Archive for Population Bomb

Alarmist Population Bomb author suggests cannibalism as possibility to “overpopulation”

Posted in Ehrlich, Zombie with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 23, 2014 by saynsumthn

Paul Ehrlich a radically pro-abortion population control professor of “Ethics” from Stanford has claimed overpopulation could lead to humanity having to eat the bodies of the dead.

We will soon be asking is it perfectly okay to eat the bodies of your dead because we’re all so hungry?,‘ he told HuffPost live host Josh Zepps.

Paul Ehrlich Huffpo

Ehrlich tells Zepps that “Ethics is hardly discussed in our media…How much do we really care about future generations…

Zepps asked Ehrlich what he would do if he were “Emperor of the World.”

Ehrlich replies, “The first thing I would do is make every possible move to give women full equal rights and opportunities. And give every sexually active person complete access to modern contraception and where necessary, backed up abortion…”

Ehrlich says that current population trends are on a course that could leave cannibalism as one of the only options.

Ehrlich claimed that scarcity of resources will get so bad that humans will need to drastically change our eating habits and agriculture.

He added that humanity is ‘moving in that direction with a ridiculous speed.

‘In other words between now and 45 years from now, 2.5 billion people will be added to the planet.

‘We are moving towards resource wars.


Ehrlich is widely known for his 1968 publication of ‘The Population Bomb’ which called for ‘population control’ to prevent global crises from overpopulation.

But Ehrlich has been predicting this gloom and doom for years:

Ehrlich PP

‘In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death,’ he predicted.

‘our children will inherit a totally different world, a world in which the standards, politics, and economics of the 1960’s are dead.’

His solution- Population Control….abortion…sterilization….and yes….infanticide..

The author of the 1972 book the Population bomb has told Raw Story that giving people the right to have as many children as they want is “a bad idea.”

Giving people the right to have as many people as many children that they want is, I think, a bad idea,” Ehrlich told Raw Story. “It’s not giving people the right to have as many children as they want, it’s giving people the right to control their reproduction so that they don’t have so many children that their children’s and grandchildren’s lives are in danger.”

“Nobody, in my view, has the right to have 12 children or even three unless the second pregnancy is twins,” Ehrlich continued. “That may be a hard-nosed view, but if you look at the entire situation, it’s crystal clear if we keep the populations of the rich growing, then the poor aren’t going to have a chance, and eventually, the descendants of the rich aren’t going to have a chance either.

Paul Ehrlich May 2014

In a recent speech at Macquarie University he said, “For example, having a kid is one thing. If you add a second kid or you have the choice of adding a second kid or buying four hummers, you’re doing much more environmental damage by having the second kid than buying four hummers. Because, of course, besides all the consumption that that child is going to have – the hummers don’t reproduce.”

Hope on Eath Paul Ehrlich

Paul R. Ehrlich has authored another book with Michael Charles Tobias. In Hope on Earth both Ehrlich and Tobias argue that we are on the verge of environmental catastrophe, as the human population continues to grow without restraint and without significant attempts to deal with overconsumption and the vast depletion of resources and climate problems it creates. They both believe that the impact of a human society on its environment is the direct result of its population size, and through their dialogue they break down the complex social problems that are wrapped up in this idea and attempts to overcome it, hitting firmly upon many controversial topics such as circumcision, religion, reproduction, abortion, animal rights, diet, and gun control.

Chemicals water tweet

A Tweet placed on Huffpo’s feed reads, “Just put chemicals in the water so that us men can’t reproduce. BAM problem solved.”

To that tweeter I say your suggestion is an old idea that has been proposed many times- read here.