Cuba persecuted pro-life doc has connection to American abortion doctor

Today, due to Obama administration policies with Cuba, the US flag is being raised in the communist country. In addition, the Cuban embassy reopened in Washington last month for the first time since the 1960’s.

Flag CUba

Having lived among large Cuban Americans for many years, I have a personal objection to this move much in line with Marco Rubio. The regime in Cuba has not been freedom loving but has restricted religion and free speech, even imprisoning many Cuban dissidents. But, politics aside, for now, there are abortion ties to this regime that the pro-life community may be unaware of.

Oscar's Cuba

Filmmaker Jordan Allott’s documentary film, “Oscar’s Cuba” highlights the persecution that one Cuban pro-life doctor faced when they opposed the regime’s abortion policies.

From an NBC Miami affiliate:

OScar Bissett

    Dr. Oscar Biscet is described as “Cuba’s forgotten hero.” Allott had never heard of Biscet until a Catholic priest friend had alerted the film producer to the Cuban dissident movement. He quickly realized that the Biscet story was powerful.

    Biscet was a young doctor with a promising career takes on the Fidel Castro government. He protested the rampant abortions encouraged by the regime. He was vocal about civil rights, human rights, the ability to speak freely, and to assemble.

    None of this went down well for the doctor, who was praised by fellow dissidents, admired by Cuban Exiles,and honored by with U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    Biscet is now serving a 25-year sentence for disorderly conduct and counter-revolutionary activities.

Biscet spoke out against Cuba’s policies of allowing aborted children born alive to be killed. Any surprise that his story has not been told in America?

According to the website of Oscar’s Cuba:

    Dr. Biscet was sentenced to 25 years in prison and has been held in some of the harshest conditions experienced by any prisoners in Cuba, including in punishment cells and solitary confinement. This is Dr. Biscet’s second stint in prison. Biscet first ran afoul of the Castro regime in the 1990s, when he investigated Cuban abortion techniques – Cuba has by far the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere – and revealed that numerous infants had been killed after being delivered alive. The report was sent to Fidel Castro with un-official statistics and testimonies from mothers who described the infanticide. Biscet was arrested and served three years in a prison camp after publishing this article condemning abortion. Officially, Biscet was imprisoned for the crime of “disrespect.” After he was released in 2002, Biscet was again arrested, after only a month of freedom, during Cuba’s Black Spring.

Dr Oscar Biscet

Dr. Biscet suffered immensely under the regime.

Replica of Cuban cell

According to the documentary filmmaker, a letter smuggled from the doctor’s prison, entitled Civil Disobedience, Biscet wrote, “The people of Cuba have been suffering the scorn of a totalitarian tyranny, Communism, throughout four decades. Due to this inhumane treatment whereby the decorum of a people is violated, many Cubans are indignant and have risen up to pray and fast, beseeching the God of the Bible…we must expedite the achievement of these basic rights through civil disobedience and by putting into practice all methods to obtain our humanitarian aim.” Biscet pledged, “Here, in this dark jail where they force me to live, I will be resisting until the freedom of my people is obtained.”

The doctor was later honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bush.

According to the Population Research Institute:

    Abortion and contraception are very common in Cuba, since they are promoted by the State through the media, the school system and the health care system, all of which are controlled by the State. Pro-contraceptive sex education is taught in the schools to our children from an early age.

    Certain statements by Dr. Sosa Marin, President of the Cuban Society for the Development of the Family (SOCUDEF – an International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] Affiliate) and of the National Commission for Family Planning, clearly indicate this:

    Cuba accepts and supports since 1959, the sovereign right of women and their partners to freely decide their reproduction issues. The State guarantees, through our health system, the necessary attention before and after birth, in cases of infertility or when birth is not desired. In such cases, the State guarantees the right to decide, allowing recourse to contraceptives. Similarly, the right to abort is the right of women and their partners, and that is why they are offered this institutional service with a high level of medical safety.

