White pro-abortion activists want more black women on Birth Control

Listen closely to the end…you will see that the WHITE PROTESTERS- want MORE BIRTH CONTROL for Black Women and that is how they will “Trust Black Women”

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White pro-abortion activists want more black wo…, posted with vodpod

Sep 15, 2011

Ryan Bomberger, co-founder of http://www.TheRadianceFoundation.org was invited to speak at Georgia State University. Pro-abortion activists, armed with a singular chant, “TRUST BLACK WOMEN!”, tried to shut down the presentation. They failed. Campus police removed them.

Ryan explained what the group did , “When a black woman in the audience finally stood up to speak, the student protesters refused to let her say anything. It wasn’t until I pointed out the irony that they were chanting “Trust Black Women” but wouldn’t allow a black woman to speak, that they briefly stopped their nonsense (see embedded video). She calmly affirmed them while pointing out the need to hear both sides. But liberals don’t like depth; they tend to like thin shiny veneers. Conversation requires digging deeper and being exposed to inconvenient truths.

The young black woman tried to reason with them, to no avail, even suggesting that abstinence was a better option. Obviously she didn’t know what was best for her. One of the white female activists, who identified herself as post-abortive and happy, told the black student what she really needed: “You should have access to birth control. Your government should supply you the means to get it…I want more women on birth control. You can’t afford it.”

To my knowledge, she knew nothing about the black student other than the color of her skin. That didn’t stop her from providing the ever-failing solution of birth control and assuming all black women are poor. Has anyone introduced these young adults to the radical concept of self-control?

Catherine Davis, founder of the Georgia-based Restoration Project, was appalled when she heard what liberal students were trying push on black women in the audience. “How dare they suggest that black women need the government to give them birth control,” Davis responded. “What we need is to be free from the stereotypical treatment many liberal white women feel the liberty to foist upon us because they believe we are too ignorant to make decisions for ourselves!

Suppose we actually LISTEN to Black Women:

2011 I’m pro-life and I’m proud to be pro-life because I don’t think anyone should abort any kids,” Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell. ( Source; Pro-life lawmaker demand apology from fellow dem; Charisma online 5/10/2011)

2011 Catherine Davis, founder of the Restoration Project. “Something is wrong, when those elected to protect the interests of their constituents turn a blind eye to the horrific impact that abortion is wreaking on the black community. In New York City, for every 1,000 black babies born alive, 1,489 are aborted. In Washington, D.C. for every 100 black babies born alive, 165 are aborted! Something is wrong!”

2011– Catherine Davis of the Restoration Project says, “The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has long told the black community they are “leading our communities and country with passion and commitment” assuring us that they “… continuously strive to be a voice for the voiceless, earning the moniker “the conscience of the Congress” (Emmanuel Cleaver, III, Chairman, Congressional Black Caucus). Yet, neither the CBC, nor its members from Georgia has examined abortion’s impact on the people they serve. Instead they have turned a blind eye to abortion’s impact by voting for legislation that promotes and supports abortion. They have betrayed their constituents instead giving “voice” to the abortionists as they prey on Georgia’s black women and target our children. They refuse to examine the disproportionate number of abortions on black women. They do not seek explanation for abortion’s depopulation effect on us. Each is rated 100% by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), indicating a pro-abortion voting record. Georgia is among the states leading in abortions on black women and our members of the CBC will not question why. They will not discuss the fact that one hundred percent of Georgia’s abortion clinics are in urban areas where blacks reside. We demand they begin to ask why!”

2011 “I prefer that Planned Parenthood move out of those neighborhoods as well”, Black Activist Star Parker ( SOURCE: Star Parker debating attorney Tamara Holder on the Sean Hannity Radio show, August 5, 2011 Full Debate here )

2011 “In its 2008 tax filing, Planned Parenthood acknowledged their mission is to achieve a ‘US population of stable size.’ What that means to black people,” said Connie Eller of Missouri Blacks for Life, is they will continue to prey upon black women and children. We say no more, no way.”

