Funeral home sends driver to abortion clinic to pick up “fetus”


Abolitionist Toby Harmon has uploaded a video of his conversation with a Funeral Home employee who showed up at Curtis Boyd’s Albuquerque abortion clinic: Southwestern Women’s Options.

10304791_10202463734849979_3580158087573286302_n Images used with permission by Toby Harmon

The Funeral Home employee told Harmon that he did not agree with abortion but was requested by the mother for them to pick up the fetus.

An image of the funeral home vehicle taken by Harmon reveals that the funeral home is Riverside Funeral Home.


On their website, the late term abortion clinic says that prior to the induction they, “discuss the patient’s wishes for saying goodbye to her baby and make a plan to accommodate her wishes. We offer a memory box containing a receiving blanket, footprints, a certificate of stillbirth and photos. Many women and their support choose to view the baby the day following induction. We can help with arrangements for burial or cremation.”


A call made to the abortion clinic in 2011 revealed that the clinic will arrange for a funeral home to pick up babies they murder.

The abortion clinic tells the caller how they will kill the “fetus” the caller then asks:

Caller: Okay. What happens to the fetal remains? What options do I have there?

SWO’s Sue: Well, you do have some options,uh, from–you know you can certainly make arrangements through a funeral home, if it’s something that you’re wanting to have cremated for example and, uh, the remains shipped to you. Uh, it would have to–those arrangements would have to be made through a funeral home here who then makes arrangements with a funeral home where ever it is that you live. Um. So that certainly is something that some patients do choose to do.

Undercover Call

Read transcript of the call posted by Operation Rescue here

Harmon described his feelings after posting the vid, “I must admit my emotions and thinking on this are conflicted. It is sick and twisted to murder your own baby and then act like it was a normal death and now decide to call the funeral home to give him or her proper cremation/burial. However, this is the most humanly this pre-born child was ever treated in his short life and reflecting back on it I do not hold the funeral home accountable for his murder, but appreciate that they will, by their services provide him a little dignity.”

One Response to “Funeral home sends driver to abortion clinic to pick up “fetus””

  1. […] up a fetus” for a proper cremation as requested by the aborting mother, as quoted by Saynsumthn’s Blog, July […]

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