Archive for the Forced Sterilization Category

Eugenics minded sex columnist advocates forced population control and mandatory abortion

Posted in forced abortion, Forced Population Control, Forced Sterilization with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2013 by saynsumthn


Popular sex columnist and liberal pundit/ Gay Activist Dan Savage drew some heat this week when he suggested to an Australian conference that he’d offer up “mandatory abortion” as a method of fighting overpopulation.

During this week’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney, Australia, Savage appeared as part of a panel with British conservative writer Peter Hitchens, among others, debating a variety of topics reportedly including religion, sex, and marriage. During the Q&A, an audience member asked Savage to provide a “dangerous idea” that could “change the world for the better.”

His answer: “Population control. There’s too many goddamn people on the planet. [Audience applause] You know, I’m pro-choice, I believe that women should have a right to control their bodies. Sometimes in my darker moments, I’m anti-choice. I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years. [Mix of applause and gasps] That’s a dangerous idea. She wanted a dangerous idea, so throw the chair at me.”

Sanger Dysgenic types

Savage’s views are not new, in fact, in 1950, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger was quoted again advocating sterilization when she said, “ I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years, is going to depend upon a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles, and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately; there should be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the government not feeding them.”

During its founding, Planned Parenthood was surrounded by supporters of eugenics. In fact, one of Sanger’s financial backers, Proctor and Gamble heir, Clarence Gamble, provided funding for eugenics projects and gave money directly to the North Carolina Eugenics Board which sterilized many women including, Elaine Riddick. Riddick has been outspoken of her experience leading to a recent apology from the state.


In 1947, Gamble also called for the expansion of that state’s sterilization program saying that for every feebleminded person sterilized, 40 more were polluting and degrading the bloodlines of future generations with their defective genes.

Gamble Sterilization EU

Forced Population Control not a new concept and it is real:

Force M21

In 1967 president, Lyndon B. Johnson made this statement LBJ Faces up a Crisis: Johnson also stated, “Nations with food deficits must put more of their resources into voluntary family planning programs.” ( SOURCE: Lewiston Evening Journal – Feb 2, 1967 , from Johnson’s 1967 State of the Union Address )

Beyond FP Berleson

In 1969, the Population Council’s President, Bernard Berelson, published an article suggesting that if voluntary methods of birth control were not successful, it may become necessary for the government to put a “fertility control agent” in the water supplies of “urban” neighborhoods.

On December 10, 1974, the United States National Security Council promulgated National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM-200), also called The Kissinger Report. This document explicitly laid out a detailed strategy by which the United States would aggressively promote population control in developing nations in order to regulate (or have better access to) the natural resources of these countries.

In order to protect U.S. commercial interests, NSSM-200 cited a number of factors that could interrupt the smooth flow of materials from lesser-developed countries, LDCs as it called them, to the United States, including a large population of anti-imperialist youth, who must, according to NSSM-200, be limited by population control. The document identified 13 nations by name that would be primary targets of U.S.-funded population control efforts.

According to NSSM-200, elements of the implementation of population control programs could include: a) the legalization of abortion; b) financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; c) indoctrination of children; and d) mandatory population control, and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.

While the CIA and Departments of State and Defense have issued hundreds of papers on population control and national security, the U.S. government has never renounced NSSM-200, but has only amended certain portions of its policy. NSSM-200, therefore, remains the foundational document on population control issued by the United States government.

From the film Maafa21




Then….In 1969, Alan Guttmacher as then President of Planned Parenthood-World Population and former Vice President of the American Eugenics Society, said this: “ I would like to give our voluntary means of population control full opportunity in the next 10 to 12 years. Then , if these don’t succeed, we may have to go into some kind of coercion, not worldwide, but possibly in such places as India, Pakistan, and Indonesia, where pressures are the greatest…There is no question that birth rates can be reduced all over the world if legal abortion is introduced…” ( SOURCE: Family Planning: The needa and the Methods, by: Alan F. Guttmacher; The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 69, No. 6. (June, 1969) PP. 1229-1234)

Guttmacher VP AES article

Followed by this statement, made by Planned Parenthood and the Eugenics Society’s Alan Guttmacher in a 1970 interview with the Baltimore Magazine ,
Our birth rate has come down since we last talked.. I think we’ve hit a plateau- the figure’s not likely to drop much more unless there is more legal abortion. , or abortion on request as we call it…My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations…If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the dammed Yankees, but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the Black man or the yellow man and says slow down your reproduction rate, we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage.”

