Archive for Navigators

Congresswoman grills Secretary Sebelius on Planned Parenthood Navigator Grants for Obamacare

Posted in ObamaCare Navigators, Planned Parenthood Navigator, Planned Parenthood ObamaCare with tags , , , , , , , on March 13, 2014 by saynsumthn

Planned Parenthood is hiring to push ObamaCare…

This week HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was asked by Representative Martha Roby (R-AL)for an itemized list of Navigator grants for Planned Parenthood- Sebelius said she will have to get back to them.

The questioning came during a Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations hearing on March 13, 2014

Planned Parenthood is in an all out effort to hire to promote ObamaCare a/k/a/ the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Planned Parenthood Hiring for ObamaCare Nov 2013

According to their job posting, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is seeking several ACA Outreach Organizers for its Affordable Care Act (ACA) outreach and education efforts. The campaign will launch in key metropolitan areas in Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Organizers will be assigned to one of these locations.”

Planned Parenthood is hiring in Locations: Houston (TX) Dallas (TX) Fort Worth (TX) Philadelphia (PA) Palm Beach (FL) Tampa (FL) Broward County (FL) Cleveland (OH)

here is one in Colorado:


And Iowa:


More here

Planned Parenthood paid people $12.00 an hour to peddle ObamaCare in Florida, according to the New York Times:

PP and ObamaCare

Of Course, Planned Parenthood has a monetary benefit from ObamaCare because they will receive more than the $542 million they already get in federal tax dollars.


As a Navigator, Planned Parenthood affiliates receive hundreds of thousands in federal money. In August the Obama administration announced which Planned Parenthood affiliates received grants: Iowa-based Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Montana-based Intermountain Planned Parenthood and New Hampshire-based Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.

ObamaCare PP 375

ObamaCare PP 665 Navigator Push

PP Website what does ObamaCare mean

Despite all this $$$$ being thrown around, Planned Parenthood has been under investigation recently for fraud.


An affiliate of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England will pay $30,000 to the state of Vermont to settle a claim that it violated the state’s campaign finance laws in 2010.

According to blogger Jill Stanek, in August 2012 Planned Parenthood of Northern New England was one of three Planned Parenthoods to whom HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius awarded grants to serve as Obamacare ”navigators” to help people enroll in Obamacare. PPNNE was given $145,161 from a total of $655,000 awarded to the three.

The Obama administration had to know PPNNE was under investigation when it awarded PPNNE the grant. Or perhaps PPNNE didn’t acknowledge the investigation when applying for the grant? Either way, something smells.

More odorous info: At the time of PPNNE’s grant award, Steve Trombley was the CEO. Trombley was formerly CEO of Planned Parenthood of Chicago, and then Planned Parenthood of Illinois, when Obama was state senator and U.S. senator. The two men were close allies. Obama even gave Trombley a shout out to during his infamous speech to Planned Parenthood in 2008 (:41 on the video).

Earlier this month New Hampshire Right to Life sued PPNNE for prescribing the RU486 abortion pill too late in the pregnancy, contrary to FDA protocol, which violates state law.

Other Planned Parenthood affiliates are also being looked at for fraud, but so far are not directly connected to the Navigator program.

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast recently settled a medicaid fraud case with the state of Texas for $4.3 million.

In July of 2012, Illinois Medicaid’s inspector general investigated the billing practices of Planned Parenthood of Illinois’ medical director. More on that here. and more here

Planned Parenthood has a ton of use for all the federal dollars being shoveled their way. They are building Mega Centers and paying their staff 6 digit salaries.

The question remains, when you hand over all your personal information to an ObamaCare promoter, do you want it to be an abortion clinic employee who has no problem defrauding the tax payer? Think about it.