In addition, reports that Cubca openly participates in infanticide citing eye witness accounts from , Dr. Carlos Ciro Machado who related to TV Marti that when he saw a premature baby in a bucket he was told to let the baby die because it might die in spite of medical care and raise the infant mortality rate. Dr, Machado then called the head nurse and she said the same thing. Despite their opposition Dr. Machado gave the baby medical care, but the baby died anyway six hours later. Cuba is more interested in its international image than in caring for the health of its people, said Dr. Machado.

Castro government funded abortion doctor’s education in Cuba!

In has been my experience that many abortion doctors during the early days of legalized abortion were recruited from communist countries like Cuba. Although I have not fully researched this recently, I did make this observation many years ago after looking at the history of abortion doctors in Miami and the Florida area.


One current example is an abortionist who compared abortion injections to a “flu shot” and received her medical training in Cuba, and, according to the Daily Caller, was fully funded by the regime of Fidel Castro, returned to the U.S. planning to advocate for universal health care.

The information came to lights after the pro-life organization Live Action highlighted an exchange between Carmen Landau, of the Southwest Women’s Options abortion clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and one of their 24-week pregnant undercover “investigators.”

And it is not like you and I, where when we get a flu shot, we’re kind of ‘Ugh!’ not — that — that experience of anxiety and suffering is not — it’s not capable of,” she explained, based on Live Action’s recording. “And so that, I think, helps us all to feel more comfortable with this.

Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque performs elective abortions through 28 weeks, according to the clinic’s website.

Reuters Cuba 1

According to a 2007 report in Reuters, which features pictures of Landau, she was one of eight Americans who graduated from a Cuban medical school that year, after six years of fully funded education from the Castro government.

Reuters Cuba 2

Cuba offered us full scholarships to study medicine here. In exchange, we commit ourselves to go back to our communities to provide health care to underserved people,” Landau told Reuters at the time.

The Reuters report noted that the graduation ceremony took place at the Karl Marx theater in Havana (the ailing Fidel Castro was not in attendance). Thanks to aid from the Castro government, students graduated debt-free.

Read more from the Daily Caller’s report.


A pro-life group in New Mexico where the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion clinic performs late term abortions has accused the center of participating in the same gruesome baby parts harvesting operation as was recently exposed by the Center for Medical Progress about Planned Parenthood.

Tara Shaver of the Albuquerque pro-life group, Protest ABQ recently filed a formal criminal complaint with the Attorney General of New Mexico asking for a complete and thorough investigation of the facility in the state after revelations emerged that Planned Parenthood was taking part in a gruesome baby parts operation.

Tara Shaver said that the allegations are based on documents obtained by that indicate SWO staff members, “are, in fact, harvesting baby body parts for use in medical research.”

This is in violation of the following New Mexico statutes,” she added.

Copies of the documents were sent to Saynsumthn and contained Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) informed consent paperwork that every abortion patient must sign indicating that Boyd and (SWO) may be using aborted babies in medical research.


The 2015 consent form (image above) states:

    “I understand that the pregnancy tissue will be removed from my body during this procedure. The pregnancy tissue may be examined here at the Clinic and the Clinic doctors may dispose of the tissue according to the law. The pregnancy tissue may be used for medical research.”

This consent form from 2012 (image below) says, “tissue and parts will be removed during the procedure.”


The form goes on to state, “and I consent to their examination and their use in medical research and their disposal by the clinic and/or physician in the manner they deem appropriate.”

Protest ABQ pointed out that the abortion clinic’s agreement is mandatory for the patient, not optional.


The fact that Southwestern Women’s Options has a stipulation on their consent form stating that aborted baby parts may be used in medical research proves that SWO is in violation of New Mexico law. This stipulation should not be on their consent form, but reiterates the fact that abortionists believe that they can operate above both local and federal law,” the pro-lifers said.

The pro-life group said they contacted the State’s Attorney General with their formal complaint because New Mexico has a law prohibiting the selling of body parts.

Read more here.

2 Responses to “Cuba persecuted pro-life doc has connection to American abortion doctor”

  1. […] is one of very few places in the world that allows abortions after 24 weeks, SWO abortionist Carmen Landau is caught on video bragging “women come from all across the country and the world to this […]

  2. […] is one of very few places in the world that allows abortions after 24 weeks, SWO abortionist Carmen Landau is caught on video bragging “women come from all across the country and the world to this […]

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