Archive for pro-choice

Abortion clinic defenders joke about aborted baby, tweeting “Lunch for all”

Posted in Aborted Babies, Abortion Clinic Escorts, Abortion Clinic Worders, Pro-choice mocking with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 16, 2015 by saynsumthn

Pro-lifers have gathered in Montgomery, Alabama where they are protesting abortion in that city.

Also there are groups of abortion supporters who have taken to social media to mock efforts of the anti-abortion folks.

Reproductive Haealth Services prochoice defenders

The clinic: Reproductive Health Services
Their Twitter Page Hangout: Pink House Defenders

A few hours ago the pro-choice defenders began tweeting, “where’s Malachi?

Malachi abortion

Malachi was a 21 week aborted baby boy that was found frozen in a jar with three other little children at an abortion mill in Dallas, Texas, in February 1993.


So, it was shocking when I saw a tweet by the Pink House abortion defenders that read, “Malachi’s in Montgomery, AL!!!! Lunch for all!!

Alabama Abortion Malachi

Malachi was buried at the Cemetery of the Innocents in Dallas, Texas, in the summer of 1993.

The ironic twist is that a church youth minister and a pastor’s wife work at Reproductive Health Services.

The sick mentality of these abortion escorts reveals the evil nature of child killing.