
I am very pro-life and my goal in life is to please my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I have over 33 years of extensive pro-life research on abortion and other pro-family issues. I spent years investigating the abortion industry and was valuable in the effort to get Medical Board disciplinary actions, lawsuits, and criminal conduct exposed within the abortion industry.

My research on the sexual assault of abortion patients received national attention.

I also have years of research on the topic of Eugenics. I have helped expose the racist and eugenics connection to Planned Parenthood and their history of black genocide as the main researcher for the documentary film, Maafa21.

This blog covers a number of informative and often edgy topics.

The information presented here will hopefully leave you coming back for more.

Feel free to comment and link to my page whenever possible.

Credit to this blog is appreciated when information is used or reproduced. Thank you !

Please look for me on Facebook and Twitter !

If you would like to contact me, leave a comment or send me a message at saynsumthn@gmail.com.

19 Responses to “About”

  1. I love your site. Keep it up !

  2. Knowledge is power and this is very powerful. All you need to know to educate yourself about this atrocity against children and family life. And we wonder what has happened to the Black family.

  3. You must really be a web surfer to catch my blog.

    Your has no date breakes so it is hard to read. Thanks for the commnet and video.

    Richard de Nevers, Sieur de Brantigny, dit Boisvert

  4. Since you’ve covered both Health Care and the CCHD, I thought you would find the latest investigation by Reform CCHD Now as reported by Life Site News to be quite interesting:


  5. Good blog on Hati. We plan on citing you today at http://www.LifeNews.com the pro-life news service.

  6. Hi I was wondering if you could give me a source for this quote from George Bernard Shaw on this page https://saynsumthn.wordpress.com/2010/01/23/glenn-beck-one-death-tragedy-a-million-deaths-statistic/ ” ‘Sir or madam will you be kind enough to justify your existence………” I can’t find a source anywhere so I would be really really greatful for any help. If you have a source could you email me at hu1984 [@] hotmail.com


  7. saynsumthn Says:

    Subscribe !

  8. deborah Karafa Says:

    Dr. Gary Boyle was bonded over for trial. On March 2, 2011 in a pre-hearing the Judge found enough evidence to hold over for court. Check out the Post & Courier in Charleston, SC. The had a reporter in the room

  9. Great post about the Latina billboards and the eugenic roots of Planned Parenthood. Is there a way I can contact you?

    Leslie Palma-Simoncek
    Director of communications, Priests for Life

  10. The post on Planned Parenthood’s greed today is incredible!
    Let’s pray it goes viral ~ do your part and use social media to show
    taxpayers how their $$$ is paying 6 figure salaries to all those
    greedy killers!

    • Women empowering women Says:

      Planned parenthood gives birth control, mammograms and other VITAL services to people who need them. Only 2% of the revenue goes to abortions. If it doesn’t involve you why be concerned about what another woman wants to do with her life? Why force people to raise kids they cannot afford will not love and cannot care for? You will never ban abortions. Only safe ones.

  11. Nice to meet you. Love your site! Full of great resources to help expose life-haters. Are you on Twitter? God bless.

  12. […] connections to the abortion rights movement run far deeper than Tanton; as documented by the intrepid pro-life blogger Saysumthn, FAIR’s Board of Directors is a veritable laundry list of abortion advocates and pro-choice […]

  13. i just stubbled across your site when i googled my sisters name allison walsh outta chance i clicked this. i like to see what comes up from time to time. anyway i am the older sister of allison walsh and aunt of alexandria “lexi” whom matt becker took from me and my family 8/12/11. id like to thank you for sharing some of her story. i think thats the hardest part it seems like everyone for a week was like oh thats awful , now if i tell someone of it they have no idea what im talking about. its like everyone else moved on with their life while mine stopped….

    thank you again
    for being PRO LIFE as am i and sharing her story

  14. You are close-minded, ignorant and homophobic.
    Get your head out of your ass.
    The world doesn’t revolve around straight white Christians

  15. Gary Jelich Says:

    I absolutely love your blog!

    Gary Jelich

  16. Russell I’ve got an interview tomorrow and was hoping to ask you a few questions before I did it.
    My name is Todd Black and my phone number is 415-828-4827

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