Archive for the Democrat Category

Kamala Harris once hired former Planned Parenthood president’s daughter

Posted in Biden, Cecile Richards, Democrat with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2020 by saynsumthn

Kamala Harris was just picked by Democratic Presidential hopeful Joe Biden as his VP. But did you know that, according to Live Action News, the daughter of the former preident of Planned Parenthood has worked for Harris?

In 2019 Live Action News wrote:

Lily Adams — the daughter of Planned Parenthood’s former political organizer president Cecile Richards and union-organizing father, Kirk Adams — has worked for Kamala Harris for years and has been seen stumping with the presidential hopeful. As Attorney General of California, Harris brought criminal charges against Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden, whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood’s gruesome part in the trafficking of fetal body parts. Live Action News previously reported that, according to e-mails obtained by the Washington Times, “Officials from California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office and Planned Parenthood collaborated to draft legislation targeting the pro-life activist [Daleiden] whose undercover videos showed officials for the nation’s largest abortion provider discussing the sale of fetal body parts, emails show.”


(Lily Adams Twitter – then)

Lily Adams daughter of former Planned Parenthood prez

Lila Adams worked for Kamala Harris (Image: Twitter)

Lily Adams Twitter today says she works for the DNC War Room, described as “Official Twitter Account for @TheDemocrats War Room”

Planned Parenthood former pr4ez Cecile Richards worked for Kamala Harris

Lily Adams daughter of Cecile Richards Twitter accessed 08112020 (Image: Twitter)

According to a report by the Texas Tribune, which receives financial support from Planned Parenthood, “Kirk Adams and Cecile Richards founded a group called Texas Freedom Network [TFN] with an aim to counter the religious right movement.” The paper went on to report that Lily Adams “is the communications director to Harris, and she was part of the debate preparation ahead of Harris’ rumble with former Vice President Joe Biden in June….”

Lily Adams Cecile Richards

Lily Adams daughter of Cecile Richards Planned Parenthood prez (Image: Twitter)

Adams may have her own political aspirations, as the paper notes: “Should Harris make it to the White House, either as president or vice president, Democratic onlookers widely assume Adams will follow her boss. But there is also a sense that Adams is bound for a senior White House position no matter who the next Democratic president turns out to be….”

On August 11,2020, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, who also serves as national co-chair of Pro-Life Voices for Trump  responded to the Biden/Harris news:


Kamala Harris is an extremist who supports abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers, and even infanticide – an agenda rejected by the overwhelming majority of Americans, including millions of Independents and rank-and-file Democrats. As attorney general of California, Harris conspired with the abortion industry to launch a politically-motivated shakedown of brave citizen journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s role in the harvest and sale of aborted baby parts for profit.

“It is no surprise Joe Biden chose such an extremist as his running mate. If elected, they will immediately begin rolling back President Trump’s pro-life gains, as well as longstanding policies like the Hyde Amendment. They will stack the Supreme Court with pro-abortion ideologues, setting the pro-life cause back for generations. Together, Biden and Harris constitute the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in American history.


“In stark contrast, President Trump and Vice President Pence have delivered win after win for the pro-life movement – stopping taxpayer funding of abortion, fighting for conscience rights, and transforming the courts with a record-breaking 200 constitutionalist judges. Ahead of Election Day, SBA List is working to reach 4.6 million battleground state voters – more than the last three election cycles combined – to expose the Democrats’ extremism, re-elect President Trump, and secure a strong pro-life Senate majority. The stakes are life and death and the choice is clear. Pro-life Americans must unite to defeat Biden-Harris.”

Polling released by SBA List in June of last year found that a majority (50%) of voters are less likely to support Joe Biden following his flip-flop on the Hyde Amendment, when he announced he supports using tax dollars to pay for abortions after decades of advocating against it. This includes 55% of Independent voters who say they are less likely to support him.

Additionally, Marist polling conducted earlier this year shows 44% of Democrats and 62% of Independents want to vote for a candidate who supports common-ground limits on abortion. SBA List is tracking the abortion extremism of the Biden-Harris ticket at