Archive for Ilyse G. Hogue

Abortion group NARAL starts #ProChoiceParents twitter fest

Posted in Abortionist, NARAL with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2015 by saynsumthn

The other day I blogged about NARAL’s obnoxious tweet, “Being pro-choice *is* fundamentally about *parenting!”

NARAL Prochoice parenting

It followed news that their president, Ilyse Hogue, announced that she was pregnant with twins, and they are now trying to prove that women who support the right to kill a child in the womb are also “good parents.”


To do this they have created the hashtag #ProchoiceParents.

NARAL Prochoice parent




They even posted this pic of abortionist Pratima Gupta – pregnant:

Pratima Gupta

Abortionist Pregnant

Along with a tumblr page where Maureen Shaw writes, “Motherhood strengthens my prochoice resolve!


Not to be outdone by Planned Parenthood ex-employee, Jen Levine-Fried, who writes, “I worked for Planned Parenthood for nearly five years, and served on the Board of the Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund for six, but nothing strengthened my commitment to being pro-choice like pregnancy and parenting. Pregnancy is HARD, and parenting is even harder. No one should go through either of those things without choosing it.”

Jen Planned Parenthood

To help make this hashtag go viral Saynsumthn offers a few suggestions:


#ProchoiceParents believe in this:

Aborted baby foot

Celebrating being a #prochoiceparent:

Aborted Baby 6

What I will tell my child when she grows up #ProChoiceParents

Here is what #ProChoiceParents believe in:



What can you come up with?

The abortion lobby believes that because Ilyse Hogue, President of NARAL has announced that she is pregnant with twins, that it is, “confounding anti-choice activists.”

Well not really.

See, we have always known that the babies the abortion lobby wants killed are NOT their own.

In their warped elitist world – they are the ones “deserving” to have children.

Read more here.