Fox and Friends and Pastor Stephen Broden: Health Care as Population Control?

Dallas, Texas Pastor Stephen Broden , “Health Care – Sinister plan which will Depopulate the Elderly. ”

Broden has been speaking about about Health Care on Glenn Beck and now Fox and Friends. He mentioned that Obama’s Health Care Plan would be used as Population Control or de-population of the Elderly segment of Society.

This website has additional information on Death Panels , Health Care, Czars, etc.

Pastor Broden was recently in this documentary on Eugenics: Maafa21 on Fox News:
Check out Maafa21:

Fox and Friends and Pastor Stephen Broden: Health Care as Population Control?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

3 Responses to “Fox and Friends and Pastor Stephen Broden: Health Care as Population Control?”

  1. Dearest Pastor Stephen Broden, I had the honor of watching you speak this morning. I must say the Lord has answered my prayers. I knew after reading obama’s health care bill that his intent is to kill off the baby-boomers and control population. I will keep praying and spreading the word of the true obama health care bill. Thank you so much for your honesty, love of God, love of people. I will continue to pray, and yes we all must wake up and get ourselves out of this obama health care bill…we must not let the evil win this one…I am with you all the way!!!

  2. marghe davis Says:

    Thank God for pastor like you who really care and love his sheep.

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