2011 “We are about 13% of the total population of the U.S. and yet we have a disproportionate rate of abortions, 35%, based on our population. Does this not make one think that we are being TARGETED?” ( SOURCE: Planned Parenthood and Black Genocide By Agnes Cross-White)

2011 Sylinthia Stewart, 45, said black women are intentionally left uninformed about abortion. She views abortion as black genocide. “Abortion is a racist act,” she said. “I wasn’t told the whole truth.” ( Source News Observer 5/12/2011)

2011 Between abortion and black-on-black crime, as a people group we’re exterminating ourselves. We’re not loving our children in the womb or outside of the womb. So I have to do whatever it is that I can do to help save babies’ lives and to make an impact on our culture. We’ve become a culture of death — and I want to be one of those used by God to move us from a culture of death to a culture of life. Less than two percent of the African-American population is involved actively in the pro-life movement. So any of the babies who have been saved — our babies — have been because there’s been people who aren’t concerned about the color. So [while] I say thank you to that…I also say it’s time for my culture to wake up and to become involved.” Dr. Peggy Elliott, ministry founder and president,Peggy Elliott Ministries ( Source: One News Now)

Denise and Brian Walker

2011 “We’ve lost close to 40 percent of our population to abortion,” said Rev. Denise Walker, founder of Everlasting Light Ministries, referring to the high rate of African American abortions. “We must end this slaughter.” (Source New Haven Register)

Listen to Rev Brian and Denise Walker speak against abortion

2011 Pat Hunter, of the pro-life group LEARN or Blackgenocide.org says, “Their [ Planned Parenthood] goal it seems s to INCREASE the number of Black Babies that are dying…” ( WAVY.com: Public meeting on Planned Parenthood operating rooms)

2011– LaVern Tolbert, Former Board member of Planned Parenthood now opposes their agenda, “In 1970 the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (as it was called then, now it’s called the Department of Health and Human Services) with President Nixon, mandated a commission on population and the American future …They looked at how the Black community was expanding. Remember in the 1970s and ’60s, everyone had large families but especially Blacks. We (would have) eight or nine children. And so, they determined that since Black women were so fertile, there had to be a plan to keep us from having so many babies,” she said. “When I first became a board member, I thought what everyone else thought: that (the baby) was a mass of tissue. And I felt that every woman had a right to have an abortion, that it was a matter of choice. At that time in the early ’70s, we knew little about abortion….We didn’t have the information we have now. But while I was on the board, I received documents that detailed how abortions were performed.” Tolbert also noticed something else: She said that while she was on the board, a death certificate had to be issued for every abortion that was performed. “And I thought, ‘Well, a death certificate is only required if it’s a living a being. So, (when you) talk about it being a mass of tissue, how can that be when a death certificate is required?’ When I read how abortions were performed, I came back to the board meeting and I protested….This is traumatic for the mother and the baby.’ And, I was told that it was not traumatic, and then I started looking around the room and wondering why abortion was more necessary for Black women …

More from LaVern Tolbert on Planned Parenthood here:

2011 Back in the 1960s, many of the radical pro-black revolutionaries (Black Panthers, Black Muslims) and other anti-government, anti-white organizations proclaimed that birth control was just another form of genocide… Little did they know how right they were.Recently, some black preachers finally came out not against abortion per se, but merely against the location of Planned Parenthood centers in black communities.It seems the murder of blacks is only a consideration for black preachers or other leaders when they are killed by white or Hispanic cops. They will march, protest and call press conferences every time a cop shoots a black criminal…So it is no surprise that when President Barack Obama was in the Illinois Legislature, he voted to allow abortions in the third trimester… It is also no surprise that the very first bill Obama signed as President was to reverse President George Bush’s decree and give our tax dollars again to those non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which perform abortions in third world countries. There has not been a word of protest from the Christian leadership. Their collaboration with Planned Parenthood, an organization created by an atheistic eugenics Socialist whose prime directive is the murder of millions of unborn children, is the very antithesis of the gospel of Jesus Christ that they preach. So who will stop the cold-blooded murder of millions of unborn black children?” Barbara Howard is a political consultant, radio host and commentator and motivational speaker. She is Florida State chairwoman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and Trade & Travel goodwill ambassador to Kenya.

