Stanek: Will Michelle promote partial birth abortion in healthcare pitches?

Jill Stanek writes:

In a fundraising letter for her husband’s US Senate campaign in February 2004, Michelle Obama called partial birth abortion “a legitimate medical procedure.”

With Politico reporting yesterday Michelle “plans a packed autumn that aides say will include a ‘dedicated focus’ on health insurance reform,” will she be pitching mandated public and private insurance coverage of partial birth abortions?

Oh, I know pba is now illegal, but Michelle also claimed in that fundraising letter a ban against it was “clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned.” Michelle could add relegalizing pba to her healthcare pitch.

Slide 1 michelle obama pba letter-thumb-500x565
Slide 2 michelle obama pba letter-thumb-500x497

Rasmussen is reporting that a majority of Americans favor a ban against abortion in Health Care:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% believe any government-subsidized health care plan should be prohibited from covering abortion procedures. Thirteen percent (13%) believe such plans should be required to cover abortions, and 32% favor a more neutral approach with no requirements in either direction.

Among those who currently support passage of the legislation, 22% want a prohibition banning abortion coverage and 22% want a mandate requiring such coverage. Forty-seven percent (47%) of the plan’s supporters prefer the neutral approach, and nine percent (9%) are not sure.

Among those who oppose the plan, 72% favor a prohibition against coverage of abortions while five percent (5%) hold the opposite view.

48% Want Abortion Coverage Banned in Health Care Plan

For details of how abortion is being covered by government run Health Care- read the Washington Times article by Charmaine Yoest:Is abortion health care, or is it not?

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