Archive for berserk

Abortionist Randall Whitney goes berserk

Posted in Abortionist, Randall Whitney with tags , , , , , , , , on November 6, 2013 by saynsumthn

Randall Whitney Shoots Finger

Early in the month of November 2013, pro-lifers outside an abortion clinic in Central Florida operated by Randall Whitney recorded this abortion doctor going berserk. He used foul language and shot the bird several times. I think he is losing it, watch for yourself:

Randall WhitneyCarA few months ago, Florida Abortionist Randall Whitney said this to pro-lifers. The unborn baby, “Would not have been a full baby…It is not a being..It is not a baby. The baby is when its born, it is separate from its host…I grew up in the church…It’s not a human being…it’s a frog.”

According to Forerunner Blog:

Randall Whitney is a circuit rider abortionist for James Pendergraft’s Women’s Center mills in Orlando and Ocala specializing in 2nd trimester abortions. Whitney has testified to the Florida Department of Health and also during a civil lawsuit hearing that babies are sometimes born alive and left to die in James Pendergraft’s abortion clinics where he works.

He served a suspension in the 1980s for a malpractice incident. After that time, he began doing abortions more or less full-time.

In the mid-1990s, he tried to open a second abortion clinic in Melbourne in competition with Aware Woman. When pro-lifers discovered this, they leafleted the 5-story river-front office building where Whitney had signed a lease telling all the tenants that Whitney was an abortionist. Discovering that Whitney had lied about the nature of his business, and being very pro-life themselves, the building owners canceled his lease. In

November 2001 – Carol Howard, a patient of Whitney’s delivers a child who lived with massive birth defects after a failed abortion.

May 2004 – Carol Howard files a civil lawsuit against Randall Whitney, Pendergraft, and the Orlando Women’s Center.

A 2005 AHCA report (click to enlarge)

May 2005 – An investigation by the Agency for Health Care Adminsitration reveals testimony from clinic workers and police that babies are sometimes born alive at Oralndo Women’s Center. Whitney seems to have been the “physician” who testified that babies sometimes “twitter” when they are born alive into toilets in the abortion center.

February 2006 – Pro-life activists are alerted by emails from someone claiming to be a clinic worker employed by Whitney in Daytona Beach alleging he was violent, disobeyed medical laws, and caused young boys to be disfigured after routine circumcisions.

September 2006 – Whitney closes down his own clinic, Family Planning Center, in Daytona Beach, rather than comply with state regulators. Whitney goes back to doing abortions on-the-road.


March 2010 – Whitney is arrested at Orlando Women’s Center for aggravated battery after slapping a patient while she was on the operating table.

rwhitney_arrest_citationWhitney Arrest Page 2

September 2010 – Whitney is taken out of the Orlando Women’s Center abortion clinic in handcuffs by the police. This time it is on a warrant issued because he did not show up for a court hearing. The police are tipped off by two sidewalk counselors who knew about the warrant and noted that Whitney had been sleeping in his car in the OWC parking lot. This is the second time in six months that Whitney has been arrested while on duty at the abortion clinic.

July 2011 – A Florida jury awards $36,766,000 in damages to Carol Howard, to provide funding for lifetime care of “JH,” who was severely harmed as a result of being born alive after a botched abortion that occurred at Orlando Women’s Center in 2001.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the trial testimony is when Randall Whitney, the abortionist on duty at the time, speaks cavalierly and without being prodded about babies being born alive into the toilet.

Although Whitney has declared bankruptcy and avoided judgment in the $36.7 million lawsuit, he is also the defendant in two other malpractice lawsuits in 2011 and 2012, Darosa vs. Whitney, et al, and Uzzle vs. Whitney, et al.

Some more on this Abortionist – he once slapped a patient – Read here