2011– “The documentary film, “Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America” exposes the evil and ongoing ties between racism, eugenics, population control, forced sterilization and ultimately, abortion. We pray for a softening of the hardened hearts of the people who work, volunteer or provide services in the abortion mills. Making a killing is NOT a way to make a LIVING.” –Connie Eller, Missouri Blacks for Life http://www.MissouriBlacksForLife.org

2011 We must face the truth no matter how painful and unsettling. Abortion kills black children at an alarming rate. We have seen the horrors of abortion in the bloody trash cans behind abortion facilities, in online abortion videos, and in the photographs of dismembered babies. We have seen the killing fields — and we must pray and work in Christ to end the killing of God’s smallest children.” Day Gardner, President, National Black Pro-life Union

2011 Look around you. For every three African Americans you see, there’s one who’s not here because of abortion. Infinitely valuable, precious children, brothers, and sisters have been sacrificed for immediate personal comfort and safety. I say, in love, we cannot go on this way.”Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate for Priests for Life

2010 – Dr. Alveda King: “Abortion is genocide, it’s killing populations. It’s killing generations and certainly the population that is most impacted by abortion in America is the black community. So I feel that as a civil rights leader I have responsibility to proclaim that black Americans are being exterminated by the genocidal acts of abortion.” ( SOURCE: Naples Daily News: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece speaks about injustice of abortions at Ave Maria 6/20/1010)

2010 Judge Cheryl Allen, sitting judge on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania “Most people tend to believe that Planned Parenthood is in the African American Community to help, but they are not there to help, they are there to make abortion more accessible to black people…The African American population in this country is roughly 12% and yet 37,38% of all of the abortions performed in this country are performed on African American Women. …I think Planned Parenthood, if you look at its history; this [eugenics/black genocide] has been their goal from the beginning. It was the American Eugenics movement; it changed its name to Planned Parenthood …” (Source: interview on His Place TV)

2010: “Racism and abortion are twins in many other ways. Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It’s a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated. So it is with abortion. ” (Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King)

2010: “Abortion providers are still being located for the most part in black neighborhoods and are still delivering the same old message–that black, poor children, living in urban areas–are not worthy of life. America would be a better place without black people. The KKK brutally killed about 3500 black people since it began in 1865–Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood is responsible for the more than 17 million black deaths since 1973. ” ( Day Gardner National Black Pro-Life Union)

2009: African American woman blasts Planned Parenthood-

2005– In a recent survey of 500 black Americans, only half believed that the government tells the truth about the safety and side effects of new birth control methods.
Birth control conspiracy theories still affect the use of birth control by black men and women, according to a study reported in the latest issue of the journal Health Education and Behavior.
One-third of participants of the telephone survey said that medical institutions use poor and minority people as “guinea pigs”to try out new birth control methods, according to study authors Sheryl Thorburn of Oregon State University and Laura Bogart of the Rand Corporation. Substantial numbers of those surveyed also believed that the government uses birth control as a way to control the black population in America. Almost a quarter of those surveyed agreed that “poor and minority women are sometimes forced to be sterilized by the government”, while 22 percent agreed that “the government’s family planning policies are intended to control the number of Black people.”
( SOURCE: Health Behavior News Service , Conspiracy Theories Affect Birth Control Use by Black Men and Women , By Becky Ham, Science Writer: 8/9/2005)

