthood Global, the international division of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, to support advocacy efforts for vital reproductive health reform in Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Uganda. These countries were selected by Planned Parenthood Global and Bloomberg Philanthropies as the needs and opportunities for advocacy were great. Through grants to local organizations in these four countries, this advocacy effort aims to improve access to family planning information, contraceptives and reproductive health services for women, including particularly marginalized groups, such as youth and unmarried women.

“When women have the power to decide if and when to have children there are fewer unintended pregnancies, fewer maternal deaths, and greater opportunities for women, families and their communities,” said Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “To do this, governments need to play a stronger role to ensure that all women have access to the health care they need, no matter who they are, no matter where they live.”

The advocacy grants will support local partners’ efforts to advocate for laws and policies that support access to reproductive health services. Planned Parenthood Global will provide on-the-ground support to local organizations with technical expertise on coalition-building and media campaign development.

To contribute to unanticipated gaps in funding, Bloomberg Philanthropies is also partnering with the United Nations Foundation, which hosts FP2020, to launch a rapid-response grants program. These grants will be administered by FP2020 to improve access to family planning services in any of the 69 FP2020 focus countries. They will be deployed quickly for critical needs such as purchasing supplies in emergency situations and providing specialized trainings for health providers.”

Bloomberg PP Global Citizen Award1

In his speech before Planned Parenthood, Bloomberg goes on to call recent pro-life legislation passed in Texas and other states “an outrage,” calling them “steps backwards”

A CDC Abortion Surveillance Report dated November 29, 2013 revealed that in 2010, in New York City alone where Mike Bloomberg was Mayor, 81.9 percent of the babies aborted were Black or Hispanic HMMMMM.

NY 2010 Abortion Black Hispanic

Also Read:

Bloomberg joins Gates in funding population control (here)

Bloomberg gives $250,000 to abortion giant Planned Parenthood (here)

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