Archive for the Health Care Category

Affordable Health Care Act is Abortion Bailout Fund as predicted by pro-life leaders

Posted in Health Care, Life Dynamics, Life Talk, Mark Crutcher, ObamaCare, ObamaCare Navigators with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2013 by saynsumthn

Michael New Life Talk Nov 2013On the November 2013 show, the cast of Life Talk interviews Michael New, Asst. Professor at the University of Michigan, Dearborn over how the Affordable Health Care Act pays for elective abortions.

TN Nov 2013 Life Talk

Operation Rescue president, Troy Newman suggests that Life Talk roll back the tape of the cast predicting that the Affordable Health Care Act is the abortion bailout fund.

Michael New says that ObamaCare will fund abortions through Medicaid expansion. He says that ObamaCare also creates state health care exchanges which are subsidized by tax dollars and fund abortions. New predicts that at least 100,000 more abortions will be publicly funded each year because of ObamaCare.

Newman adds that there is a third funding stream implemented by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, which mandates that the exchanges have a minimum of a $1.00/ per month surcharge to pay just for abortions. He says there is not a surcharge to pay for cancer screening only for abortions.

New agrees and says they are trying to make it appear that abortions are elective and that those who don’t want to pay for abortions can “opt out.” He points out that sometimes it is not clear which plans cover abortions and which ones do not.

Frank Pavone Lif eTalk Nov 213Fr. Frank Pavone responds, “Those that are radically promoting abortion through the channels of our government. They don’t care if people are confused or not. It is not an effort to make people understand, it is the effort to get monies into the abortion industries.”

Mark Crutcher Nov 2013 Life Talk
Mark Crutcher, producer of Life Talk and president of Life Dynamics said that one of the most idiotic statements he has ever heard was when Nancy Pelosi said “We’ve got to pass ObamaCare to find out what’s in it.”

Newman says that America has have gone from a passive funding of abortion to an active one. He calls the abortion surcharge a “direct violation of our freedom of conscience, our freedom of liberties, our religious principles to oppose child killing. This is a huge change and as Christians we must stand against it. For me, this is the Red Line. This is the line in the sand. I’m not going to participate in anything that actively goes out to fund abortions.”

Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show produced in Denton, Texas by Life Dynamics.

The show is hosted by Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, Priests for Life National Director Fr. Frank Pavone, Operation Rescue president Troy Newman, Bloggers Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa and Jill Stanek.

You can view the entire show here

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Follow Michael New here @michael_J_New