2003 I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.” — Mildred Fay Jefferson, M.D., 2003, American Feminist Magazine, http://bit.ly/dERLRY
[The pro-life movement] “is second only to the abolitionist movement in the profound change it has brought about in American thinking.” — Mildred Fay Jefferson

1990 As head of the Black Health Group , Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Patricia McManus, sharply criticized Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Officials, for their plans to establish a clinic in a largely black neighborhood. Some members of the black community thought the proposed clinic would be the one to offer abortions , and after an angry exchange with Planed Parenthood , plans for the clinic were dropped. One of McManus’ charges at the time were a serious one, that those who offer abortions to blacks were in her words, “Promoting Black Genocide.” ( Some in Black Community regard abortion as genocide; The Milwaukee Journal – Apr 21, 1990)

1971 Proponents…have argued this bill is for blacks and the poor who want abortions and can’t afford one. This is the phoniest and most preposterous argument of all. Because I represent the inner-city where the majority of blacks and poor live and I challenge anyone here to show me a waiting line of either blacks or poor whites who are wanting an abortion.Iowa State Rep. June Franklin, Democrat 1971.

1971 The abortion law, hides behind the guise of helping women, when in reality it will attempt to destroy our people.” Brenda Hyson, New York chapter, Black Panther Party, 1971

1969 A May 1969 issue of The Liberator , told readers, “ For us to speak in favor of birth control for Afro-Americans would be comparable to speaking in favor of genocide.” In articles and in cartoons in the Black press, the Pill was depicted as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A poster circulated by the Berkley group: EROS, Endeavor to Raise Our Size- likened the Pill to lynching. Lynching represented “Birth Control Then…the crude way.” Under the image of a woman reaching for her oral contraceptives was the caption: ““Now, the Smooth Way.” (SOURCE: Devices and Desires, a History of Contraceptives in America, by By Andrea Tone Published 2002, Hill and Wang; PP.254-256, google books online)

Some of these quotes are from a new film on Eugenics and Population Control called: Maafa21. It is a MUST SEE film- the best ever made on this issue. The early civil rights leaders, Black Panthers and others saw through the Planned Parenthood mirage. They saw it for what it really was: BLACK GENOCIDE.

In fact, civil rights icon, Fannie Lou Hammer saw clearly that abortion and birth control were being used as Genocide first hand.
Below are exerts of an eye opening incident Ms. Hamer experienced in the realm of Black Genocide written by Black journalist Samuel Yette. Yette was the first Black Washington Correspondent for Newsweek who was later fired after he himself authored a book exposing how birth control and abortion would be used as black Genocide, more on that later. Here Yette writes about Hamar’s experience in the Afro-American:

Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer was Tough Fighter The Afro American – Apr 2, 1977 By Samuel Yette

” It is still a society in which an injured man must show his ability to pay before getting hospital services, but his daughter or wife can be aborted or fed birth control pills, at public expense…For these and other reasons the recent death of Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer …was noted here and across the nation not only with personal sadness, but also with stern political reflection.

When the charades of Richard Nixon included a White House Conference on hunger in 1969, Mrs. Hamer was among the hundreds of authentic grass-roots persons brought here to confir with the highly paid experts.

But the conference (whose name was changed from a conference on hunger to a conference on “Food and Nutrition”) was in reality, one great fraud against the poor.

Instead of seeking ways to feed the hungry, the back stage plan was to get the poor unwittingly to endorse a plan to eliminate from the society those who were hungry.

For example, a panel of medical experts pretended to be studying was to insure proper nourishment for babies and pregnant women. Instead it adopted-in the name of the poor at the conference- a resolution providing for:

– Birth Control devices for young girls, free, and with or without parental approval;

– Required abortions of unmarried girls discovered during the first three months of pregnancy; and

– Forced sterilization of any such girl giving birth out of wedlock a second time.

Only one black person-a nurse-was a member of that panel.

Yette continues, In my reportorial role, I found Mrs. Hamer for a reaction to the newly passed resolution.

