Archive for reproductive rights

Children tout Hillary’s support of abortion in “Bill for First Lady” political vid

Posted in Hillary clinton with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 19, 2015 by saynsumthn

A new campaign to promote radically pro-abortion Hillary Clinton’s run for president in 2016 uses young girls to promote abortion.

The campaign is called Bill for First Lady and shows a mock of former US President Bill Clinton running around in high heels and a dress begging supporters to vote for him as the first lady.

Bill for first lady hillary

Bill for First Lady petition

The campaign comes with a downloadable comic book – need I state that “comic” is the appropriate word that comes to mind when I see this:

Hillary Bill for first lady

Hillary for 2016 Bill Dress comic

The Bill for First Lady campaign website states:

    We are a national online grassroots movement of young Americans to support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 and make “herstory” by putting a woman in the White House. With a focus on creating youthful viral videos, catchy campaign memes and sharable social media content, as well as live “Bill” campaign events in cities and on college campuses across the nation, PAC (Political Action Committee) is a strategic effort to move, motivate and inspire younger voters to get involved.

The first video the group produced shows Bill Clinton running around the country in his dress asking supporters to support Hillary for president in 2016.


Video #2 entitled: Hillary 2016: Girls Give the Top 5 Reasons to Run, features young girls pushing a Hillary election because of her support of abortion.

Hillary 2016 bill dress whire house abortion girls

The video shows young girls that look about 8 or 9 years old listing five top reasons girls support Hillary for president.

#1) To inspire and show American’s girls there is limit on what they can achieve, “Let’s put a woman in the White house,” the girls state.

Hillary VJ Less Pay

#2) Pay equality….
At this point in the Hillary promo a young girl states, “In the USA – having a VJ – shouldn’t mean less pay.”

Really? Having a kid say that?

#3 The video shows an African American girl saying, “To beat back Republican attacks on women’s reproductive rights.”

Hillary vid Black girl abortion

And another girl says, “When we grow up – we want choice. President Hillary will be our voice.”

Hillary vid prochoice kid

Well – now you get the gist.

Using young girls to push radical abortion policies is a crime, in my view.

Do these children even know what “choice” is under a Hillary presidential campaign?

Do they know it means abortion on demand for any reason at any stage of development for the unborn child?

Do they know it means funding Planned Parenthood which covers child sexual predators?

Sadly, using a Black girl in this video is insulting when you consider that African American girls are fewer and fewer as policies such as the ones Hillary promotes eradicate Blacks through abortion.

Today, abortion is the number one killer of the African American community and the majority of clinics that perform abortion are tax-funded Planned Parenthood centers.

Hillary clintonMargaret Sanger

Planned Parenthood’s founder was a racist who believed in and promoted eugenics and Hillary once praised her. Read here.

Radicals like Hillary Clinton and her supporters have no ethics when it comes to pushing their agenda on the next generation and this video is more evidence of that.