NBC’s medical expert: make sure doctors have hospital admitting privileges

The news has been a buzz about the hospitalization of actor/ comedian Joan Rivers. Apparently Ms Rivers was undergoing a simple surgery when she was taken to the hospital because she was not breathing.

Joan Rivers

In response, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC News’ chief medical editor, discussed the risks of surgery, major or minor on The Today Show:

Nancy Sniderman

Sometimes, the medicine used to sedate someone. The age of which someone is receiving he medications, and sometimes just putting the scope down can trigger and event where a person stops breathing…”, Dr. Nancy Snyderman said, “The really important thing here is that every time you think your are going to have surgery NO MATTER HOW MINOR [ emphasis mine] you have to constantly remind yourself that these things are rare – they can happen. And one more thing I should say, make sure YOUR DOCTOR HAS ADMITTING PRIVILEGES TO THE LOCAL HOSPITAL, because in this case in may well have saved Joan Rivers’ life.”

Watch here:


Well…isn’t that interesting. Joan Rivers’ doctor having hospital admitting privileges may have saved her life but…when a woman has an abortion we are not to expect the same level of care?

As you know the state of Texas and others states around the nation have passed laws requiring abortion doctors to have Hospital admitting privileges within a close range of the abortion clinics they operate. This is in part, because many abortionists fly-in and are not even from the same state where they perform the surgeries.

Yet- Planned Parenthood and all abortion providers are saying that these laws are “extreme.” A direct result is that abortion clinics are closing in states like Texas because the clinics do not employ doctors who can take care of women if they have to be hospitalized.

In light of this controversy, lets re-read Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s warning, “The really important thing here is that every time you think your are going to have surgery NO MATTER HOW MINOR [ emphasis mine] you have to constantly remind yourself that these things are rare – they can happen. And one more thing I should say, make sure YOUR DOCTOR HAS ADMITTING PRIVILEGES TO THE LOCAL HOSPITAL, because in this case in may well have saved Joan Rivers’ life.

So, I have to wonder..why is it that the pro-abortion left believes that some women deserve protection from the risks of surgery and others do not? After all, after learning that a doctor having privileges at a local hospital may have saved Joan Rivers’ life, requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges doesn’t sound so extreme to me.

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