She responded with shock and outrage at the deception, “I didn’t come to talk about birth control, ” she protested, ” I came here to get some food to feed poor, hungry people, Where are they carrying on that kind of talk?”

Hearing the location of the panel, she gamely pulled herself up on a cane, and made her way to the panel’s meeting room. Along the way she beckoned several black men, who followed seriously intent on doing her will.

She went straight to the front of the room and demanded to be heard.

With the power and conviction of personal tragedy, she told how she, herself, had once been sterilized under the guise of an unrelated surgical procedure. She told how such tools as their resolution in the hands of racist medical personnel would mean tragedy for the black and poor.

Finally, with several large black men at her side, Mrs. Hamer demanded that the resolution be reconsidered. It was, and voted down. But she could not stand and watch forever.

Though she saw the deception and illuminated the society’s most immoral contradictions , she, like the hope and moral vigor of he 1960’s ran out…

The author of the tribute above, Mr. Samuel Yette also suffered persecution for exposing the sinister plot to exterminate blacks with population control methods.

Samuel Yette authored a stunning book called: My Book, “The Choice” and it exposed high level eugenics efforts against the black community

Samuel Yette was also one of the first and very distinguished Black journalists to work for Newsweek. After he published his book, The Choice” which exposed high level attempts of Black Genocide through birth control , abortion, and additional means , he was fired by Newsweek. Yette claims his superiors told him that the “Nixon Whitehouse” wanted him out of Washington.

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In One chapter on Birth Control

Yette exposes President Nixon’s White House Conference on Food and Nutrition of December 2-4, 1969. In Mr. Yette’s words it, “was worse than a farce.” President Nixon opened the conference with 3 recommendations designed to reduce the number of hungry people! He suggested no measures for the relief of hunger in America.

1. He wanted everyone to have a guaranteed minimum income of $1,600 a year. (This is less than welfare was paying at that time.)
2. A supposed expansion of the food stamp program that would be tied into and compliment the welfare reform package in #1. (His plan would have actually reduced the amount of food stamps. Less money + less food =more hunger.)
3. Provide family planning services to at minimum 5 million women in low-income families.

This last proposal was part of a plan formulated by Dr. Charles Lowe of the National Institute of Health. The plan recommended Congress pass a law that:

1. Made birth control information and devices available to any and all girls over the age of 13 with or without parental consent.
2. Allowed mandatory abortions for unmarried girls within the 1st three months of pregnancy.
3. Mandatory sterilization for any unmarried girl giving birth out of wedlock for the 2nd time.

In that book, Yette describes how black activist, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer was there for the Conference on hunger. When she heard about the birth control proposals she grabbed about a dozen young black men, walked into the room, and demanded to be heard. She spoke about ten minutes on the evil results of this plan and the conference dropped it from consideration.

Today 5 BLACK babies to every 1 White baby will die inside American Abortion Clinics. Is there a targeting going on? Find out: Maafa21:


An incredible documentary that everyone must see.

Ryan just unveiled his newest billboard campaign: Fatherhood Begins in the Womb

This pro-life, pro-fatherhood, pro-woman campaign is a collaborative effort between The Radiance Foundation and the Issues4Life Foundation.

Abortion, no matter the race, is a tragic loss of beauty and potential that kills over 1.2 million innocent human lives each year. The abortion industry has created a culture of abandonment. Responsibility has become someone else’s concern, and death the solution to this serious character flaw. Men have been empowered by Roe v. Wade to abandon their primary responsibility–protecting. They’ve either chosen to run away from their role or have been forced out by a brand of liberal feminism that spews gender animus in an effort to elevate women. No one is elevated by 41% of all U.S. children being born to unmarried mothers. In the black community, 72.3% of all children are born in homes without fathers (compared to 35.7% of white children). Fatherlessness is epidemic in our culture.

More on that campaign here

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