Subtle message? Vid shows that Blacks need Planned Parenthood for abortion and birth control

Planned Parenthood has uploaded yet another video showing Blacks using their services. Specifically abortion and birth control.

As a reminder, I recently posted blogs on other videos by Planned Parenthood which negatively portrayed Blacks here and here.

The Planned Parenthood of New York City video show various couples who did not properly use their birth control. The message the eugenics founded organization sends is that men need to “Be There” so their sexual partners take their birth control and don’t end up pregnant, “Her health is your health – our health” the video says.


The drama begins when one of the couples is having a conversation on a couch.

Black COuple 2

The female shows her boyfriend a text which reads “19 days late”

19 days late

The boyfriend appears annoyed then he gets up to get his tablet.

BF annoyed

He hands her a solution – it is the Planned Parenthood website which cues up to “Appointments”

Tablet PP qued up

He then texts his friend this message, “You Bro, I think my girlfriend is pregnant.”

The friend replies, “You got me second guessing my pull out game” and then rushes to Planned Parenthood to get condoms:

Second Guessing

The couple is next seen inside Planned Parenthood where it is assumed that she had an abortion.

Couple abortion

The not-so-subtle messages continue with another Black couple who apparently needs Planned Parenthood for their birth control.

Take BC Blacks PP

Take BC Black COuple PP

A third couple leaves Planned Parenthood with information on an IUD:

Which IUD Black couple PP

On some level this video looks like just another Planned Parenthood marketing tool – until you realize that the abortion giant has been targeting the Black community since their founder Margaret Sanger was involved in eugenics and gave speeches to the Klan.

Judge for yourself by watching the vid here:

One Response to “Subtle message? Vid shows that Blacks need Planned Parenthood for abortion and birth control”

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