“He lies” writes Child about Dad in essay – her reason why will bring you to tears

A charming MetLife commercial advertises the fact that a child is worth sacrificing for.

Dad lies little girl

A child’s future is worth every sacrifice,” reads message at the end of the commercial.

This is a very true statement for reasons other than financial reasons. As pro-lifers we realize that many parents sacrifice for their children even before they are born.

The MetLife commercial was created in the Hong Kong market and begins with a little girl reading a paper she wrote about her dad for an essay contest.

Essay Contest Dad lies

Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world,” the paper begins.

Daddy is sweetest Dad lies vid

She hands the paper to her father who reads it as he walks her to school.

Daddy is the most handsome, the smartest,” the letter says.

She continues, “the most clever, the kindest, he is my superman.”

Dad lies her is my superman

Then….the letter takes a strange turn.

Daddy wants me to do well at school. Daddy is just great…but…he lies,” the little girl wrote in the paper.

Dad lies -

Stunned by this statement, the dad looks at the paper sternly.

Dad lies girl writes

He lies about having a job,” she writes.

He lies about having money. He lies, that he’s not tired.”

He lies that hes not hungry

He lies, that he’s not hungry.”

He lies that we have everything.”

He lies, about his happiness.”

He lies, because of me.”

He lies because of me 2

I do not know about you- but- tears are rolling down my cheeks. What a precious message about a father and daughter.

I love you daddy dad lies vid'

The look at the dad’s face as he finishes the letter and embraces his daughter is priceless:

Dad and daughter embrace

Watch here- grab a Kleenex:

2 Responses to ““He lies” writes Child about Dad in essay – her reason why will bring you to tears”

  1. kristine Vollmer Says:

    Did you know that “global warming” has more impact than the terrorists? Unbelievable!

  2. exposesexednow Says:

    Reblogged this on Expose Sex Ed Now!.

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