Archive for October, 2009

Planned Parenthood Expert on sex: “Expect to get HPV- All of us get it”

Posted in Abortion, Anti-abortion, birth control, Black Genocide, Children, Gardasil, Life Dynamics, Maafa21, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, pro-choice, Pro-Life, Racism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 27, 2009 by saynsumthn

Dr. Vanessa Cullins: Vice President for Medical Affairs, Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Don’t you just want to give her a BIG INVITE to speak at your kid’s school?

Of course, when you look at what Planned Parenthood teaches young children, you can see why they would make such a prediction.
The book Planned Parenthood sells for 10 year old kids called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” Click on the name to view. ( WARNING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL)

The pictures from “It’s Perfectly Normal” contained pornographic images of cartoon characters engaging in various sex acts.

Parenthood’s web-site “Teen Talk” where “foreplay” is explicitly detailed and “outercourse” is promoted as safe sex, contraception, psychological relief and sexual fulfillment.

In El Paso Texas: According to state audit obtain by KFOX, Planned Parenthood Center of El Paso (PPCEP) owed more than $154,000 to the county’s University Medical Center.
The audit also indicates El Centro de Salud La Fe is owed more than $250,000.

“We no longer have a contract with Planned Parenthood El Paso, I can confirm that,” said Allison Lowery, with the Texas Department of State Health Services . “I can tell you that Planned Parenthood violated it’s contract with DSHS”
Sources close to the previous organization have told KFOX that in fact the debt owed by PPCEP is much higher. The total amount of debt has been estimated at over $1 million. Full Story Here
Watch here
Link: Office of Inspector General’s Report On Planned Parenthood Center

Does Planned Parenthood promote Black Genocide? A film called: Maafa21 answers this question ( preview here)

For more about Planned Parenthood read:
Evidence Presented that Planned Parenthood Promotes Sex to Teens and Sells Pornography to Young Kids; Nueces County Hospital Board Rolls Over for Planned Parenthood

What does Planned Parenthood, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Richard Nixon have in common? Racism ?

Not Rape Rape, Whoopi speaks, Hollywood defends Polanski, and Planned Parenthood still covers up abuse !

Blood, Ambulances, and Planned Parenthood how safe is abortion?

Also Read: Way to Go, Planned Parenthood by Dr. Miriam Grossman, M.D.