Archive for the forced abortion Category

Woman says she regrets the abortion she got at Planned Parenthood

Posted in forced abortion with tags , , , , , on May 19, 2015 by saynsumthn

A vid of a young woman who implies her parents forced her into an abortion at Planned Parenthood which she now regrets, has been uploaded to YouTube.

The post-abortive woman begins the story telling how her mother ordered her to take a pregnancy test which gave the positive result that she was pregnant.

Forced abortion

My mom barged into my room…Her next words were – You’re not keeping that f-ing thing,” the young woman says.

I couldn’t even bare those words,” she continues.

Just to even think of me having an abortion,” she says.

You never put yourself in those situations, never. Like, that could never happen to me.”

She then recounts the abortion.

I didnt want the abortion parent planned parenthood

Of course, my mom took me to Planned Parenthood…It’s illegal for parents to force their kids into an abortion. But, I was scared to say I didn’t want it,” she says almost crying.

She says that she took the abortion pill.

She states that the only thing she had left was the ultrasound picture of her unborn child.

I carry it everywhere I go,” she says.

Every time I feel upset or something I always look at that. I always remember what could have been.”

She recounts laying on her bed and placing her hands on her stomach and talking to her “child.”

Having an abortion…it’s one of the things I will definitely regret my whole life.”

“I love my child and I hope he or she knows that. And that they will always be with me forever but I will always regret my abortion so much,” she concludes.

Regret after an abortion is very common. Sadly, women and teens who are coerced or forced into abortion are often not protected by the for profit business which claims to be about “choice.” In the end, if money is exchanged for a dead baby, the abortion industry willingly complies.