Archive for Force

Planned Parenthood uses Lady Liberty to promote agenda of limiting births of “the poor and huddled masses”

Posted in Guttmacher, Margaret Sanger, Margaret Sanger License to Breed, Margaret Sanger on Segregation and sterilization, Planned Parenthood Free Birth Control with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 8, 2014 by saynsumthn

STatue of Liberty

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

These lines from Emma Lazarus’s sonnet, “The New Colossus” are inscribed on the Statue of Liberty and imprinted on the American consciousness.

But – eugenics founded abortion giant Planned Parenthood has decided to use the image of Lady Liberty to call for population control

Blogger Jill Stanek found this tweet from Planned Parenthood which shows the Statue of Liberty holding birth control pills:

PP Lady Liberty BC pills

Of course, this ties in perfectly with Planned Parenthood’s agenda because we all know that they “want the poor!” so they can guarantee they do not procreate !

In 1964, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger said she believed that it would take the US Government to accept “Population Control” to convince other nations to do the same.

I just don’t have the feeling that we can control it,” the Planned Parenthood founder lamented about the population explosion.

“I don’t see how we can control the birth rate until we get the government to agree that this is something which should be taken seriously. Other countries feel that if our government is against it, it must be bad. Americans would be much more acceptable when they go abroad to work on the problem if we get our government to approve it- perhaps under some such term as population control,” Sanger stated.

Sanger 1965 Population Control


In a 1969 article in Medical World News Reports, former Planned Parenthood president Alan Guttmacher suggested the possibility that coercion will be used to control population, “Each country will have to decide its own form of coercion,” writes Guttmacher, “and determine when and how it should be employed. At present the available means are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible”.

As late as 1970 Guttmacher called the idea of a limitation of families to only 2 children in America “desirable.”

This former Eugenics VP also suggested that the United Nations be brought in to control population, “ If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the dammed Yankees, but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproduction rate, we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage,” Guttmacher told Boston Magazine in 1970.


Guttmacher was following in the steps of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who in 1932, called for the U.S. government to set aside farms and what she called “open spaces” where certain groups of people would be segregated from the rest of society. She proposed that, among others, the illiterate, the unemployed and the poor should be forcibly kept in these areas until they developed “better moral conduct.” ~ The documentary film Maafa21.

Sanger called for parents to have a QUOTE: LICENSE TO BREED controlled by people who believed in her eugenic philosophy. She wanted all would be parents to go before her eugenic boards to request a “PERMIT TO BREED“. So much for Choice , huh?

Sanger also called for those who were poor and what she considered to be “morons and immoral‘ , to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called, “Better moral conduct”.

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger once wrote that no one should have the right to bear a child and no permit for children shall give a couple the right the have more than one birth, requiring parents to obtain a “license to breed.”

In her “A License for Mothers to Have Babies” with the subtitle, “A code to stop the overproduction of children.” Sanger writes:

A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.

Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.

Article 5. Permits for parenthood shall be issued upon application by city, county, or State authorities to married couples , providing the parents are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and on the woman’s part, no medical indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.

This idea that the government has to pay for the birth control of the poor is really part of a eugenics agenda that began many years ago and Planned Parenthood who has been knee deep in Eugenics since it’s founding knows it.

To learn more about this agenda of Forced Population Control read my previous post here.