Virtual Planned Parenthood?

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has just launched an online clinic – a virtual center where patients can purchase birth control and other “services.”

PP Online Virtual

According to the Star Tribune, Planned Parenthood announced that it has launched a pilot project in Minnesota and Washington state for clients to get birth control services online and soon will be adding counseling for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that includes a mail-order, do-it-yourself treatment kit for those who need it.

The online service has been up and running for about a week in both states, two of Planned Parenthood’s larger offices nationwide. The service connects patients to a Planned Parenthood provider through a secure video portal. Mobile apps are available.

BirthControl PP Online

According to HuffPo, the new an online video “visit” service called Planned Parenthood Care, works like this: Clients log into the service online or via Planned Parenthood’s new Android or iOS app and connect with a clinician to set up a video chat. Next, the clinician consults with the client on her ideal form of birth control — be it pill, patch or ring. The chosen birth control is then delivered by mail to the client’s doorstep.

PP care Online Video

Today, the online video visit costs $45 plus cost of products.

The abortion giant encourages patients to sign up for updates when these online visits will be available in other states.

Planned Parenthood has recently been criticized by pro-life groups for covering the sexual abuse of children.

In fact, Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization located in Denton Texas just released several criminal cases proving that Planned Parenthood sold abortions to girls that were the victims of pedophiles without reporting them as required by law. ( read full report here)

In one case documented by the group, the pedophile who took his victim to Planned Parenthood for an abortion also received birth control. According to a 2014 lawsuit against Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Timothy Smith, began sexually assaulting his six-year-old stepdaughter “Bess” and continued to do so for approximately seven years. During that time, Bess became pregnant and was taken by Smith to a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Denver. Court records state that Bess gave her real age at the clinic and signed some of the forms, but that the majority of them were completed by Smith and unread by Bess. It was also stated that, following the abortion, Bess was offered birth control and directed by Smith to take it in the form of an injection so that her mother would not find out about it. Although Bess initially refused saying that she did not like shots, she eventually gave in. Her mother is suing Planned Parenthood and four of its employees claiming that their failure to comply with the state’s mandatory reporting law allowed the sexual assaults of her daughter to continue for months. In July of 2012, Smith was charged with two counts of felony sexual abuse and, in January of 2013, he was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

In another case, Life Dynamics discovered that when a 16 year old victim become pregnant her abuser forced her to undergo an abortion at a Planned Parenthood facility. The girl later testified that even though her father helped her complete the paperwork at the clinic, signed the consent forms for the procedure and remained nearby during almost every step of the process, she was able to tell the clinic’s staff that he was forcing her to have sex with him. Despite that, Life Dynamics says that it is evident that no report was filed by the clinic since the rapes continued for another year and a half after the abortion.

Another pedophile who began having sex with his stepdaughter when she was 10 years old also chose Planned Parenthood after he impregnated his victim. The report says that the victim refused to submit to the abortion at that time but relented three days later and was taken to a second abortion clinic. Life Dynamics says that it was evident that no report was made by either abortion clinic since the assaults on the child resumed after this abortion.

A 39-year-old child rapist took his victim to a Planned Parenthood in California but was referred to a hospital for the abortion where he falsely claimed that he was the girl’s father. Life Dynamics states that it is clear that neither Planned Parenthood nor the hospital filed a report since the man continued to assault the girl for another seven months.

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