AlanGuttmacherEUgenicsQty 1954-55

Guttmacher was on the board of Planned Parenthood and also VP of the American Eugenics Society:




Harry Laughlin was an official with both the American Eugenics Society and Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League and, in 1928, his plan for using forced sterilization to eliminate those who might produce what he called “degenerate offspring” was published in the Birth Control Review.



Governments may have to use FORCE to control populations, that was what Donald Minkler told to Planned Parenthood in 1972.

Minkler Pp

“We hope that the restraint of population growth can come about through voluntary means: but, if it does not, involuntary methods will be used.” Dr. Donald Minkler, 1972.

Minkler Quote Article

Donald Minkler was the president of the American Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians and a member of the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Like many of those in the eugenics movement, he understood that their plans would not always be voluntarily adopted and that the use of governmental coercion, or even force, might one day be necessary.


Melvin M Ketchel

In 1969, Ketchel believed that adding Birth Control o water was the answer to population control. Ketchel was a professor of Physiology at Tuffs Medical school.

Melvin Ketchel

Melvin Ketchel 2


Samuel Holmes

The idea of forced eugenics was not something that suddenly developed in the 1970s.

Samuel Holmes Maafa21

In a 1929 speech, American eugenicist Samuel Holmes had proposed that mandatory birth control should be used as a tool to eliminate what he called the menace to the white race that had been created by increases in black population. His solution was to have a quota system in which the right to have a child would be controlled by the government and determined by race. At the time, Holmes was on the National Council of the American Birth Control League which would later become known as Planned Parenthood.

Holmes ABCL



Huxley M21

In 1936, eugenicist Julian Huxley, proposed that the genetically inferior classes could be made to have fewer children if they were denied easy access to welfare. Another part of his proposal was that medical care to these same people should be restricted in order to reduce the survival rates of the children they did have. He also called for the forced sterilization of anyone who was unemployed beyond a certain length of time. Huxley was later honored by Planned Parenthood and was a featured speaker at one of their annual conventions.


Dr. Garrett Hardin

Hardin AES

Hardin Right to Breed

In 1969, a professor at the University of California, Dr. Garrett Hardin, called it insanity to rely on voluntarism to control population. Hardin was a member of the American Eugenics Society and an outspoken advocate of government enforced birth control saying that citizens should be willing to give up their right to breed for the betterment of society.

In 1980, he was given Planned Parenthood’s highest national award.

“I suggest that we celebrate 1976 as a year of reproductive’ pause to come as close as possible to a zero birthrate,” Dr. Garrett Hardin, a professor of human ecology at the University of California at Santa Barbara, told a population conference attended by members of the John Muir Institute, a conservation organization.
• “Even if it did not succeed completely, I think we should at least make the effort—as a kind of symbolic gesture,” he said in an interview later.



Overcrowded World

Dr. Donald Aitken

Astrophysicist Dr. Donald Aitken said: “I’d like to see Mr. Nixon, stand up a few years from now and say,’Nothing has happened. Population must be controlled. We must set an example. .
” ‘So the government has to step in arid tamper with religious and personal convictions— and maybe even impose penalties for every child a family has beyond two.”

Kenneth E. Boulding

University of ‘ Colorado’s Prof, of Economics Kenneth E. Boulding has proposed a system of “Marketable licenses” to have children as the only one which will combine the minimum of social controversy necessary to the solution of the problem, with a maximum of individual liberty’and ethical choice.

Dr. Walter E. Howard

Dr. Walter E. Howard, professor of wildlife biology at the University of California at Davis, told a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science he
thinks the public is not ready for laws concerning reproduction, but that “in time government controls must come.”
Procreation could no longer be considered a private matter, he said, adding, “Once the public becomes informed, I believe a social stigma will develop against large families.
Couples will be embarrassed to have more than one or two children in the very near future.”

Edgar Chasteen

Edgar Chasteen , founder of Compulsory Birth Control for All Americans, said: “Freedom will be the death of us all; if only we can recognize how necessary compulsion is to our society.”

Edgar Chasteen

Dr. Malcolm Potts

The menace of the world population e x p l o s i o n , said another speaker, Dr. Malcolm Potts, is so enormous that the alternative to a concerted, rational program now might well be “the government putting hormones in the water supply in 1984 or carrying me off for a forcible vasectomy (sterilization operation) because I had two children.”

From the public health viewpoint, he said, “I stand by my deliberately provocative statement that the pill should be in vending machines and cigarettes on prescription, According to an article in the “WINNIPEG FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1969

Waterloo Daily

On October 7,1971 the Waterloo Doily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, reported that a reporter for Black Hawk County District Court Judges Ralph Hasner (deceased) and George Heath, responded to a two-part Waterloo Courier series last May on Black Hawk County welfare spending with this suggestion:
‘•Seems to me the best bet for the taxpayer would be to require that any woman be sterilized after the birth of her second illegitimate child. Also, the father of child number two should be sterilized. Then at least no more would be produced.” Jensen, now living in Colorado, admits that “perhaps” he was being “too tough.”,But he also suggested that
people should “get mad enough that they will insist on sterilization. Then deliberately having child after child as a means of making a living will go out of style.”

