Archive for the forced abortion Category

Police arrest man who raped teen others jailed after forced abortion

Posted in child abuse, forced abortion, pro-choice violence, Violence against women with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 9, 2015 by saynsumthn

A fifth person has been arrested by Dallas police in the rape and violent beating of a pregnant teen to force an abortion.

22-year-old Robert Joseph Cayald has now been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Robert Joseph Cayald

Police say that on the night of the assault Cayald went to the bed of the sleeping girl, who told him to go away.

He instead grabbed her ankle and pulled off her pants before he climbed on top of her and sexually assaulted her, police said.
The girl told police she was a virgin before the attack.

After he finished, Cayald pulled up his pants and then left the room in the Pleasant Grove home in the 1200 block of N. Master’s Drive, the girl told police last month. The girl went back to sleep. The two were home alone.

The victim, who was eight months pregnant at the time of the beating, told police she was a virgin before a family member raped her in 2012.

As a result of the rape she became pregnant.

She said that she “did not tell anyone about the sexual assault because … she was embarrassed.”

Family became nervous

According to reports, the girl’s relatives found out about the pregnancy between January and March 2013 and “became very nervous and were concerned about … [Child Protective Services] removing children from the residence,” the affidavit says.

After the beating the teen delivered the baby stillborn.

Police say that the adults then took the baby’s body and tried to burn the child on a grill to cover their crime, before disposing of the dead infant’s remains.

Initially, Police arrested four adults that were living in the house with the teen or who were alleged to be involved in the beating and/or disposal of the dead baby’s body.

They were charged with engaging in organized crime.

Read more on them here.

Police say the victim later identified Cayald as the man who raped and impregnated her in 2012.

The girl was only 13 at the time of the rape.

Dallas Police Department Deputy Chief Gil Garza said he believes they gave identified and arrested all the right people.