Archive for July, 2014

Sexual predator takes victim for three abortions – clinics fail to report abuse

Posted in Abortion clinic covers sexual abuse, child abuse, child predator with tags , , , , , , , , on July 30, 2014 by saynsumthn

Last week the pro-life organization, Life Dynamics, Inc. released a stunning report which detailed actual criminal cases of adult pedophiles who used abortion to cover their crimes.

The group points out that in case after case where the predators impregnated their victims, the abortion clinics failed to report the abuse, leaving the young victims to suffer sometimes years of rape as a result.

One such case detailed by Life Dynamics was case of Martin Castillo who used abortion not once, not twice, but three times to conceal his rapes and three times the abortion clinic or clinics failed to report any suspicion of abuse.

Child Pred Logo

In 2003, Martin Castillo began sexually abusing the 14-year-old daughter of his girlfriend.

Court records show he warned the victim that if she told anyone what he was doing he would kill her and her mother.

Eventually, the abuse grew to the point that he was having intercourse with her three to four times a week.

Shortly after turning 16, Maddie was pregnant and Castillo forced her to have an abortion.

Six months later, he forced her to have a second abortion and a year later he forced her to have a third.

According to Life Dynamics, since Castillo continued to rape Maddie after each abortion, it is clear no report was filed by any of the abortion clinics involved.

The sexual assaults did not end until September of 2006 when Maddie told her mother and aunt about them and they notified the authorities.

A California court convicted Castillo on 17 counts of lewd acts with a child and gave him 31 years and eight months in prison.

According to Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, “In almost every case of adult men having sex with minor girls, the perpetrators are aware that the relationship is illegal and could land them in prison. They also know that one of the most likely ways for them to get caught is for their victims to become pregnant. When that happens, their back up plan is inevitably going to involve abortion.”

Crutcher says it is critical that states enforce mandatory reporting laws and prosecute those who fail to report, “it is self-evident that when a minor girl seeks an abortion, she represents a textbook example of why mandatory reporting laws were created in the first place. Despite this, we have consistently found that the law enforcement community is functionally indifferent to the problem of abortion clinics not complying with mandatory reporting statutes even in the face of irrefutable evidence that violations are occurring. Among all the cases we researched – whether they are included in this report or not – we never found one example in which criminal charges were brought against an abortion clinic employee for failing to comply with their state’s mandatory reporting statutes. This was true even when this failure was (a) noted during the investigation and/or trial and (b) was a direct contributor to subsequent assaults on these children. In some cases, the abortion clinics flaunting of these laws even resulted in sexual assaults being committed against other underage girls.”

Sadly, the Castillo case is not the only time the abortion industry failed to report suspicion of abuse – Life Dynamics has many more cases detailed here.