Judge Blair Wood

Black Hawk County District Judge Blair Wood is one who sees possible legal support for compulsory sterilization or birth control.
“Three factors seem to support a form of compulsory sterilization — a long – term shot or pill is after all merely temporary sterilization,” says Judge Wood.

Judge Wood also thinks a long-lasting birth control shot “would be more palatable to the court than irreversible sterilization. “Then the court could take another look at each individual situation after six months or a year and decide whether another shot was needed in order to extend that person’s temporary sterilization for another six months or year.”



Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, was a member in good standing with the racist American Eugenics Society. Sanger had board members who were known for their racist writing and Sanger published many of those in her publications. Sanger called for parents to have a QUOTE: LICENSE TO BREED controlled by people who believed in her eugenic philosophy. She wanted all would be parents to go before her eugenic boards to request a “PERMIT TO BREED“.

Sanger also called for those who were poor and what she considered to be “morons and immoral‘ , to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called, “Better moral conduct”.

I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years, is going to depend upon a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles, and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately, there should be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the government not feeding them.
Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, 1950


Ralph MacMullan

University of Michigan, recently, Mr. MacMullan inquired as to how we can check or .reduce the population of these United States.
“I suspect, however,” he said, “‘that the key to success lies in convincing .people that it is morally wrong for any woman to bear more than two children.”


“How do we go about stabilizing our population? I don’t know …Many measures have been suggested — mass sterilization, abortion, birth control chemicals in the water supply—you
name it. I suspect, however, that the key to success likes in convincing people that it is morally wrong for any woman to bear more than two children.”

McMullan 2


Michael Malloy

” there is nothing farfetched about developing a nontoxic waterborne chemical that would temporarily inhibit human fertility without deleterious side effects.”
So says editorialist Michael Malloy, wringing his Hands in a recent issue of the National Observer.


‘Such a chemical in our municipal water supplies would reduce the birth rate while avowing every couple to have as many children as they wished simply by avoiding public water. This would ‘immediately eliminate most illegitimacy our society. It would make the “unwanted child” a pathetic memory. It would free our cities from much of their crushing welfare burden. “So let’s target our population control on the least responsible instead of the most responsible people,” he urges.
“Let’s put. the sacredness of human life back in the center of our morality and stop all. these abortions. Let’s allow people to have as many children as their hearts have room for, and still reduce our population. In short, let’s find something to put in the water.”

C. Scott Littleton

Littleton 4

Littleton 3

C Scott Littleton



J Van Overbeek:


Compulsory BC for Poor




Paul Ehrlich advocated forced population control and was also a speaker at Planned Parenthood events – He also served on the Board of Advocates of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Ehrlich PP

Ehrlich PPFA

EHrlich 2



Holdren Eugenics9273513_orig
Current White House science advisor John P. Holdren co-wrote the 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which lays out in detail a wide-array of coercive and voluntary-submission population control methods. One of the most drastic is that of “Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods” (p. 787). Other drastic proposals include starving the poor by consolidating the global food supply and depriving nations who don’t meet population reduction goals of proportionate food rations (p. 942-3).

Frederick S. Jaffe


Putting sterilants in the water, though, dates back further to a 1969 memo sent in private from Planned Parenthood VP Frederick S. Jaffe to the Rockefeller-created Population Council’s President Bernard Berelson. It advocated drastic coercive measures including “Fertility control agents in water supply” and “encourage increased homosexuality.” But much of the one-page memo also aimed to dangle state benefits over expectant mothers to encourage abortions, sterilization and birth control through payments, tax credits and public housing policies.

Both Jaffe and Berelson are recipients of the Margaret Sanger Award for their population control work. Rockefeller-funded Sanger is a classical Eugenicist, and the founder of the Birth Control League that later transformed into Planned Parenthood. She was a key player in the highly inflammatory “Negro Project” (to reduce numbers in the black population) wherein she bluntly wrote in 1939 that “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”


Nolan Finley


In 2012, The Detroit News published a call to add contraceptives to the water supply, a dangerous and repugnant proposal for gross state power over life and death– all in the name of fighting the “breeding poverty” of the welfare class. Editorial page editor Nolan Finley writes:
“Since the national attention is on birth control, here’s my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and bring down our embarrassing drop-out rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan’s drinking water.“